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Michael Medved Blames Islam
Michael Medved talkshow (radio) | now 01 Oct 2001 | Michael Medved Show (radio)

Posted on 10/01/2001 12:35:49 PM PDT by newzjunkey

"Not all religions are the same. They're not all good."

"Christianity [is good and] should be contrasted with Islam and its impact."

"On what basis could you justify suicide mass killing everywhere."

He claims it's justified in Islam (by Bin Ladin) because the US is seen as a warzone, just as bombings in Israel are justified by Islamics, even those who condemn the WTC attacks because Israel is a warzone.

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To: bootyist-monk
2. Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."

Are you a Christian?

I'm Jewish, though I'm hardly a Talmud scholar. We gave the world (via Moses from G-d):

But the stranger who dwells with you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt; (Lev 19:34)
We also have that stuff about bearing false witness.

Regarding "Abodah Zara 26b," here is the translation I have:

Talmud - Mas. Avodah Zarah 26b

though they must not be cast in, but minim,1 informers, and apostates may be cast in, and need not be brought up.’ Whereupon R. Johanan remarked: I have been learning that the words, And so shalt thou do with every lost thing of thy brother's [thou mayest not hide thyself],2 are also applicable to an apostate, and you say he may be thrown down; leave out apostates! Could he not have answered that the one might apply to the kind of apostate who eats carrion meat to satisfy his appetite,3 and the other to an apostate who eats carrion meat to provoke? — In his opinion, an apostate eating carrion meat to provoke is the same as a min.4

It has been stated: [In regard to the term] apostate there is a divergence of opinion between R. Aha and Rabina; one says that [he who eats forbidden food] to satisfy his appetite, is an apostate, but [he who does it] to provoke is a ‘min’; while the other says that even [one who does it] to provoke is merely an apostate. — And who is a ‘min’? — One who actually worships idols.5

An objection was raised: If one eats a flea or a gnat he is an apostate. Now such a thing could only be done to provoke, and yet we are taught that he is merely an apostate! — Even in that case he may just be trying to see what a forbidden thing tastes like. The Master said: ‘They may be cast in and need not be brought up’ — if they may be cast in need it be said that they need not be brought up? — Said R. Joseph b. Hama in the name of R. Shesheth: What is meant to convey is that if there was a step in the pit-wall, one may scrape it away, giving as a reason for doing so, the prevention of cattle being lured by the step to get unto the pit. Raba and R. Joseph both of them said: It means to convey that if there is a stone lying by the pit opening, one may cover the pit with it, saying that he does it for [the safety] of passing animals. Rabina said: It is meant to convey that if there is a ladder there, he may remove it, saying, I want it for getting my son down from a roof.

Our Rabbis taught: An Israelite may perform a circumcision on a heathen for the purpose of becoming a proselyte — thus excluding [the purpose of] removing a morana.6 But a heathen should not [be allowed to] perform circumcision on an Israelite, because he is liable to take his life. This is the opinion of R. Meir. The Sages said: A heathen may circumcise an Israelite, so long as others are standing by him, but not while he is on his own.7 R. Meir, however, said: Not even when others are standing by, for he may find occasion to let the knife slip and so sterilise him. Does then R. Meir hold the opinion that a heathen is not [to be allowed to circumcise]? But the opposite is proved by the following: In a town where there is no Jewish physician, but there is a physician who is a Cuthean as well as one who is an idolater, circumcision should be performed by the idolater but not by the Cuthean.8 This is the opinion of R. Meir. R. Judah, however, said: It should be performed by the Cuthean but not by the idolater?9 — Reverse [the names]: R. Meir holding that the Cuthean and not the idolater should circumcise, and R. Judah holding the idolater and not the Cuthean. Does then R. Judah hold that it is in order for an idolater to do so? Surely it has been taught: R. Judah said: Whence can it be deduced that circumcision performed by a heathen is invalid? From this verse, And as for thee, thou shalt keep my covenant!10 — Indeed, do not reverse, but say that we are here dealing

(1) Those who act as priests to idols whether they be Israelites or heathen (Rashi).
(2) Deut. XXII, 3.
(3) When he can get no other meat; but who would avoid eating forbidden food when other food is at hand.
(4) And does not require specification.
(5) Hor. 11a.
(6) A parasite worm(?) which may be lodged in the foreskin; which would mean healing without payment.
(7) Tosef. ‘A.Z. Ch.III.
(8) An idolater does not usually practise circumcision. He would therefore perform it in accordance with the intention of the father of the infant. The Cutheans (Samaritans) however, observe circumcision in the name of some object of worship placed on Mount Gerizim where their Temple stood — for which an Israelite must not afford an opportunity.
(9) The heathen being suspected of taking the child's life. (Men. 42a.) Thus R. Meir is said to permit circumcision by a heathen!
(10) Gen. XVII, 9, spoken by God to Abraham when the rite of circumcision was first enacted, which implies that only one bound to keep the rite is qualified to perform it. R. Judah thus rules that a heathen is not qualified.

I'd be curious to know which part of my translation here might have been interpreted by anyone honest as an exhortation to kill Gentiles. And even if it were in there someplace, could you point to any time in history where Jews have acted according to your supposed Talmud quote.

I picked this particular quote from your list because it was the one cited by the previous Jew-hater I responded to on this thread. You bolded it. It would be a waste of my time to check out the other passages you quote, don't you think?


103 posted on 10/01/2001 5:56:33 PM PDT by ml/nj
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To: newzjunkey
Medved has always impressed me as one of the few genuine intellects in the media. I have Muslim friends, they are good people, flawed like all of us, but seeking to be good, and their piety is inspiring in our age . I have always felt that while all religions are good and tend to improve savage mankind , some are better than others, even within Christianity itself. But we must realize that Christ was a lamb, Mohamed was a warrior. Christianity was proven by centuries of martyrdom before earning the acceptance of the temporal world of the time. Islam was a firestorm subjugating all in its path in a matter of decades. Not all faiths are born equal, not by a long shot.
104 posted on 10/01/2001 6:14:01 PM PDT by nkycincinnatikid
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To: bootyist-monk
I was worried for a second.

Some of that stuff is in the Talmud and was written in the Middle Ages. The Talmud is commentary.

Today's Jews don't believe or practice such terrible things. And many of those passages don't exist or are quoted out of context. As for Islam ....they put the worst passages of the Koran and Koranic commentary into practice. Martyrdom Jihad and more

105 posted on 10/01/2001 6:16:00 PM PDT by dennisw
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To: ml/nj, lightstream
Not Christian, and don't consider myself to have any religious leanings. You suggested that a post was made-up, I provided a source where this comment could be found. Not anti-Jewish in any way, and I think I made myself clear from the follow-ups. In fact, I'm very pro-Israel, work in a predominately Jewish industry and have business partners that cover the entire range of religious and political beliefs. BTW, one of my projects was the first to feature the art of Krav Maga.

The material is out there. Putting it before people to read and debate should not be construed as support for the points, unless I had specifically stated my belief in the validity of the opinions. In fact, I did the opposite. Flying off half-baked and ill-informed is precisely the kind of crap we should be avoiding. I have been here a long time and been called many things in the course of healthy debate, but never an anti-semite or a racist. My record speaks for itself.

I didn't assume anything by your post. Please don't do so with mine.

106 posted on 10/01/2001 6:16:53 PM PDT by bootyist-monk
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To: bootyist-monk, ml/n,dennisw
False claims and forgeries from the Talmud and other anti-Semitic claims and forgeries refuted.

Lo-ta'aneh vere'acha ed shaker.

Exodus 20:13

(Note: This is Exodus 20:16 in non-Jewish translations of the Bible.)

(Do not testify as a false witness against your neighbor.)

Response to anti-Semites' posting of Talmud "Quotes" and other anti-Semitic fabrications and distortions

Author: David S. Maddison
Project started: 1998CE/07/29

Much of anti-Semitism appears to have its origins in the supposed belief that Jews must intrinsically hate Christianity and humanity in general. Of course, this is not true, but it does not stop the production of vast amounts of anti-Semitic propaganda to this effect. This belief is often combined with the idea that Jews are somehow not human, but must have access to various subterfuges or even magic to give, at least, the appearance of being human and thus be able to "infiltrate" and "corrupt" normal society. Indeed, many societies have blamed "the Jews" for all their problems. It follows from these beliefs that Jews must therefore be exterminated in order for society to function normally, and sadly, this has been tried on more than one occasion.

The types of fears and misconceptions at work in these cases are among the most ancient and primordial in existence. Perhaps if those that blamed "the Jews" for their problems had the same devotion to education, learning and personal advancement that Jews typically do, they wouldn't have whatever problems they are blaming Jews for.

This is a project to provide responses to the anti-Semites who post alleged quotes from the Talmud and other anti-Jewish propaganda in a way intended to promote hatred of Jews. These "Talmud quotes" and other material are either entire fabrications, mistranslations or out of context. This is a sample of the first small completed section.

If you have any comments I would be happy to hear them. I would like to thank all the people who have contributed answers. Each contribution includes the author's name or initials. I would also like to thank Frances for starting this site and for ongoing support. There are also several other documents that I am working on.

Most of the "Talmud quotes" come from the Russian anti-Semite Rev. I. B. Pranaitis, who had a criminal record and was "Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church" in Old St. Petersburg, Russia.

He wrote this material around the turn of the century in a booklet in Latin with the English title of "The Talmud Unmasked". He was a self-identified Talmudic "scholar" who testified at the B. Mendel Beilis "Blood Libel" case and was laughed out of court when asked some very basic questions on the Talmud which he couldn't answer. Nevertheless, his legacy survives and it is about time there was a response to it. So here is the first part.

Note: This site will not attempt to deal with Holocaust denial. For those requiring proof that the Holocaust did occur, please visit or Please also visit Hatewatch "An educational resource combatting online bigotry". Some of this material is also mirrored there. For Holocaust-denial resources in French please visit and

Some falsified or mistranslated Talmud quotes and accusations that are cited here or elsewhere are discussed in great detail, complete with the original Aramaic or Hebrew at

Please let me know if there is specific material you would like me to address that is not already answered on these pages. Also, I still have a large amount of material that I have not yet put up. I may have already dealt with the claims. Please let me know if you are interested in translating any of this material into other languages, especially Eastern European ones...

David S. Maddison

Response to:
"Why Jews are Persecuted - Some Insight from Jewish Writings"
"The Code of the Jews - From the Talmud"
"Why jews Are Persecuted For Their Religion - The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!"

Response to: The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"

Response to:
Aren't a majority of modern Jews descended from the Khazars?
If so, Jews should have no claim on Israel.

Some true quotes from the Talmud by Michael Gruda

(In two parts.)

A brief chronology of anti-Semitism

Who was "Reverend" Pranaitis and what did he do?

The supposed quote of Rabbi Wise purporting that Communism=Judaism

The supposed quotes of Washington, Franklin, Jefferson and others

The "Kosher Food Tax"

A self-proclaimed "Aryan's" view of "non-Aryans"

A comment on "strange and bizzarre" problems discussed in the Talmud

also titled as "Why Are Jews Persecuted For Their Religion?" (not to be confused with document with similar title above).

Also known as
"Non-Jews as seen in the Jewish Talmud"
"Jewish Racism towards Non-Jews as expressed in the Talmud"

A response to "Know your enemy - 1000 quotes by and about Jews"

Coming soon: The Blood Libel (claims of "Jewish Ritual Murder")

Coming soon: The Kol Nidre prayer libel

Coming soon: The false claim that Jews were responsible for the slave trade

Coming soon: The false claim that Jews believe non-Jews don't have souls

Coming soon: Is communism a Jewish plot?

More of the "1000 Quotes" analysed or refuted

Coming soon: More on the Khazars

Source:   Talmud Forgeries Exposed

(NorthernRight Compilation)

107 posted on 10/01/2001 6:27:15 PM PDT by Lent
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To: bootyist-monk
I didn't assume anything by your post. Please don't do so with mine.


I assumed you didn't know what you were talking about. And this response of yours confirmed it.

You might have said you were duped by some anti-Semitic claptrap, but you didn't. Spare me your, "Some of my best friends are Jews," nonsense.

As I said in my first reply to you, I didn't really know that much about this stuff. But it didn't ring true to me, so I checked. You know: When contradictions exist examine your premises, and all that rot. Well, maybe you don't know.


108 posted on 10/01/2001 6:38:14 PM PDT by ml/nj
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To: Lent
I've learned a lot in the last couple of weeks. It's been painful but necessary.
109 posted on 10/01/2001 6:38:41 PM PDT by Aquinasfan
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To: lightstream
By their fruits ye shall now them. Observe the fruits of Islam.

That says it all.

110 posted on 10/01/2001 6:43:37 PM PDT by Aquinasfan
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To: newzjunkey
If GWB has to pull this "Islam is a peaceful religion" PC crap to keep the tentative coalition together, fine. But I ain't buying it. I, too, have been thumbing throught the Quran. It sounds like the ravings of a paranoid control freak.
111 posted on 10/01/2001 6:49:04 PM PDT by lds23
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To: newzjunkey
If GWB has to pull this "Islam is a peaceful religion" PC crap to keep the tentative coalition together, fine. But I ain't buying it. I, too, have been thumbing throught the Quran. It sounds like the ravings of a paranoid control freak.
112 posted on 10/01/2001 6:49:10 PM PDT by lds23
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To: Cavalry
"Medved is an anti-islamite..."

I ain't too sold on some of them lately either.

113 posted on 10/01/2001 6:49:42 PM PDT by K7TNW
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To: Aquinasfan
By their fruits ye shall now them. Observe the fruits of Islam.

They don't have any fruits. They execute all their fruits.

Uh, oh, Insensitivity alert!

114 posted on 10/01/2001 6:55:59 PM PDT by P-Marlowe
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To: lds23
Sorry about the double post. Mis-clickeded it.
115 posted on 10/01/2001 6:56:37 PM PDT by lds23
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To: Lent
Your post says it all. I hope the ones who dump on the Talmud, try to establish an equivalence between it and the Koran, read some of the links
116 posted on 10/01/2001 7:00:22 PM PDT by dennisw
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To: ex-snook
Let's get bin Laden, then over and out.

He is only one of thousands. We need to get them all.

117 posted on 10/01/2001 7:01:20 PM PDT by Mark17
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To: RnMomof7
Good for him...the truth needs to be said..all religions are not equal

Agree, mom, and I feel Islam is one of the most evil forces on earth, possibly, even more evil than communism.

118 posted on 10/01/2001 7:04:28 PM PDT by Mark17
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To: Aquinasfan
"By their fruits ye shall now them. Observe the fruits of Islam.

That says it all.

Let's see: In the last 60 days: 4 suicide bombing attempts in Israel, 1 in Afghanistan, 2 in Kashmir, and the 19 suicide bombers in the US. Yet, the Islamic apologists on TV explain it away, telling us that "every religion has its extremists." It is getting harder and harder to take these imams seriously.

119 posted on 10/01/2001 7:11:43 PM PDT by cookcounty
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To: bootyist-monk; Dear Tabby
It appears that both you and Dear Tabby both get your fraudulent and countereit "talmud" quotes from
neo-nazi and anti-Semite web sites. These are well proven hoax citations and fraud quotes.

False Talmud Quotes Exposed

120 posted on 10/01/2001 7:16:38 PM PDT by NorthernRight
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