What purpose would the Clinton Justice Dept have in not making this connection back then...
I repeat dont flame me ......just asking..
How about this: Imagine that our country is led by a spineless commie sympathizer whose main interests center around his next bout of oral sex. "Gee, he says to his self ... we've got this tailor-made, gift-wrapped atrocity tied to right-wing extremists and even though the spy guys claim possible links to Iraq that guy Saddam scares me.
"How about I declare these links to Iraq and Islamic extremists out of the Phillipines to be a top secret national security secret? Yeah, that's the ticket! National security ... Course I'll have to make a few strong statements about our "war" on terror but then its back to "business" as usual - "Hey Betty? Did you get a call in to Monica?"
dont forget fundraisers... and follow the money.