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Long Live The World Trade Center!!!
self | 9/11/01 | appeal2

Posted on 09/11/2001 6:53:06 PM PDT by appeal2

I predict that the WTC will be rebuilt and that they will not stop at 110 floors but will erect the towers so that they are the tallest (for the time being) buildings on the planet. This would be the ultimate statement to those Arab bastards. The WTC and I go way back to the 70's. I remember when they were under construction and there were rags hanging from the building with some unions logo.

I remember taking dates to Windows on the World to impress. They had a wonderful wine list but it was held for ransom, the price of which was dinner. They had great bathrooms, for the time, all marble and clean as a whistle. I remember when they couldn't give the space away so many of the NY State Offices moved in. I remember going up to serve the Attorney General's office with process and admiring the view. I remember sliding down the massive escalators going to the path trains.

Just the little things that made the place part of my life. I went to the observatory three or four times. I would walk through the concourse on rainy or cold days. Cutting through the subway station, you could walk for blocks without getting cold or wet. I remember taking the Path train with my girlfriend Denise to get to her place in Newark. There was a great hamburger place on the Path level during the late 70's and early 80's.

I remember the "Big Kitchen" restaurant on the concourse level. My girlfriend Judith's Uncle Aaron used to work there.I remember going to numerous attorney offices to meet with clients. I remember the horrible odor the emanated from the bowels of the Path Station. I always believed that the place was poorly constructed. I had friends who worked on it and they told me so. After the 93 bombing I had new respect for the integrity of the structures. The Trade Center was never the most beautiful structure, or the most posh or best designed. However, it was the most impressive. It showed me what heights man could ascend to when pushed there.

Therefore, sipping my cognac, thinking of I don't yet know how many friends I lost there today, I say my final condolences and pray that the center will rise yet again to new found heights. Making it a park or a memorial would never do the Trade Center the justice it so rich deserves. Long live the World Trade Center and may it outlive all of my bittersweet memories.

TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events
Just a tribute to friends lost and a chunk of my past that no longer is. Please feel free to chime in with your WTC experiences or feelings
1 posted on 09/11/2001 6:53:06 PM PDT by appeal2
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To: appeal2
Frankly I would like us to kick all the freeloading america haters out of the UN building and allow the WTC workers to use all the offices.
2 posted on 09/11/2001 6:57:58 PM PDT by OldFriend
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To: OldFriend
Damn straight!
4 posted on 09/11/2001 7:03:03 PM PDT by BigBadWolf
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To: appeal2
As the "Wise beyond their frivolous Movie" Characters once stated---"IT'S A MORAL IMPERATVE!!""

We HAVE to rebuild the Towers__""MUCH BIGGER & BETTER!!""

Irrespective of whether or not we render these psychopaths "Radioactive Microscopic Dust," (WE SHOULD!) we HAVE to rebuild there--BIGGER & BETTER (MUCH)--or they will have "Won One," on us....

"Don't Just Fight 'Em, OUTCLASS 'EM!!"

GOD, How "They" HATE that!!


6 posted on 09/11/2001 7:25:40 PM PDT by Doc On The Bay
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To: appeal2
Hear, hear! I was hoping Bush would make some comment in that direction. The WTC needs to be put back, bigger and better than ever.

U.S. to world: OK, now knock that down!

7 posted on 09/11/2001 7:59:46 PM PDT by Physicist (
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To: appeal2
Add me to the list of people who think the WTC should be rebuilt, but as the tallest building in the world, bar none.

A friend of mine thinks it should be a memorial, but I think that's giving in to the bastards. The one message we can send these folks, even without knowing who they are and what they want, is to build an architectural masterpiece that will be the tallest building in the world.

Trump wouldn't be a bad choice for it; he knows how to make an entrance.

Is there any way to make a building jetproof without ruining the ambiance? Obviously I know we could put people in massive steel compartments 300 feet thick, but tall buildings need views.

How about an early warning system? If a jet gets within (x) miles, we could have a planned evacuation.

What I really wonder, of course, is if the new building could get tenants. I'm sure there are a number of people who would be scared to death of the site. That question is what one really has to start from before committing investment money.


8 posted on 09/11/2001 8:06:47 PM PDT by daviddennis
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To: appeal2
The original project cost $1 billion. It might be three times that much now. Who are you going to get to work in the new towers if they are built?
9 posted on 09/11/2001 8:20:10 PM PDT by NoControllingLegalAuthority
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