Excellent examples of this faith. Americans should be warned that these people are not as accommodating nor as forgiving as Christians.
However, suggest that you rephrase your questions another way. The issue is not the lack of intolerance in Islam..rather, it is curious that no predominanly Islam countries are truly democratic......thewrefore, ask if Islam, as a religion, is innately hostile to democracy. It is....
How tolerant is a hungry tiger?
Center of Peace and Hope in Christ for Afghanistan
Issues Challenge to Moderate Muslims
Recent threats and acts of hatred against American Muslims, Asian Muslims, and non-Muslim Asian Americans across the United States is wrong. The horrible acts of war committed against the United States on September 11 are a fertile ground for wrong headed Americans to demonstrate their ignorance toward people of various ethnic and religious backgrounds.
The Center of Peace and Hope in Christ for Afghanistan condemns this hatred. The United States Constitution allows all Americans to freely worship in the religion of their own choosing. Also, Americans who choose not to worship or adhere to any religion are free to do so.
It is clear that all genuine seekers of truth would not engage in ethnic hatred, bigotry, or acts of violence. Recent statements of Muslim leaders in America that not all Muslims should be blamed for the September 11 are correct. A small percentage of people who called themselves Muslims are responsible for their own actions. When one who calls himself a Christian commits a crime, not all Christians are responsible for the crime. So too, all Muslims are not responsible for what happened in New York and Washington.
While the government of the United States takes action against these acts of war, people of faith have a great opportunity to assert tolerance toward one another. Now is the time for Christians to demonstrate the love of Christ to our Muslim friends. Christians should pray for Gods greatest blessing on Muslims living as a minority in America.
And now is the time for moderate Muslims to demonstrate their acceptance of Christians and the ideals of tolerance and freedom in our republic. It is exactly this point which is the great need of the hour for Muslim leaders in America to address.
Moderate Muslim leaders need to clearly make the case that as Americans they support the freedom of all people to choose their own religion. Do these moderates tolerate the idea of individual Muslims deciding for themselves what religion to follow?
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of former Muslims in the United States who live under the threat of death because of their own personal decision to no longer follow the Islamic religion. Freedom of religion is a cornerstone of the American republic. Former Muslims do not always experience this aspect of freedom because of the hatred and intolerance of others.
Moderate American Muslims need to clearly denounce those misguided people who, in the name of Islam, call for the death of those who leave the Muslim religion. To do otherwise is to promote intolerance toward our fellow Americans who choose to no longer adhere to the Muslim religion. And to do otherwise will demonstrate that even the most moderate form of Islam is incompatible with the United States Constitution.
Now is the time for moderate Muslim leaders in America to clearly define the limits of their tolerance.
John Marion, Jr. is the director of the Center of Peace and Hope in Christ for Afghanistan in Fairfax County. His email is: afghanjohn@afghanbibles.com. Additional copies of this can be downloaded at: www.AfghanBibles.com .
JIHAD in the West
Muslim Conquests From The 7th To The 21st Centuries
By Paul Fregosi
Prometheus Books, 1998
ISBN 1-57392-247-1
My only criticism is that it should have been 5 volumes. Events are telescoped so much that it leaves you hungry for answers to the obvious questions generated.
But it is the most enjoyable non-fiction book I have read in months.
The discussion of Jannissaries is particularly of interest.
Not tolerant at all, not even slightly.
Read it and weep.
Sounds harsh, you say? How did the Saudi student in the upper crust NYC boarding school know to tell his teacher the WTC wouldn't be there much longer? How do you explain the attitude of elementary school muslim students regarding US citizenship and fighting terrorism? These kids heard it at home!
Show me how it's wrong to state, unequivocally, that to trust a muslim is anything but vulnerability to attack!
I'm definitely NOT for "bashing" of any kind (using "hate-crime" parlance), but I will never turn my back on a muslim!
9mm CCW peace of mind.....
The "tolerant" Islamic treatment of ethnic Chinese included burning their homes and business; multiple rapes of ethinic Chinese women; beatings, killings, etc. The normal "tolerant" Islamic stuff.
Not to mention that the "tolerant" Muslims of Indonesia are now targeting Westerners and particularly Americans in their nascent hallucinatory campaign of terror (e.g., the "jihad").
As one who is not particularly religious, I nonetheless find current Islamic expresssions of "faith" to border on the Satanic. There is something deeply evil at work within Islam.
If Islam really is inherently "peaceful and tolerant", Muslims should recognize that it is being enveloped by evil incarnate.
And that is not a metaphor. Evil has taken deep root within this "religion."
As you know we can't post the compost here, but it is an good read! One quote: "Blood feuds and assassinations punctuate Islam's history from the very beginning."