One more observation. If you believe Jesus was the "Son of God," you need to ask yourself when the "son" of something assumes a different fundamental character (or essence) from that which is the father. Dogs sire more dogs. Horses sire horses. Cats sire cats.
If Jesus is the "Son of God" He must be God. (Begotten, not made. Consubstantial (of the same substance) with the Father) If Jesus is the "Son of Man" He must be man.
Which is it then? Is Jesus God or Man? The answer is 100 per cent both.
Dave you have the makings of a good FUNDAMENTALIST, now if you could just get the rest of it. :)
Yep, he is; but, to make a point that I made before or was trying to make. Jesus came to be a man and to excercise his authority only as it aligned with the Father's Will. If he had acted fully in divinity, he could have come down off the cross and called upon legions of Angels to his aid. He stayed to fulfill his role in obedience to the Father's will. He came as 'God with us' but was a man in every respect. He lived as a man, suffered temptation as a man and overcame as a man - all through the will and authority of the Father which every Christian has. After learning all he needed know, he stood on his own and answered to God on matters of his faith and belief. But, he congregated with others - teaching them. Wow, how anti-Catholic that is. No Magesterium to direct him and make sure he was teaching the right things. No tradition to rely on - only the law and the Father's plan - how did he get that if he was operating as a man... hmmm? If he were operating as divine, he'd have been breaking the rules - thus he prayed to God for guidance.. the act of a man. He was both, but, he sacrificed the divine for the plan. When the plan was accomplished the divine came in and took over. He did his Job and Gave us the covenant and the perfect example. Had he excersized his divinity, he would have been operating in a fashion we cannot, we are not God. But we are sons of God when we are saved. To that regard, we have the same authority Jesus operated under while walking as a man. Not much money or earthly power to be had in that testimony though, is there....
Yea! I agree with a catholic totally! You worded this plainly and sensibly.