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Reported plane crash in Dayton
CBS local news
| 11 Sep '01
Posted on 09/11/2001 3:05:59 PM PDT by katze
We just heard of a plane crash in Dayton.
I was outside with neighbors, we heard this very loud boom, from the direction of Wright-Patterson AFB, about 10 mi from my home. I came home, turned on local TV, the local CBS said there is an "unconfirmed" report of a plane crash near the VA Medicl Center. The camera showed a huge cloud of smoke. This is all I know for now.
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posted on
09/11/2001 3:05:59 PM PDT
To: katze
I am in Illinois about 30 minutes ago I noticed fresh contrails going form a NW to SE direction just SW of me...I am in the north part of the state..any freepers in the area look that way and oyu can see them. looks like 3 next to each other,,thought it may be the Pres returning to dc with escorts but this report is interesting
To: katze
Likely to be military aircraft?
To: katze
VA Medical Center and Wright-Patterson AFB are on opposite side of Dayton -- VA Med Center to the west and WPAFB in Fairborn to the east. I know I used to work at Wright-Patt!
posted on
09/11/2001 3:15:30 PM PDT
To: newsperson999
Look to the West. It was not three it was six jets and they were haulin A$$ myfriend.
To: newsperson999
I am midstate and we saw them comming out the office window. By the time we got outside they were already gone!
To: katze
Could be a sonic boom
posted on
09/11/2001 3:21:40 PM PDT
To: katze
any details appreciated. thnx
posted on
09/11/2001 3:21:58 PM PDT
Lady GOP
To: newsperson999
I just saw the same thing, Columbus Ohio, three planes flying from west to east just a few minutes ago. Flying fast, high and you could tell one was large, two smaller seemed to be escorting.
An hour ago a single high flying plane also flew from west to east. It appeared to be alone.
To: anniegetyourgun, PhiKapMom
No way to know anything about which aircraft. News is on national stuff now.
Yes, I know where each is. Funny thing, the boom came from the direction of Wright-Patt, which is NE of my home, then there was either a second boom not as loud. or it could have been an afterblast thing, from NW, which is the direction of the VA.
Channel 7 showed a bare area that had a huge cloud of smoke, and all local channels are showing national stuff now. I'll post more as I know.
posted on
09/11/2001 3:22:59 PM PDT
To: Lady GOP
on another thread it was said that CNN confirmed it. Anybody hear the report?
To: katze
Hey guys, loose lips sink ships. Shhhhhh!
To: MooCollins
Crash In Dayton Confirmed - two explosions (sonic booms?) prior to crash.
Local TV camera crews on their way there now. Also, confirmed crash 'near' VA center on west side of Dayton. Wright Patterson AFB is north east of the city.
RileyD, nwJ
posted on
09/11/2001 3:25:32 PM PDT
RileyD, nwJ
To: snippy_about_it
one was large, two smaller seemed to be escorting. That's just the President going home after his visit with the Strategic Air Command in Nebraska.
To: AppyPappy
You are correct. Just confirmed here in Cleveland on the news.
No crash, those were sonic booms from military aircraft leaving Wright-Pat.
To: All
Just heard on Radio that they were military jets---sonic booms
posted on
09/11/2001 3:29:16 PM PDT
To: katze
Thanks! My Mom still lives north of Dayton. Glad you clarified because I couldn't figure it out!
To: RileyD, nwj
They were sonic booms, smoke at VA is a grassfire, Ch 2 just told it.
posted on
09/11/2001 3:30:10 PM PDT
To: RileyD, nwj
We have seen atotal of six aircraft this afternoon. They were all flat out for the east coast. One, appeared to be a fighter jet was really moving, but no sonic boom.
To: PhiKapMom
I'm here in New Haven Conn and we have heard and seen F-16's flying over all day. Just shocking.
posted on
09/11/2001 3:31:59 PM PDT
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