Free Republic will survive and meet its obligations, and will continue to grow and prosper, thanks to your efforts. I'm sure I've left out several names but it is my intention to thank all of you.
My wife and I flew out to New York for a long-awaited week's vacation on Friday, September 7. We were staying at the Marriott Hotel at the foot of the World Trade Center, and were returning from a most elegant breakfast on September 11 when all hell broke loose. I've read a remarkable narrative by a freeper named Tawiskaro which accurately describes the events of that day from street level.
Before our departure, I issued a challenge to the handful of Young Republicans at the university here: I placed a coffee can for Freepathon donations at our new Internet cafe, and promised that I would match any funds deposited therein upon my return. I've lost all my credit cards except one that is now charged to the limit (as well as everything else that was in our room at the Marriott), so you shall receive a money order by "snail mail" for $108. This is what makes the "Million Freeper Math" work so well.
After many attempts to return home, we finally gave up on air travel completely, at least until things return to some state close to normal; and we took the train, arriving home three days late. We continue to pray for the families who were less fortunate than ours.