Posted on 11/09/2001 6:32:01 AM PST by cantfindagoodscreenname
Why is it that lately when I click on "self-search", I get a list of threads that I cannot find myself on? It looks like someone has pinged me, but I can't find my name there. Is it because someone has put a huge list of names into the "to" box and my name isn't showing? The only thing that makes me think that's not what's happening is that I'm being pinged by people I don't even know.
For example, I just got SLB's latest posts page. It sometimes happens with self search and the FR mailbox too!
If you're at home, then the feds are probably spying on you.
If you want to see posts that you wrote, type "from:cantfindagoodscreenname" in the search box and submit it.
I've been wondering how long till someone asks them to stop using those lists.
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Now THAT'S funny! LOL
The Self0Search option only works if you're Irish.
Duke1983, I'll do my best to explain what it means to "ping" someone. If you want someone to see a thread, you can reply to a message in the thread and enter his screen name. Then, when that person does a self0search [he he he], he will find himself directed to that thread.
Thanks for the answers and the laughs!
Your lucky ______ -- what?
Probably. If you click on the link, then click on "old style," you can see if your name is in the list of people being flagged to that post.
Who needs it on the main page when you've got the MAGICAL POP-UP WINDOW?
I don't bother to respond unless I see my name.
To: *bang_list; *UN_List; *immigrant_list; *puff_list; 115thINTC; 185JHP; 1FreeAmerican; 1rudeboy; 2sheep; 4TheFlag; 4mycountry; 537 Votes; 68-69TonkinGulfYatchClub; 6ppc; 782gear; 91B; A Navy Vet; A.J.Armitage; AAABEST;
I finally found myself! Thanks for the help! AGAviator; ALOHA RONNIE; ARA; ATOMIC_PUNK; Abn1508; Ace the Biker; Acorn; Admin Moderator; Aedammair; Aerial; Alamo-Girl; Alas Babylon!; Alas; AmericaFirstMan; American Preservative; AmericanInTokyo; AmusedBystander; Angelique; Angus_Day; AnnaZ; Anonymous2; AppyPappy; Aquamarine; Archie Bunker on steroids; Architect; Askel5; Asmodeus; AtticusX; AuntB; Austin Willard Wright; B4Ranch; BLASTER 14; BRO68; BamaG; BansheeBill; Barn Owl; Basil314; BeforeISleep; Belial; Ben Ficklin; BenR2; Benighted; Bernard Marx; BigM; Billie; Billjo; Bisesi; Black Jade; Blake#1; Blood of Tyrants; BluH2o; BlueAngel; BlueDogDemo; BluesDuke; Bob Burnett; Bob J; Bonaparte; Boot Hill; Boxsford; Brian_Baldwin; BubbaJunebug; Budge; Buffalo Bob; Buffalo Head; Bump in the night; Burkeman1; COB1; CONSERVE; CWOJackson; Cacique; Cagey; Cap'n Crunch; Carry_Okie; Cascadians; Cato; Cavalry; Centurion2000; Chapita; CharacterCounts; ChaseR; CheneyChick; Chong; Cicero; Ciexyz; Citizen Soldier; ClancyJ; Clarity; Clemenza; Clinton's a liar; Clinton's a rapist; Clinton8r; Clive; Colt .45; CommiesOut; Congressman Billybob; Cool Guy; Covenantor; Coyote; Critter; Crowcreek; Curly007; DJ88; DLfromthedesert; DaRocksMom; DainBramage; Dan from Michigan; Dante3; Darth Sidious; DeaconBenjamin; Dec31,1999; Dedbone; Deep_6; Demidog; Deporter; Dick Bachert; Diogenesis; Ditto; Doc Savage; Doctor Stochastic; DoctorMichael; Dog Gone; Don Joe; Don Myers; Donald Stone; Doug; Dr. Frank; DrNo; DreamWeaver; Duke809; Duke; ELS; Eagle Eye; Eagle9; Eaker; East Bay Patriot; EastTexAnn; EdZep; El Gato; Eowyn-of-Rohan; Ernest_at_the_Beach; EternalVigilance; EuroFrog; Eustace; Eva; EverOnward; ExiledInTaiwan; Eyrie; F-117A; FFIGHTER; FITZ; FReethesheeples; FallGuy; Faraday; Fiddlstix; Flint; Focault's Pendulum; Former Marine; FormerLurker; Francohio; Fred Mertz; Fred; Freedom007; Freedom_Is_Not_Free; G Larry; G-Rated; GOPJ; GTYSBERG; GVgirl; GYPSY286; Gadsden1st; Gail Wynand; Gdpleaser; Geezerette; George Frm Br00klyn Park; GeronL; Go Gordon; Goddess50; Godebert; Godfollow; Gone_Postal; GoreFreeTN; Governor StrangeReno; Gracey; Graewoulf; Grampa Dave; GrandmaC; GraniteStateConservative; Grassontop; Great Dane; GreatWall; Green Knight; GretchenEE; GreyFriar; Gritty; Grut; Guenevere; Guerito; GuillermoX; Gumlegs; HEFFERNAN2; Hacksaw; HamiltonJay; HangFire; HardStarboard; Harrison Bergeron; HedgeMaster; Heisenburger; Helen; HiTech RedNeck; Hillary's Lovely Legs; Hillarys Gate Cult; Hinckley; Hipixs; Hootowl; Hopalong; Howlin; Huck; Hugh Akston; Hugin; Humidston; ICU812; Illbay; ImpBill; Imperial Warrior; IncPen; Incorrigible; Ingtar; Inspector Harry Callahan; Invictus; Iowa Granny; Irma; Ironsoldier; Iscool; Issaquahking; J Jay; JDoutrider; JENINMO; JJ59; JMJ333; JPJones; JRadcliffe; JZoback; Jack Barbara; JackelopeBreeder; Jackie222; Jaded; Jean B; JeepInMazar; Jeff Head; Jefferson Adams; Jeremiah Jr; Jhoffa_; Jimhimself; Jimmy Valentine's brother; Joe 6-pack; JoeGar; JoeSixPack1; John Robinson; JohnHuang2; JohnPaulJones; Johnny Gage; Judge Parker; JudyB1938; Justa; KDD; KLT; Kaj; KantianBurke; Kevin Curry; KitJ; LBGA; LJLucido; LLAN-DDEUSANT; LSJohn; LadyX; Landru; LarryLied; Last; Lazamataz; Ldy4just; Le-Roy; Lent; Leo the Lion; Leper Messiah; Lexington Green; LibWhacker; LibertarianLiz; Libertarian_4_eva; Libertina; LibertyGirl77; Lighthouse Lady; Little John; Looking4Truth; LouD; Luis Gonzalez; Lurker; M1991; MAD-AS-HELL; MHGinTN; MJY1288; MPB; MadEagle; MadIvan; MaeWest; Mama_Bear; Manny Festo; Mark17; Matthew James; McAdams; MeeknMing; MegoDittoQueen; Mercuria; Michael Maher; Mighty Pen; MileHi; MinuteGal; Miss Antiwar; Miss Marple; MissAmericanPie; MomwithHope; Movemout; Mr P; Mr. K; MrConfettiMan; Mr_Magoo; MudPuppy; Mustang; Myers; NCEaglette; NYCVirago; Nam Vet; Nita Nupress; NixNatAVanG InDaBurgh; Non-Sequitur; NorCoGOP; Norb2569; NotJustAnotherPrettyFace; OKCSubmariner; OLD REGGIE; Ol' Dan Tucker; Ol' Sox; OldFriend; OldSmaj; OneidaM; Osage Orange; PRND21; Paradox; Parmy; PatrickHenry; Patriot76; PatrioticAmerican; Peace4EarthNow; Penny1; Pete53; PetiteMericco; Petronski; PhiKapMom; Phil V.; PhilDragoo; PianoMan; Pissed Off Janitor; Pokey78; Polonius; Polybius; Poohbah; Pray4USA; Prentice; PrivateIdaho; Professional; Protect the Bill of Rights; Publius6961; Quicksilver; Quilla; R. Scott; RDangerfield; RISU; RMDupree; RURIK; RaceBannon; Ragtime Cowgirl; Ranger; Reardon Metal; Red Jones; Redcatcher; Redleg; Reelect President Dubya; Registered; Reilly; Renatus; Richard Axtell; Rider on the Rain; RightWingConspirator; RightWingLady; RightWinger; RikaStrom; RnMomof7; Roadstar; Robert Drobot; Rocko; Rockpile; Roger_W_Isom; Ron C.; Ron Wood; RonDog; RooRoobird14; RoseofTexas; RottiBiz; SAMWolf; SBeck; SC Swamp Fox; SJackson; SKYDRIFTER; SLB; SLJP; SR71A; SUSSA; Sabertooth; Saint George; Sal; SamAdams76; Samaritan; SauronOfMordor; Scholastic; Scuttlebutt; SemperFidelis; Senator Pardek; Serge; Shenandoah; Sidebar Moderator; SierraWasp; Silly; Silverdrake; Smokin' Joe; Snow Bunny; Snowy; Southack; Spirit Of Truth; SpottedBeaver; Spunky; Squantos; Starmaker; Stentor; Stingray; StoneColdGOP; Straight Vermonter; Sundog; SunnyUsa; SuziQ; Swede Girl; Sword_Svalbardt; T'wit; TACHIGUY; TLBSHOW; TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!; Tauzero; Taxman; Tazlo; Teacher317; Teacup; Terry Mross; TexMex; Texaggie79; Texbob; Texican; The Brush; The Cruiser; The Documentary Lady; The Green Goblin; The Iron Duke; The KG9 Kid; The Sons of Liberty; The Thin Man; TheHeterodoxConservative; TheHound; TheRealLobo; Think free or die; Thinkin' Gal; Thorn11cav; ThreadKiller; TigerDSL; Tom Bombadil; TomServo; TonyInOhio; TooBusy; TopDog2; Torie; TrappedInLiberalHell; Travis McGee; Troutman; TrueBeliever9; Truelove; Turan; Twodees; USMCVet; USNA74; Uncle Bill; Uncle George; Uncle Sham; VA Advogado; VMI70; VOA; VRWCmember; Valin; Van Jenerette; Vets_Husband_and_Wife; Victoria Delsoul; VietnamVet; Vigilanteman; WIMom; WL-law; Wallaby; Washington_minuteman; WileyCoyote22; WillaJohns; William Terrell; William_Rusher; WolfsView; WomanofStandard; Wraith; XBob; Xenalyte; YaYa123; Yehuda; Yellow Rose of Texas; Yougottabekidding; Yup!!; Z-28; Zadokite; Zordas; Zorobabel; Zviadist; abigail2; abner; aculeus; adanaC; advocate10; agitator; allthingsnew; alphadog; america-rules; americalost; amom; ancient_geezer; 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