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Back-to-back truck crashes involving Navy missiles ammunition spotlight transportation system ^
| 10/5/01
Posted on 10/05/2001 3:58:05 PM PDT by freedomnews
Edited on 07/06/2004 6:36:37 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Two trucks hauling weapons for the military -- including a load of Navy missiles -- crashed within 14 hours, raising new concerns about a system that makes 42,000 ammunition deliveries a year.
The Army's Military Traffic Management Command, which oversees the shipments, had already tightened security not only because of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks but also in response to a report that criticized security lapses, spokesman John Randt said.
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TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; News/Current Events
To: freedomnews
things that make you go hmmmmmmm...
posted on
10/05/2001 4:02:50 PM PDT
To: tray-sea
things that make you go hmmmmmmm... I had the feeling today as I was out and about that there is a heightened pace to things. Call it woman's intuition, but I do feel uneasy.
posted on
10/05/2001 4:10:59 PM PDT
Comment #4 Removed by Moderator
To: yikes
Having just gotten off I-75 a few hours ago I am reminded that many over-the-road trucks are setting a high-intensity pace that I believe is excessive. I would rather see a 65 mph speed with missiles (and other loads) arriving intact, as opposed to what's been happening.
posted on
10/05/2001 4:29:34 PM PDT
To: Angus_Day
Great excuse here , I assume he knew what he was hauling. I guess we should be thankful it was NOT McDonalds, fry your groin temperature?! Should we also assume that cellphones and CB's are banned from these vehicles?! :o
To: Angus_Day
Great excuse here , I assume he knew what he was hauling. I guess we should be thankful it was NOT McDonalds, fry your groin temperature?! Should we also assume that cellphones and CB's are banned from these vehicles?! :o
To: freedomnews
I hauled a tractor trailer full of ammo and weapons from the arsenal in Arkansas to Ft Hood, Texas once when I was in the Army. I was armed, my shotgun was armed and we were escorted by MP's. Times have changed apparently, but perhaps we should go back to the old way for a bit, eh?
posted on
10/05/2001 7:52:01 PM PDT
To: freedomnews
The trucking companies must comply with safety and security regulations, such as having two drivers in the truck to keep each other awake and alert, So, a-duh, were were the extra drivers, aye?
Things that also make ya wanna say "humph, go figure!"
Comment #10 Removed by Moderator
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