The liberal Republicans in Jersey apparently refused to support their party's candidate - once again, because he was conservative.
What confused me about Virginia was the fact that the NRA supported the Democrat. That indicated to me that the Democrat was more conservative than the Republican. What liberal supports gun rights? None I ever met.
The web site you referred me to indicates the Democrat is a chaemeleon like character who will say anything in order to get himself elected. If that is indeed the case, Virginians got stuck with a bad governor.
It just appears to me that Republicans are really their own worst enemy. True, they have to contend with a hostile media, well-entrenched urban political machines, hostile minority voters, and well-organized union opposition. But the fact remains that their basic political philosophies of strict constitutional interpretation, personal integrity, respect for human life and the right to self-defense and controlling th size of government are logical, morally correct, and more in keeping with the traditional valules and philosophies of our founding fathers.
They just seem to lack the zealousness that all of the aforementioned would seem to justify. Perhaps because they really don't support big government, they are not as comfortable as Democrats in operating in a political arena as are the Democrats.
That's not correct. They refused to endorse Earley, but gave him a grade of A- and Warner a grade C.
The web site you referred me to indicates the Democrat is a chaemeleon like character who will say anything in order to get himself elected. If that is indeed the case, Virginians got stuck with a bad governor.
There, you have it.