I'm a Christian, but not a Protestant as are most American Christians. If a prayer is offered in a public forum, most likely it will be a Protestant one. Due to theological differences, I often cannot join in the prayer but I find no problem with listening in a respectful manner. If I went into a community with a non-Christian majority, I'd have no problem conducting myself in a similar manner.
I wonder if these folks ever go into a French restaurant and carry on about the lack of Mexican or Greek food on the menu?
Another interesting tidbit...
Last night I was watching a piece on TV about the shooting of JFK. I was explaining it to my 9 year old son, and in the discourse I mentioned JFK was the only Catholic president in our nation's history.
He looked at me wide eyed. "The ONLY one dad? Why? Aren't there as many Catholics as any other church?
A good question, one for which I did not have a good answer, or at least one that would satisfy a 9 year old Catholic's mind (without opening up a whole can of worms about institutionalized discrimination.)