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Building Evacuated After Package Delivery
5 news ^
Posted on 10/03/2001 10:44:51 AM PDT by newsperson999
A Williamson County building containing Primus, a subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company, was evacuated after a package containing a chemical agent was delivered to the building.
The package, which was received around 11 a.m., emitted a "whoosh" sound when opened, workers said. Thirteen people were treated for nausea and vomiting caused by the package.
The building is located on Carothers Parkway, across Interstate 65 from Cool Springs Galleria. The evacuation was expected to last at least two hours. Some employees were told to go home to alleviate traffic congestion.
About 2,500 people work in the building.
Crews from the Nashville Fire Department and Williamson County Emergency Management team responded to the call.
There were no reported injuries.
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events
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To: newsperson999
anybody else around here get the distinct impression that there's a lot going on that the gov't is soft-pedaling? this atop the apparent fact that u.s. retribution has taken a back seat to colin powell's newfound campaign for prom king or nobel winner or some damn thing. i'm losing confidence fast.
posted on
10/03/2001 10:52:27 AM PDT
To: dep
Nashville Fire Department? Is that Nashville, TN? That's where the bus hijacking occurred.
posted on
10/03/2001 10:55:59 AM PDT
To: dep
My fear is that we've been told suitcase are in place in American and/or European cities
posted on
10/03/2001 10:56:08 AM PDT
To: newsperson999
I just called the mailroom at my wife's employer to alert them of this incident so they can exercise some precautions. I suggest that people not wait for some official word from our government about this - contact your mailrooms now. People thought at first that WTC North tower was a single, isolated event, too.
To: dep
The nausea and vomiting sounds like a classic case of Mass Psychogenic Illness......not surprising given recent events. Will be interesting to see if that indeed turns out to be the case.
posted on
10/03/2001 10:57:15 AM PDT
John H K
To: dep
Either there's a lot of coincidence's happening or the terrorists are practicing phy ops on us. Um, wonder which one!
To: dep
I guess that because the package didn't have OBL's return address and "DIE, INFIDEL" scrawled on the side, that this is therefore not another terrorist attack. Nothing to worry about, folks.
To: all
suitcase nukes that is
posted on
10/03/2001 10:59:12 AM PDT
To: John H K
yeah, i thought about that. even so, there is
nothing that our government has done in the last 10 days that's even remotely confidence inspiring. i mean, if we're on our own, say so and let us act accordingly. oh, i forgot -- someone might say something to offend some delicate muslim sensibility.
posted on
10/03/2001 11:00:14 AM PDT
To: dep
Did you see 60 Minutes (just for instance) Sunday evening? According to the experts on that show, we have nothing to worry about. There are, they claimed 8 (eight--count 'em, eight) teams ready to go into any city and save us. Please, don't flame me for this: that's exactly what the big deal bio-chemical experts on the show said. Soft pedaling? Nahhh. Lying, maybe...
To: John H K
Err, Mass Sociogenic Illness, I should say.
posted on
10/03/2001 11:01:05 AM PDT
John H K
To: dep
i'm losing confidence fast.
Well, I can understand the sentiment. But in all honesty, this is exactly what terrorists hope happens to the public they are assaulting.
To: Scythian
I was thinking the same thing. My theory is that some terrorists made a call to the FBI and told them where to find one of the suitcases. The terrorists probably said that we have many more located at different locations. Accept their conditions or they go off one by one....
posted on
10/03/2001 11:01:23 AM PDT
To: Peach
"Nashville Fire Department? Is that Nashville, TN? That's where the bus hijacking occurred." No it's not where the bus crash occurred. The bus crashed near Manchester, TN, in Coffee County, about 65 miles southeast of Nashville, and actually closer to Chattanooga by a few miles than Nashville. Primus is in Brentwood, TN, in Williamson County, and is about 15-20 miles due south of Nashville. Nashville is in Davidson County, and Brentwood is considered a bedroom community of Nashville.
To: dep
"someone might say something to offend some delicate muslim sensibility."Yes, of course. Heaven forbid we should fight a war in a politically incorrect manner! How on earth can we hope to fight a war if we can't even bring ourselves to hurt the enemy's feelings? I worry on some days that the answer is, we won't be striking back at all, that our only plan is to blister them with rhetoric. Someone please tell me I'm wrong!
To: Hugh Akston
Well, I can understand the sentiment. But in all honesty, this is exactly what terrorists hope happens to the public they are assaulting.yeah, i know. but the fact is, there is no reason on god's green earth why we have not acted by now. there are plenty of targets -- and i'm not talking in afghanistan -- that we know for a fact support terrorism and that we could have and should have hit by now. the first and most important lesson -- that no one can afford to attack us -- should have been delivered three weeks ago or anytime since then. instead, we've delivered the message that if you attack us we'll talk among ourselves, make vague threats, ship some ships around, and act as if we want to catch as few people as possible. just total crap. and that is not due to the terrorists but to whoever is advising the president.
posted on
10/03/2001 11:05:44 AM PDT
To: dep
there is no reason on god's green earth why we have not acted by now.
I can think of a few reasons, such as getting the right assets into the right place, and performing the reconaissance that the field commanders think is appropriate.
To: newsperson999
Can anyone confirm?
posted on
10/03/2001 11:07:26 AM PDT
To: dep
But Powell is not exactly inspiring confidence in my household, I will gladly concede.
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