Also, while searching some Islamic sites, I found most of them that are updated frequently had messages in opposition of the acts this week, and I know many mosques (sp?) have held candle light vigils this week. Here is one web site I found with a message from a "renowned Muslim scholar": I have no idea how widespread these feelings are among the majority of Muslims, just posting to add some thoughts to the mix.
Anyway, I'm going to be trying to find out a bit more about Islam and the Quran (I took a history class on the Islamic world in college, but my knowledge is minimal and my memory fleeting), all I've heard so far are quotes, which may or may not be taken out of context from both sides of the issue. I'd like to research enough to make a strong opinion of my own. Keep the information flowing!
Be safe, and I have confidence everyone here is doing what they can to aid in the relief efforts right now.
Also, while searching some Islamic sites, I found most of them that are updated frequently had messages in opposition of the acts this week...
I wonder if the outward displays of shock and evulsion to these attrocities are sincere.
The Palestinians who were taped dancing in the streets, now they were sincere.