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1 posted on 09/15/2001 10:07:46 AM PDT by xzins
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To: xzins
3. At a minimum I'd think you'd need: (a) an implementation strategy and (b) an exit strategy. Your naivete is astounding! There is no exit strategy ... we destroy all living terrorists who would assault this nation and continue to do so for your lifetime. Got it?
2 posted on 09/15/2001 10:12:09 AM PDT by MHGinTN
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To: xzins
I haven't a clue. Thankfully, I have complete faith in our President and those around him, and most importantly, in prayer.

"Unless God protects the Nation, the night watchman watches in vain." OT

3 posted on 09/15/2001 10:16:37 AM PDT by Media2Powerful
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To: xzins

4 posted on 09/15/2001 10:17:15 AM PDT by Diogenesis
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To: xzins
1. Take over the airspace.
2. Destroy communications.
3. Deploy Stealth fighters to DESTROY anything with a heat signature greater than 80 degrees.
4. Flood their economy with conterfiet currency.
5. Constuct the worlds largest permanant AMERICAN military base there.
5 posted on 09/15/2001 10:17:48 AM PDT by Partisan Hack
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To: xzins
Two options:

1. For visibility, carpet-bomb all known terrorism training camps, headquarters, and supportive governments.

2. NOT visible, eliminate by assassination everyone connected with suicide attacks. When the supply of recruits dries up so will this kind of attack, they want to commit suicide not get killed.

8 posted on 09/15/2001 10:23:54 AM PDT by BillT (
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To: xzins
Sorry, but the only "exit strategy" is when every last terrorist organization with evil designs on the USA is worm food, THAT'S our only exit strategy.

Until then, we're in it for the duration.

10 posted on 09/15/2001 10:25:05 AM PDT by NYS_Eric
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To: xzins
What they fear is our decadent culture. We should clone Barbra Streisand, Ellen DeGeneris and Geraldo Rivera and send them over in legions. A legion of Jerry Springers would follow in the second wave. They would conduct non-stop television shows and concerts. This would bring our enemy to their knees (and not in prayer).
11 posted on 09/15/2001 10:26:27 AM PDT by trek
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To: xzins
Make it clear to the world that if a nuclear bomb blows up on U.S. property, then both Mecca and Baghdad will be leveled after a 7 day notice to vacate.
12 posted on 09/15/2001 10:27:39 AM PDT by Tax Government
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To: xzins
I'm no military expert, but I will suggest anyway:

1. Establish air superiority over the region.
2. Establish an inland base, including provision for air transport, helicopter and fighter ops, at some central location. Northern Pakistan is lovely this time of year.
3. Base company strength US Marine units at this base supported by helicopter and massive ground attack capabilities.
4. As soon as a suspected terrorist camp is identified anywhere in the region, bomb from the air and then send in the Marines to bayonette the survivors.
5. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
6. When the last terrorist is dead, load onto transports, set charges to dynamite the airstrips, and leave.

17 posted on 09/15/2001 10:46:47 AM PDT by gridlock
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To: xzins
The first thing is, declare war. Otherwise whatever we do becomes 'policy', intrinsically no more important than any other policy and subject to endless debate and 'clarification' of priorities.

Without a declaration of war we will have a few weeks of bombing (and bombast!) followed by Congress wandering off after whatever brightly colored object flits across its collective vision, wondering aloud whether a negotiated settlement might not be better after all and whether the money being 'wasted' on retribution might not be better spent on domestic programs....

18 posted on 09/15/2001 10:49:34 AM PDT by Grut
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To: xzins
Pay Russia, with the currency of Serbia, to have at it.

Pull our troops out of NATO; redeploy to Mexico.

Mexico should be willing to give up its sovereignty,
because we are at war, after all.

Mexican conscripts would make good border guards.

19 posted on 09/15/2001 10:49:54 AM PDT by telos
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To: xzins
Show me the money. Go after their funding sources. Advise countries that launder/hold/transfer money to and from terrorists that this is no longer going to happen. Monitor all electronic transfers of funds. Monitor purchases of weapons and where the funds came from and where they get transferred to. Bin Lauden does not carry his money around in his back pocket. Banks that do not cooperate, or violate the rules, will be deleted.
22 posted on 09/15/2001 11:00:31 AM PDT by Random Access
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To: xzins
Take away any and all sanctuaries for this enemy.

I believe that trying to find one individual (Bin Ladin) is very difficult. Let his allies find him for us.

An airburst thermonuclear weapon over Kabul would serve two purposes: the elimination of his most obvious ally's base and it would serve as a warning to other, more distant supporters.

The response to the horror of Tuesday must be of such magnitude that any country offering itself as a terrorist haven will know that their population, their culture, their history, and most importantly, their future will disappear.

That strategy will produce Bin Ladin on a silver tray, hopefully before other cities are transformed into parking lots.

However...if he is not delivered promptly, we must continue the "glassification" of terrorist havens.

An "exit strategy"?...none. Never exit this strategy. Keep it in force forever.

24 posted on 09/15/2001 11:08:40 AM PDT by Wordkraft
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To: xzins
I think there are two things the U.S. has to do simultaneously involving (1) money and (2) cooperative governments.

People on FR are so concerned about the government's power over *our* financial assets need to realize that they are also powerful over the financial assets of the terrorists. Osama bin Laden and his wealthy supporters do *not* stuff their money into their respective mattresses. If they are involved at all (and they are) in global finance networks, the U.S. government can get to their assets. Once their income sources are cut off (and they can be) you're not going to see truckloads of "Islamic militants" living in our country, spending tens of thousands of dollars in strip joints, going to flight school, renting condos, putting their kids in schools, buying polo shirts and khakis. They will not be "our neighbors" unless they can afford to be, and I am sure there is much *terrified* compliance by the officers of banks who "know where the money is" and know that they are far more safe under the aegis of the United States than under the aegis of Osama bin Laden and his acolytes (i.e., fighter pilot though he is, I doubt they suspect that George Bush will come crashing through their comfortable, amoral and complacent lives).

To sum up: Put the fear of G-d in the financiers.

(2) Let the "cooperative governments" (such as Pakistan and Iran) know that life will be far more difficult for them if they don't cooperate with America. Sure, there is a lot of verbiage about how scared these leaders are from their own internal problems with Islam, but they are far more scared of the U.S. government. I guess I could sum this up as: "Put the fear of G-d in the cooperating governments." In the end, they have much more to fear from the U.S., as far as their comfortable, complacement niches in power, than they do from Osama bin Laden.

I am sure they understand how precarious an alliance with bin Laden is. Bin Laden will honor no alliance and will turn on them as soon as it suits his purposes. For history, they might want to consult Neville Chamberlain winning "peace in our time" or the happy Soviets who negotiated the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

31 posted on 09/15/2001 11:25:05 AM PDT by HateBill
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To: xzins
Kill them faster than they reproduce.
32 posted on 09/15/2001 11:26:07 AM PDT by Crispy
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To: xzins
Implementation Strategy - Invade and occupy all nations harboring terrorists.

Exit Strategy - None. Captured territory permanently belongs to the United States of America.

34 posted on 09/15/2001 11:30:45 AM PDT by SamAdams76
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To: xzins
My personal strategy (still evolving, admittedly):

1. Tighten security within the US (within airports, at the borders, customs, etc.)

2. Infiltrate groups of domestic Muslims that may harbor radical groups (with so many American Muslims expressing their undying fealty to the US this week, it shouldn't be hard to find willing spies).

2a. Liquidate or imprison any and all radicals that exist within the US and do so in a very public fashion. Punish severely those who harbor them.

3. Build an international coalition which will generally support our goals or will at least not actively fight against us.

4. Feign an attack on Afganistan - instead, launch an multi-pronged, devastating full-scale invasion of Iraq. Capture Saddam alive if possible. Hang him at the site of the WTC. Set up a military-style government in Iraq similar to what we had in Japan after WWII. Possibly divide the country - Internationalize the oil fields in the south and create a Kurdish homeland state in the North.

5. Send a commando unit to eliminate Osama bin Laden who will no doubt have made his presence known by this time.

6. With Israeli help, disarm the Palestinians and deport/extradite them to the area that was once Iraq. Set up a 'Palestinian homeland'.

5a. Any hostile moves by Arabic states to thwart steps 3, 4, or 5 are met with attacks by air and sea.

6. All Muslim states are invited to sign a pact stating that they renounce terrorism and will not harbor or abide terrorist groups within their borders. Those who do not are considered in a state of war with the United States.

Exit strategy: Once all Arab nations have signed the pact, they are to be monitored closely by our best on-site ally, Israel. A UN force may be kept in the 'International zone' in what was once Southern Iraq. Any breaches of the pact result in a tough military response.

Objectives completed: Neutralization of Saddam, Osama bin Laden, and other terrorist groups; final(?) answer to the Palestinian question; pacification of the Arab world through superior firepower.

Too hopeful, perhaps?
37 posted on 09/15/2001 11:35:22 AM PDT by Antoninus
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To: xzins
Implementation Policy:

1. It is unwise to go 10,000 miles to punish the terrorists responsible for this when bin Laden has bragged that he has over 2,500 soldiers within the borders of the United States. The first priority is to eliminate that threat. For several years, the FBI has been "populating" the terrorist cells and "tracking" them. This strategy is an obvious failure. The FBI should be removed from the responsibility of dealing with these terrorist cells. After declaring war, these cells will become ENEMY ALIENS. This permits a combination of the Secret Service or the US Marshal Service, in conjunction with Military Intelligence, to round up these terrorist cells. As they are enemies, they can be tried by courts martial and executed following wringing information out of them. The FBI budget dedicated to the "populating and tracking" of these cells should be transferred to the Marshal Service, Military Intelligence, and the construction of temporary brigs or lock-ups for the terrorists as they face their courts martial and the wringing of information from them.

2. While the cells are FINALLY being dealt with, internal security has to be rebuilt, at least partially along the lines of the US Commission on National Security in the 21st Century. A Homeland Defense Administration that includes Immigration and Naturalization, US Customs, and the Coast Guard should be established as a cabinet level body. The US Department of Education should be abolished, with most of the money going to this department to strengthen security along the borders and in seaports and airports.

3. The Foreign Aid and UN Budgets should be eliminated, with the savings being transferred to the military. Patriot Missile batteries and fighter interceptor bases need to be built around our major metropolitan areas. The interceptors should be able to provide intesecting circles of cover, so that air cover over the cities is sufficient, and fighters are always available for scramble. The military needs rebuilt, and a lot of the funds can be freed up for this by ending the Balkan intervention.

4. The immigration system needs overhauled. We need a series of "mini Ellis Islands" to receive prospective new Americans and process them as we did a century ago. There should be a ten year moratorium on immigrants from nations associated with terrorism.

5. As these steps are being taken domestically, the foreign front will also be addressed. Make it clear through diplomatic circles that MECCA has been targeted by both ICBM and SLBM missiles, and that one more attack on the US could lead to its destruction, following sufficient warning to evacuate civilians. This means ANY attack of any kind, particularly a suitcase nuclear bomb attack. Other important sites will follow.

6. Under the cover of the targeting, begin to change foreign policy away from taking sides in conflicts in which the United States has no vital interest. As long as other nations leave us alone, and treat us with respect, we shall reciprocate.

7. Locate, Fix, and destroy, militarily, the bin Laden organization in Albania, the Sudan, and Afghanistan. Eliminate base camps through the use of fuel air bombs where practicable. By this time, bin Laden will have no soldiers within our borders through which he can strike back even if he survives the strikes.

8. Find bin Laden's money. Steal bin Laden's money by any means practicable. Hack the money out of the computers where it resides, if possible. Find out who else is supplying bin Laden's money. If they are from Muslim states, tell them to ask their leaders how many missiles are targeted on their holiest of holies.

9. Cut off bin Laden's CIA money and see if it is possible for some other intelligence agency to hack in on his satellite telephone transmissions.

10. Pubilicly investigate the internal and external policies of past Administrations that led to this disaster. Anyone who is established as being guilty of malfeasance or nonfeasance should be punished accordingly.

Exit Strategy: Some of this has an end, such as actions against bin Laden, punishing corrupt and incompetent intelligence personnel, etc., but the safeguarding of the people of the United States has no exit strategy. It is an on-going responsibility of the government.

39 posted on 09/15/2001 12:03:45 PM PDT by roughrider
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To: xzins
Time To Make It As Difficult to Enter This Country As It Now Is To Board An Airliner

Your Opinion/Questions Editorial Published: 9/15/01 Author: Joe Hadenuf Posted on 09/15/2001 11:09:43 PDT

When are we going to wake up to the fact that this massive criminal illegal alien invasion must stop. How many more terrorist are here among us? We have allowed this to happen and it’s now time to end the free for all at our borders.

The very lives of our families and loved ones depend on this security of our borders. This is no longer business as usual. We need to change they way we look at people that gain entry to our nation illegally. As it is now, Sadam himself could enter our country with little or no effort.

Our Borders have been bleeding for years and have become a national disgrace. Estimates range between 10 million and 20 million illegal aliens that are now in our nation. And they are not all Mexicans.

We are now finding out that some of these terrorist involved with this murderous acts against our nation entered our country illegally. We need a massive crackdown on people that enter our nation illegally. We need to protect our country. We need to regain control of all of our borders.

Please realize that as I write this, a small team of terrorist with weapons of mass destruction could be entering this nation illegally, right now. They could already be here illegally, waiting, planning. With 10 to 20 million criminal illegal aliens already in country, how many of them are here with agendas of death.

It’s Time To Make It As Difficult to Enter This Country As It Now Is To Board An Airliner

Joe Hadenuf

43 posted on 09/15/2001 12:20:17 PM PDT by Joe Hadenuf
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To: xzins
Question ... what if A$$holma Bin Laden ... peacefully surrenders before all this starts ????
46 posted on 09/15/2001 12:26:50 PM PDT by clamper1797
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