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Armed Conflict in America Part 9: The Separatist Movement & Ruby Ridge
The Laissez Faire City Times ^ | Freeper RLK

Posted on 11/02/2001 9:04:06 AM PST by Sir Gawain

Armed Conflict in America

McVeigh and the Oklahoma Bombing

Part 9: The Separatist Movement & Ruby Ridge

by Robert L. Kocher

Why are actions against the Boy Scouts not interpreted as acts of discrimination against organizations promoting heterosexuality? Within the bias of intent established by recent law where automatic victimhood is established by numerical inferiority or by conferring membership within a so-called protected group, the idea of such interpretation becomes dismissed with ridicule. Within the loose equation of emotionally-based thinking the victim can not be guilty of any crime.

The problem is what artificially mislabeled victims are in fact perpetrators.

While minority status is protected, there is no protection for the culture or entire civilization. The lack of parity is in fact a vicious war upon civilization. It is one of the final stages of implementation of the militant Dadaistic counterculturalism of the 60s and 70s.

The brushing aside of standing and parity has resulted in a plague of Dadaistic intrusional litigation imposed on American life which should not be occurring and is an attack on human freedom and individuality. The rule of law has become the tyranny of inquisition and review of conformity to a type of social Dadaism as well as a weapon in the arsenal of countercultural deconstruction of rationality.

An entirely appropriate view is that America is becoming, or is in the grips of, an expansive monstrous psychotic sadomasochistic cult whose fanatic members inflict psychotic cult discipline on each other or upon non members.

Many people want control of their lives back from imposed intrusion of authoritarian review and from the attack on rational individuality concurrent with absolute imposition and submission to pathology. They are developing an entirely appropriate hatred of lawyers and law and government.

The question is, where does all this come from and who gets to vote for it? How do we get control of our lives back?

Getting Control of Your Life

As a practical matter I don't have the opportunity to vote on whether I am going to live in a psychotic sadistic society where judges are going to impose serious fines and imprisonment for failure to believe somebody with a penis and testicles is a girl. I don't have opportunity to vote on whether we should be meeting a social need for producing doctors who will kill me. I have no opportunity to vote for prohibition against the type of government actions seen at Waco. There are no discussions of entire arrays of the most serious issues facing America. All I am offered to vote for is vague evasive deception. After elections there is a surprise party where lunatics who have worked their way into both political parties, into government agencies, and into the judiciary start coming out of the woodwork. My vote is meaningless.

The American political process has become a condition where politicians appeal to opinions and approval expressed by The Ring and questions framed by The Ring while the American people are left out and disenfranchised until the last moment when they are given the choices the ministry of propaganda prepared for them.

There is complaint that few Americans vote. A major reason they don't vote is because the candidates no longer represent the general population. They are created by The Ring, and represent The Ring, but there is nobody to represent the people. Unless I am homosexual, a Jesse Jackson black, a counterculturalist, I have no stake in the election. My options are one between immediate imposition versus temporary cosmetic delaying tactics. Since Reagan, the only presidential choices in the two major political parties has been between countercultural socialists versus people who lamely apologize for not being socialists. Some voters grasp at straws and desperately cast their vote for what they hope are delaying tactics, but there is no real long term difference while I and millions of others am without a voice in anything.

There is no appeal to the people, but instead is appeal to The Ring. Politicians talk about what the people won't accept. The people have nothing to do with it. What is really being said is that The Ring won't accept it.

More and more people refuse to vote because voting is an act of certifying and contributing a facade of validity to corruption and disease. This is the clearest political statement being made, but there is determination to disregard its reality.

Trying to break into this system is extremely difficult. It goes way back in depth to the way we educated our judges and journalists to be left-wing crackpots. The system is constantly replenished and expanded.

Beyond that, it requires about $70,000,000 to begin financing a new political party and even begin collecting more funds. A political party must field a full slate of candidates rather than just someone for president. It would take a year and a half to two years to cull through the United States and put together comprehensive quality leadership to fill a slate.

Simpleton John McCain vs. Simpleton George Bush

During the year 2000 Republican debates we saw two simpletons, John McCain and George Bush, taking the better part of an hour accusing each other's organizations of putting negative campaign flyers on people's windshields. They managed to drown out the only mature adult in the presidential race, Alan Keyes, when he tried to bring up serious constitutional issues. But after this supposed cleverness, who is going to show up on November election day to vote for arguments about putting nasty notes on windshields except people who understand such useless mentalities assure non-interference with seriously destructive agenda.

The American people were desperate to vote against Al Gore and the Clinton residue. Bush started out with a 14% lead. The more Bush opened his stupid evasive mouth, the more it became obvious he was useless and it was business as usual. America became disgusted. His poll numbers went down by over 1% a week. Campaigning against a brain-dead leftist Gore, Bush ended up losing the popular vote, but taking the electoral vote by 400 votes in Florida.

The voter turnout was poor because there was no advocate for the American people in the election. Until politicians cease betraying the real people in the American nation while appealing to leftist synthesized virtual reality the turnout will continue to be low.

To great extent the politicians look at The Ring as the people because of its frightening capability to manipulate the people. But one of the reasons The Ring has developed that capability is because it is not confronted by statesmen and political parties of substance who are teachers. Reagan was able to face down The Ring. When Reagan called the Soviet Union an evil empire The Ring and the liberal establishment wailed in protest and fear. Reagan didn't back down, and was elected.

Clinton was not a particularly popular president. If Robert Dole had said some of the things that have been said here, and some of the things that will be said here, he probably would have become president instead of ending up doing Viagra commercials. Dole hasn't had a serious idea in 50 years, much less the spine to assert one. Instead, he played to liberal TV approval when they congratulated him for taking the high road, meaning saying nothing of importance, in his campaign. In the lowest voter turnout percentage going back to 1924, few people voted for the Clintons, and even fewer voted for Dole.

Much of this has been covered earlier in this series. There is little sense in recapitulating it now.

What has been missing is a president who is advocate for people instead of advocate for The Ring. There is absence of a serious political party that is an advocate for the people and will discuss issues discussed here.

The Reclusive Separation Movement

If America has become a giant psychotic cult, there are people with enough remnants of reasoning remaining to want out of it.

The result of the new Dadaism and the other elements discussed here has been an extensive American population that, for very good reason, feels cornered and without representation or alternative in a world of fanatic irrationality. The response to imposition of Dadaistic madness has been a wide spectrum of various forms of population withdrawal into seclusive or reclusive separation.

At one end of the spectrum one passive separatist form is the home schooling movement. It consists of people gathering in their homes in a type of low-level civil or social disobedience to educate their children separate from the mindless indoctrination of the otherwise contentless liberal educational systems. It is now believed there are about 850,000 American families in this state of resistance.

In the intermediate areas of the spectrum are people such as the Weaver family who quietly withdrew from society and into a semi-wilderness condition. Or people withdraw into areas of the country where authoritarian liberal Dadaism has yet to have been imposed with complete hold. There are states such as Utah and Montana which have become enclaves of a subculture of silent resistance.

At the other end of the spectrum are militia or survivalist movements who, driven to near desperation, have drawn a final line of almost barricaded separation behind which they are arming in preparation for determined unspoken intention of making one last desperate statement of NO. They are demonized and labeled dangerous extremists. About every fifth member is a government undercover agent. Some groups within this end of the spectrum are nutty and are used as examples to smear the entire spectrum. Some of what appears to be nuttiness is an artifact of language and education. Their perception that something is wrong is correct, but they aren't political psychologists. They are dependent upon limited language and concept which sound primitive for explanations.

What is being seen are groups making various attempts to vacate a corrupt and mad society.

(In one sense, white flight to the suburbs is a subtle form of this. Under various social or other pressures people vote for Dadaistic self-destructive liberalism they fundamentally don't believe in, then subsequently attempt to confine it to the cities while deserting and distancing themselves from what they've created.)

It is interesting to note that the people who publish this newspaper are separatists who have withdrawn to Costa Rica.

The Ring presents Dadaistic liberalism in the most polished possible form in a sympathetic atmosphere where any challenge is either token or incompetent. On the other hand the separatists and any other form of resistance are presented with all possible warts in as crude a way as possible. This results in an ongoing compendium of professionally maintained and presented articulate argument which coordinates support of Dadaistic liberalism. At the same time, resistance remains separate and inarticulate with unprofessional easily-ridiculed presentation. People in the resistance know there is something seriously wrong, but lack the training and background to explain it. It's been my experience over the years that people can be correct, but lack the ability to articulate their position without help and encouragement—especially if they are kept off balance.

The Climate of Wanton Unrestrained Government Violence

I'm as dead set against drugs as anybody in the world. There absolutely is no doubt in my mind that drugs will destroy America if not stopped. Drug use is not a victimless crime except in the dazed eyes of those who use the stuff. Those who don't use the stuff are subjected to the social, economic, and political environment created by those using the stuff and who in their state of oblivious escape care naught about living with the chaos they create. People not obliviously stupefied by drugs find living with the grotesqueness of that chaos impossible.

However, after having said that, the excesses I'm seeing in the war on drugs are criminal and unacceptable. We have low-IQ psychopathic thugs who are supposed to be law officers but have in fact become self-licensed murderers running about shooting up the wrong houses, killing people without bothering to check on who they are killing, and wrongly confiscating property with no recourse of recovering that property. There is far too little accountability. The drug war is not the focus of this analysis, but it is part of an ongoing atmosphere of license that has become dangerous and transferable to other areas.

The BATF both has too many trained licensed psychotic killers and is useless. In the 40s and 50s there were few gun laws, innumerable guns in the hands of citizens, and a crime rate one tenth that of the present.

What is of greater concern is a type of politically correct fanaticism and hate-twisted sadistic irrationality which has licensed itself to kill that which attempts to flee from it, questions it, or refuses to conform to it. The sadistic hatred of the radical 60s has become a legal armed hunting party in which the movement first demonizes to create a social enemy it then grants itself license to persecute or kill.

A condition had evolved by the early 90s such that sociopolitical groups offensive to liberalism had been villianized, demonized, and ridiculed on a liberal dominated national stage for ideological reasons, or for sadistic amusement, to the point where hunting and killing them, sometimes for little more than sport, was being regarded as a negligible or acceptable extension of the arguments and mood created. (It is similar to what happened to Jews in Nazi Germany during the 30s.) There were mindless or rogue government elements in America willing to act on that mood.

Read that paragraph again as it is crucial to understanding a number of recent events.

While there are groups making various attempts to vacate a corrupt and mad society, there is also apparent considerable resentment or hostility toward their doing so. Separation is looked upon as a form of barely tolerated defiance or disobedience.

The above condition continues to exist, but is temporarily in a less aggressive state.

What occurred at Ruby Ridge? Basically, Randy Weaver and his family were seclusionists not reasonably worth 15 minutes of the government's or anybody else's time as far as their being a threat to anyone.

The Weavers are always referred to in the leftist press as white separatists. Get it? Some leftist/liberal who flees and moves himself as far as possible away from the so-called inner city and sends his kids off to a special school is not called a white separatist. When Hillary Clinton in a momentary loss of control of her facade calls somebody a "fucking Jew bastard," nobody cares what she is. She's part of the leftist "in" group. But the Weaver's were white separatists, get it?

License to Prey

The Weavers had committed no crime except living off in the woods in quiet seclusion. Government agents spent months trying to coax Randy Weaver into doing something illegal that he had no interest in doing. That should have been a signal to leave the man alone. The Weavers had committed no illegal acts. They had no illegal intent. All actions were completely the result of systematic deception and instigation by government agents. After all, when it comes to a point where there was no problem before you got there, no intention of there being a problem before you arrived, and there would have been no problem if you had never come there, but a problem develops when you get there, THEN IT'S TIME TO REALIZE YOU ARE THE PROBLEM, NOT THOSE OTHER PEOPLE. But the Weavers were white separatists. Have you got it yet? That's license to prey upon them.

After extensive coaxing and badgering, an undercover agent talked Randy Weaver into to cutting some length off a shotgun. When he did, the agents brought charges against him. Whether the final length of the shotgun was even illegal is even uncertain. Weaver was notified to appear before a court of law at a certain date to face charges for the federally-instructed act of criminality. Six days before that date government agents obtained a warrant to arrest Weaver for failing to appear in court. Knowing full well that Weaver had been notified by the court not to appear for another six days, the judge issued an arrest warrant for Weaver for failure to appear in court. That makes the warrant deliberately fraudulent. Did anybody care?

Without warning, heavily armed federal agents quietly descended on the Weaver's and took up ambush positions. Apparently they didn't bother to bring the arrest warrant with them because it wasn't pertinent to their attitude and what they had in mind.

Striker, the Weaver family dog, sensed them and began barking. Not knowing the reason for the commotion, Randy Weaver, Sammy, his 14 year old son, and friend Kevin Harris went to investigate. It's a wild area and they took guns. Not wishing to lose the element of surprise in their attack, the agents shot the dog from behind.

The feds are good at shooting dogs because they probably suppose the barking of dogs gives them away. The sound of gunfire during shooting of dogs doesn't give them away. The truth is it's part of a fun-filled aggressive-sadistic shoot-em-up mentality that inflicts shock and insult upon those being attacked. It also instructs those being attacked that there should be no reasonable doubt they are being attacked by complete damned idiot madmen.

Dog-shooting has become a sort of hot-rod sadistic exercise of tough-guy defiant attitude among law enforcement officials lately.

Always evaluate the quality and intent of a person by the way they treat a dog. Never, never, ever, expect more rationality, more respect from anyone, or less mistreatment from anyone, than the way they treat a dog. A dog is in many respects a better psychological diagnostic and predictive instrument than all the formal psychological evaluation tests combined.

(to be continued)

Robert L. Kocher is the author of "Attitude Channeling and Brainwashing," as well as many other articles (available at His email address is

TOPICS: Editorial; Government
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1 posted on 11/02/2001 9:04:06 AM PST by Sir Gawain
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To: RLK; Victoria Delsoul; Texaggie79; OWK; MadameAxe; tex-oma; Mercuria; That Poppins Woman
2 posted on 11/02/2001 9:04:47 AM PST by Sir Gawain
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To: t-shirt; freedomnews; Buckeroo
3 posted on 11/02/2001 9:10:07 AM PST by Sir Gawain
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To: sirgawain
The author makes some good points, but negates their impact when he engages in the same thing he's railing against, with this paragraph:

I'm as dead set against drugs as anybody in the world. There absolutely is no doubt in my mind that drugs will destroy America if not stopped. Drug use is not a victimless crime except in the dazed eyes of those who use the stuff. Those who don't use the stuff are subjected to the social, economic, and political environment created by those using the stuff and who in their state of oblivious escape care naught about living with the chaos they create. People not obliviously stupefied by drugs find living with the grotesqueness of that chaos impossible.

The fact of the matter is that LEGAL, PRESCRIPTION drugs kill more than illegal drugs. And alcohol and cigarettes kill more than legal or illegal drugs. In addition, both alcohol and cigarettes impose a much greater health cost burden on society than illegal drugs.

The fact of the matter is that given a transaction between two consenting adults, and the consentual taking of a substance by an adult does not create chaos. What creates the chaos is the imposition of criminal consequences for these actions. Therefore, the author's virulent diatribe against drugs engages in the same Dadaism that he is condemning.

Dadaism: Formal Definition - A western European artistic and literary movement (1916-23) that sought the discovery of authentic reality through the abolition of traditional culture and aesthetic forms.

Dada was an art movement that was ostrasized from the world of art as it swept through the world like war sweeping thoughout nations. Dadaism brought about everything new: new ideas, new materials, new directions, and new people. Dada had no uniform characteristics as many other movements in the arts have. Dadaist art can be interpreted by each person how they want to see or read it. Dadaism brings out feelings and emotions in each person dependent upon what he or she is going through at the time.

4 posted on 11/02/2001 9:28:13 AM PST by That Poppins Woman
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To: sirgawain
This caught me unexpectedly. It wasn't supposed to be out yet. I'll add the intended subsequent comments here.

At this point in the series we are now closely converging upon or paralleling two recent articles, A World Gone Mad by Peter Topolewski and Avoiding the Apocalypse, by Wolf DeVoon. This is not to assert they would agree with absolutely everything said in this series.

Many Americans desperately seek refuge against the legally and socially imposed madness of liberalism. Aggressive psychotic liberalism has become a world movement and there is no place to run or hide. By the early 90s the noose was being tightened to the point where steps toward imposing lethality were being implemented for non-participation.

In its initial phases liberalism declared a struggle to obtain free expression for itself. This further evolved into a suppression of expression of contesting views and finally, death to those who refused to cooperate with it.

There is a difference between the process that occurred in Nazi Germany and the process that occurred, and is occurring, in America. Nazism was tactical. Hitler's view was, "Give me a man who can knock a man down." His troops knocked people down, and it worked. Liberalism/leftism was, and is, strategic. It moved into the educational institutions in wholesale quantities during the 30s and created self-replicating diseased mentalities among the soft, self-indulgent, and physically cowardly. With the displacement of free vitality by the disease, and the ascendancy of the disease into political and social institutions, the strategic trap was set and increasing numbers of disease products of the system voted the disease upon themselves and their neighbors as a willing act of democracy. The derived institutions, not individuals, will knock men down. Resistance in any form is declared a crime against democracy and the people's elected government.

We now have people so involved in personal excesses and so incompetent in their personal lives that enslavement, particularly enslavement of others, is a welcome tool for avoidance of personal responsibility.

By the beginning of the 1990s the system was at first tenatively exercising a license to kill noncooperatives.

5 posted on 11/02/2001 9:45:12 AM PST by RLK
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To: That Poppins Woman
The author makes some good points, but negates their impact when he engages in the same thing he's railing against, with this paragraph:


No he didn't engage in any such thing. You are just too feeble of cognitive mentality to understand what was said.

6 posted on 11/02/2001 9:50:22 AM PST by RLK
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This is the best you've got? That was it?

What a disappointment you are. I think I'd have gotten a better fight out of Tiny Tim while he was tip-toeing through the tulips.

7 posted on 11/02/2001 9:53:23 AM PST by That Poppins Woman
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To: That Poppins Woman
You're full of it. He makes perfect sense.
8 posted on 11/02/2001 9:53:53 AM PST by Garrisson Lee
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To: Garrisson Lee
Of course he does to those who are suffering the same psychosis he rails against.

Osama makes a lot of sense to some folks too.

There's no accounting for rationality, consistency, mental health or taste in this world.

9 posted on 11/02/2001 9:58:56 AM PST by That Poppins Woman
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To: That Poppins Woman
Tiny Tim Tiptoeing through the Tulips is exactly where you belong and your frame of reference. You are part of the problem, not part of the solution. I've found it's impossible to talk about the problem with people who are the problem. You are a bit like Bill Clinton who is incable of understanding he's making an ass of himself. Unfortunately, there are enough people of similar level to support the false egos of both of you.
10 posted on 11/02/2001 10:05:37 AM PST by RLK
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Hmmm ... you've got no substantive argument, only insults and personal attacks.

YOU sound a whole lot more like Clinton and the rest of the liberals than I do. YOU'RE using their tactics. Your methods have made you.

When you actually have a point to make, call me.

11 posted on 11/02/2001 10:19:24 AM PST by That Poppins Woman
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To: That Poppins Woman
If what he says is crazy, then I'm a loon. I don't know what that makes you, except one of them.
12 posted on 11/02/2001 10:21:43 AM PST by Garrisson Lee
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To: Garrisson Lee
I didn't say what he said was crazy.

I said he had good points, but then negated them when he engaged in the same Dadaism that he was railing against.

One doesn't have a very convincing argument against gambling when one spends every last dime they have at the slots.

His arguments would have stood unquestioned by me if he himself did not engage in his ridiculous tirade against consenting adults doing something in their home that hurts no one, with the only negative consequences to others being those that are created by the CRIMINALIZATION of their consentual act.

Or did alcohol prohibition and Al Capone somehow miss you in American History class?

13 posted on 11/02/2001 10:26:15 AM PST by That Poppins Woman
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To: That Poppins Woman
You wouldn't know substance if it bit you in the ars. I have 900 pages of substance at one site alone that I was paid to write and is read in Germany, Japan, India, Australia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, to mention a few places. In my time I have received $1,500 a column for my work. Who the hell are you and why should I be bothered with you? As of this moment we have no further mutual business.
14 posted on 11/02/2001 10:39:02 AM PST by RLK
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To: That Poppins Woman
I took the paragraph disparaging drug use to be no more than the almost perequisite disclaimer that is necessary for one to state before one comes out against the prosecution of the so-called war on drugs. For in this forum as well as elsewhere, any criticism of the drug war gets you automatically labeled a heroin addict killer. If that short statement is removed, the article retains it's purpose, but your argument dries up completely.

Your analogy of the man whose fortune is wasted at the slot machine having no right to talk about the evils of gambling fails. Just because a man can not control the demons that are destroying him, does not mean he can not accurately see that destruction and realize the root cause of it.

You have unreasonably latched on to a minor clause in his statement and tried to use it to discredit the major thesis. Perhaps RLK comes from an environment where illicit drug use has had serious and devastating consequences to the surrounding community. Crack houses in the hood, are nothing like suburbanites having a joint on the patio. I am surprised at your approach on this thread, having read your comments in other places.

15 posted on 11/02/2001 10:46:51 AM PST by Garrisson Lee
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No he didn't engage in any such thing.

I'm not feeble in cognitive mentality in understanding that you should have used "I" in that statement.
No, I didn't engage in any such thing.
Just seems kind of strange to be talking about yourself that way since you say you wrote the article. You talk in the third person instead of the first person when talking about the author.
Or do you normally talk about yourself that way?
Don't bother replying "Robert", strictly rhetorical.

16 posted on 11/02/2001 10:48:47 AM PST by philman_36
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Who the hell are you and why should I be bothered with you?
Maybe you should ask that question of me! Oops, you already know who I am don't you!

I have 900 pages of substance at one site alone...
Oh prolific. Anything new or just the old stuff?

17 posted on 11/02/2001 10:53:18 AM PST by philman_36
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To: philman_36
It was a continuation of her quote. I'm not afraid of the word "I."
18 posted on 11/02/2001 10:54:01 AM PST by RLK
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Please don't quit now!!! I was just starting to enjoy the pissing contest.
19 posted on 11/02/2001 10:54:28 AM PST by ricosuave
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Anything new or just the old stuff?
20 posted on 11/02/2001 10:58:51 AM PST by philman_36
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