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Our Forefathers Legacy, we shall not fail.

Posted on 09/15/2001 11:24:25 AM PDT by HamiltonJay

I wrote this letter last night to my grandfather, he is in his 70s, he came up through the depression and world war II. I don't know why, but I felt uncontrollably compelled to write the following letter to him, to place into words the feelings and thoughts that have overwhelmed me since September the 11th. I realize now that this letter is really to more than him, it is to all who sacrificed throughout the history of this great nation, those who created, defended and built it over the years.

I humbly submit this for your reading, with a deep and heartfelt gratitude to those who came before, and with great sadness and kinship to those who this tragedy touched directly.



I fear the dogs of war have once again found their way to the shores of this great nation. I have lived in a time when such hazards and threats have remained for the most part far away issues, or history lessons. This was without question a result of the great sacrifices you and those of your generation, and the generations before endured for this great land. We have spent our lifetimes in a state of relative peace and prosperity that granted us privilege and opportunity beyond any known previously to human kind. In many ways, we had taken it for granted, human memory it seems is shorter lived than human hatred.

I have always been proud, proud beyond the pale, and grateful beyond words to have been born in this place, in these United States of America. I have always in all my memory felt the lump in my throat whenever I have heard the Star Spangled Banner. I have always known, that this nation offered hope and opportunity not only to those born here, but to all the world, of a better tommorrow. That we, as a nation, are without equal in this world. Yet in spite of all this, in spite of all of this and much more that I have held dear my entire life, I must admit that I had forgotten, or perhaps, never truly understood, just how connected I as an American, and as a man, am to my countrymen.

I cannot logically explain this connection, it is not tangible, it is not measurable, it is not visible, but it is without question strong. It is as strong as any bind I have ever known. On September 11, 2001 my countrymen were slaughtered, they died in an act of abject evil. I knew none of them, yet somehow I knew every one of them.... They were my brothers and sisters, they were family.

The emotions I feel run even deeper than that, for this attack, while taking place in America, was indeed an attack against far more than these United States. It was an attack on the principles and foundations of modern civilization itself. This is, to me, unquestionably about the future of the world.

I watch as the world with very few exceptions unites and rallies, in a solidarity and scope unmatched in recent times. That lump in my throat now gives way to openly flowing tears when I hear played the Star Spangled Banner these days. I watch as foreign nations express their condolences and commitment to stand with the United States in the arduous and uncertain task that lies ahead, and pride and profound understanding of just how far reaching and how great this nation truly is in the world hits home as never before.

I put my son to bed at night, I kiss him on the forehead, tell him I love him. I find myself glancing over at my wife at 3am, asleep on her pillow, and I know that I... we.. America, humanity itself cannot allow this to stand. I find myself asking only one quesiton these days, what can I do?.. It is not a question raised of fear of what may happen to me, but out of knowing for certain what will happen to us all if nothing is done.

The path ahead is uncharted, dangerous and unyielding. There will likely be no Battle of Gettysburg, no Crossing of the Potomac, no D Day along this particular path. This path will indeed test to its very foundations, the committment of the American spirit, and the depth of human character. It has already reminded us that the price of liberty, is indeed eternal vigilence.

I know without reservation, that while the path may be uncharted, we shall reach the other end. We can no more allow this evil to dominate the world, to destroy us, than our fathers and grandfathers could allow the Axis powers to take over the world.. we can no more allow this to tear us assunder than our forefathers could let civil war do so... we could no more allow our yearnings of liberty and freedom be denied by this, than we could allow it to be denied by the British so many years ago.

11 score and 5 years ago, our fathers brought forth in this world a new nation, concieved in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. We have proven that nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. This is the legacy we inherit, and it will be the legacy we leave for our children as well.

Thank you Gramps, and to all that lead the way, in the big and small ways. The flame shall continue to burn.

I love you, give our love to your wife. God Bless You, and God Bless America.

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To: Sina_Qua_Non;snopercod;sonsofliberty2000;southernnorthcarolina;Southern_Republican;Stalker
A must read
41 posted on 09/16/2001 11:27:30 AM PDT by 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
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To: Stargate;SunTzuWu;TBarnett34;TC Rider; The Aphid;The Black Knight;Toblikehim;TommyDale;twg123
A must read
42 posted on 09/16/2001 11:27:48 AM PDT by 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
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To: uncviper23;USP45;usslsm51;Uther Pendragon;vastrightwinger;wattsmag2;waxhaw;zx2dragon;~Vor~;Whatnow
A must read
43 posted on 09/16/2001 11:28:11 AM PDT by 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
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To: 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
Good stuff. We're going to need that kind of sentiment with this sort of nonsense floating around out there.
44 posted on 09/16/2001 11:31:05 AM PDT by NCSteve
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To: NCSteve
My goodness! I wish........... Well, it WILL happen!
45 posted on 09/16/2001 12:00:31 PM PDT by 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
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To: HamiltonJay
46 posted on 09/16/2001 12:07:18 PM PDT by steveegg (BTW, nice nick)
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To: 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
Liberty bump! Thanks for the heads up.
47 posted on 09/16/2001 12:07:42 PM PDT by NCEaglette
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To: 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember, NCSteve
Thanks for the heads up 2nd, but now I'm crying again.

Excellent Patriotic read.

Steve - I'm so heartsick over these things like the link you posted above. We are hearing these cockroaches crawling out of the woodwork spouting this anti-American nonsense. This country is truly farther gone than I originally thought. Socialism has taken hold and I just hope it's not too late for patriots to re-claim our country again.

On the other hand the flood of patriotism that is also portrayed is also so wonderful to see. This may be just the wake up call that will shake Americans out of their apathy and expose those liberal anti-Americans for what they truly are.


48 posted on 09/16/2001 12:13:42 PM PDT by mykdsmom
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To: mykdsmom
It's groups like this that should be under investigation as well.
49 posted on 09/16/2001 12:40:26 PM PDT by WIMom
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To: WIMom
I couldn't agree more.

I'm afraid our so called PC "tolerance" and "diversity" may be our undoing.


50 posted on 09/16/2001 12:48:27 PM PDT by mykdsmom
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To: mykdsmom
This is off topic a little, but it will give this thread a bump. The first time I heard of PC, I thought people were talking about computers. This country needed a wake up call, but sadly, it had to come Tuesday.......
51 posted on 09/16/2001 12:52:03 PM PDT by WIMom
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To: 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
Thank you! I needed this
52 posted on 09/16/2001 1:02:13 PM PDT by Helix
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To: HamiltonJay, WIMom
Thank you both. God Bless
53 posted on 09/16/2001 2:30:31 PM PDT by EODGUY
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God Bless

Thank you, but he already has blessed us all... and that is why I know we shall prevail.

54 posted on 09/16/2001 4:06:13 PM PDT by HamiltonJay
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To: NCSteve, 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
My respone to that ANTI-American organization:
What a pathetic excuse for supporting your cause - to use the terrorist actions against Americans as a reason to support your ideology. Millions upon millions of hard-working, God-fearing Americans are already behind the actions of President Bush, both liberals and conservatives alike. Across these United States, and regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity or ideology, we are "uniting", putting aside our petty differences, and recognizing that we are all truly created equal - we are all Americans.

In this time of anguish and despair, Americans are renewing their faith, and looking to a real leader for action. Not the "I feel sorry for the terrorists" that the previous administration would have delivered, and not the hasty retaliatory and massive military response that I would have chosen, but instead President Bush has chosen one of measured emotions, backed by firm resolve and steeled determination. And it will, in the appropriate time, be one of firm and decisive action.

Around the world, nation after nation is remembering the tragedy, and is responding with heartfelt grief for the victims, and resolves to support the United States in any way possible. And not just the political or elected officials, but the peoples of these countries recognize that the time has come to remove terrorism from the globe. As despicable as the attack on Pearl Harbor was, acts of terrorism are far worse.

The acts of terrorism against the United States of America have taken thousands of innocent lives, not just on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, but on numerous occasions. The cowardly pigs that planned, instigated and effected the attacks choose civilian targets, slaughtering thousands of men, women and children.

Sure, terrorists flew the planes - they are ultimately responsible for their actions. But yet you continue to fail to recognize whose actions are responsible for giving them the opportunity to carry out these despicable acts.

Gutless, whining, pathetic, bleeding-heart liberals like you. Where do you think that terrorist groups get their money? From the sales of high priced foreign oil. And why are oil prices so high? Because liberals and "tree-huggers" have prevented America for achieving self-reliance for domestic energy. Instead of allowing or promoting independence, liberal policies against energy self-reliance and against a strong military have emasculated the United States.

For years the incessant attempts to divide America based on imagined differences have separated us, pitting American against American. The only way that Americans continue to vote for liberal policies is because people like you continue to promote perceived differences. Instead of working to unite America, your policies destroy it.

Thanks to liberal policies that attempt to grant everyone the rights guaranteed to Americans by our Constitution, "open-border" policies have only allowed the enemy to stroll in and out of America unfettered.

Our Constitution was created to protect all Americans, not just a chosen few. But it does nothing to grant those same rights to everyone else. And from our President on down, our politicians, liberal and conservative, have taken an oath to defend that same Constitution, and ultimately us. And in this case, the policies that you rail against, the actions you take against our Constitution, and future actions that attempt to undermine the freedoms guaranteed to us, actually lead to terrorism against us. The lack of a strong response to terrorism will only encourage further attacks, not prevent them. Spineless, immoral Presidents and politicians have only weakened America. What we need now are leaders, leaders that are strong, and willing to defend America from ALL enemies. So instead of a strong President - a world leader, a military to be feared, and strong intelligence operations abroad, your policies have weakened us domestically and abroad, unprepared militarily, ripe for attack.

But not for long.

Unfortunately for you, across America, liberals are opening their eyes, and understanding that for generations they have been lied too, that the policies that you support actually weaken the US, and restrict our freedoms. Only a strong military response, and self reliance on all products, controlled immigration and less reliance on the "big" government you espouse will lead to an America that is strong, safe and free.

Your policies have already failed us. Now it's time for a real leader, President George W. Bush, to take action. Actions that will eliminate terrorism. Thanks to a strong military and the support of the American people, President Ronald W. Reagan ended the Cold War. President Bush has my support, and that of millions of Americans. It's time to end terrorism.



P.S. If you promise to stay, I think I can scrape up enough to buy you a ticket to Afghanistan. You ideology fits right in.

55 posted on 09/16/2001 5:37:02 PM PDT by 4CJ
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To: 4ConservativeJustices, 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember, mykdsmom
I sent this to their DC office yesterday:

You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. I can't decide whether you are just evil or whether you are so stupid that you will persist until terrorism takes you and all your loved ones. You make me sick.

Not quite as eloquent as 4CJ's wonderful response, but I hope it got the point across.

56 posted on 09/17/2001 6:53:17 AM PDT by NCSteve
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To: NCSteve
Good job! Short and to the point!
57 posted on 09/17/2001 9:54:22 AM PDT by 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
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To: 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
Thanks for the flag.
58 posted on 09/17/2001 10:26:36 AM PDT by sadamico
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To: 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
59 posted on 09/17/2001 10:41:28 AM PDT by sonsofliberty2000
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To: sadamico
You're welcome.
60 posted on 09/17/2001 11:09:24 AM PDT by 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember
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