Where do you find the word Trinity in the Bible?
Photos are images. I'm not sure I got your point on it though Pelayo.
Thank of it as a question from one artist to another. Are any and all images of man wrong? If not why did you stop doing portraits?
The point I tried to make early on was that for me, a problem arose that required me to stop doing them in order to keep my walk with God. If it is a stumbling block either to myself or my brother, I cannot do it. That is the will of the Father. Commitment to God over commitment to myself as it were.
Oh, and almost forgot this. Trinity is shorthand as far as I'm concerned for Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is not a necessary term as the essentials of it are in the Bible and stand on their own. I'd just as soon reference the three of them than use the word unless I were writing it all out, which is the only time I bother with it. So, in short, it is not in the Bible, nor does it need to be. I'm not certain I really understand the point behind someone coming up with the term to be quite honest - I don't see that it is needed. The early Christians understood the different natures of God without a buzz word in the 1st century and I did in this century.