You separate your male and female hemp in time. The female hemp (sensimillia) provides you 10 times your normal income as milk, eliminating the need for farm subsidies across the country. The sensimillia processing and rolling plant in town provides employment to unskilled laborers, eliminating the need for welfare and other social handouts, across the country.
The male hemp provides you a nice piece of pocket change from your neighbor, who processes the stalk for fiber and also collects seeds for the in town diesel fuel processing plant. Your tractors, combines, cars, and all-terrain vehicles all run on this and you spend maybe $150 a year total for fuel (for all of them).
The Indian reservations grow hemp on land that cannot support anything else, and through the processing of these seeds' oil into fuel, and through the Central and South Americas' growing and processing their hemp seeds into fuel, the Americas have eliminated their dependence on any other hemisphere for fuel.
Oh, yeh ... your two cows -- by eliminating fertilizers and other harmful toxins on your farm, your cows are now producing double the milk they used to. It tastes better. In addition, you have no more need to pump your cows up with antibiotics. Amazingly, human immune systems grow stronger with this milk, children cease getting ear infections by the dozens, and we reduce our dependence on antibiotics, slowing the previously escalating cycle of antibiotic-resistent diseases.
Because the Central and South America countries are now flush with LEGAL profit, immigration into the USA has all but ceased. We have open borders throughout the Western Hemisphere. Poverty has been eliminated in the Western Hemisphere. There are no country-debts. They have all been paid.
The hundreds of billions of dollars previously spent on the War on Drugs are now spent on shoring up the country's infrastructure, curing all known diseases, NASA's 1st colony on Mars, and our 1st manned expedition to our nearest solar system neighbor.