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To: Marianne
There are many people here who would say of Ashcroft's comments, "Well, he has to do his job, this was left on his plate, etc." and they have a point. But why must he go out of his way to give it such a ringing endorsement?

Perhaps he is unaware of the shortcomings and possible rigging of this investigation. But he surely is not unaware of Reno's other juiced up witch hunts. This stinks to high Heaven.

13 posted on 09/08/2001 12:27:11 PM PDT by HalfIrish
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To: HalfIrish
LifeSite News Special Report - December 14, 1998

The following significant article was published in the Dec. 10 issue of the U.S. The Wanderer newspaper. It presents the case that James Kopp, the prime suspect in the shooting death of abortionist Barnett Slepian, is an unlikely personality to have done the deed and may have been set up as the fall guy for a murder committed to protect the presidency of Bill Clinton. The article also reveals that much violence and criminal activity related to the abortion industry comes from within the seamy industry itself.

Investigators Cast a Wide Net To Find Abortionist's Murderer

By Paul Likoudis
Reprinted with permission from The Wanderer.

BUFFALO, N.Y.—Since the Oct. 23rd assassination of Buffalo area abortionist Dr. Barnett Slepian, investigators from the FBI, the New York state police, and the Amherst Police Department have chased down hundreds of leads and interrogated hundreds of America's pro-life citizens in their effort to find James C. Kopp, sought as a material witness.

Performing abortions is a high-risk business, with abortionists often dying by suicide, gangland style executions, alcoholism, drug overdoses, and many other noteworthy causes.

But police are convinced that Slepian's murder is a pro-life "hit" and not just a typical end for an abortionist.

Among some of the more grisly—though not exactly atypical—deaths of prominent abortionists are these few from the files of the Pro-Life Action League in Chicago, provided to The Wanderer for this report: • Abortionist Lynn D. Weller of Kansas City was shot to death in his home in September, 1973 by two masked gunmen, hired by rival abortionist Dr. William Carlos, who was angry that Weller was having an affair with his ex-wife.

• Notorious Chicago abortion mill owner Kenneth Yellen literally died in the gutter after his gangland-style execution in November, 1979: five shots in the head as he walked to work. Police discovered that Yellen—who also was involved in the gambling, prostitution, and pornography- businesses —was more than $1 million in debt.

• George Patterson, who operated abortion mills in Alabama and Florida, was gunned down outside a porn theater in downtown Mobile in august, 1993, where he was a regular customer.

But wanted by the authorities as a federal material witness in the Slepian case is a man who—as everyone who knows him will attest—is fundamentally incapable of committing a violent act.

"If I had a nickel for every time someone told me it couldn't be James C. Kopp," one Amherst police investigator told The Wanderer, "I'd be a rich man. But the fact is, his car was seen in Slepian's neighborhood and we want to talk to him."

"James Kopp is wanted as a federal material witness only:” insisted the Amherst Police's Assistant Chief Frank Olesko, "and that is the scope of our wanting him at this time, so that he could be talked to about what he saw and did in the neighborhood at that time and what he knows."

In their effort to find Kopp, police investigators have set up a nationwide dragnet with a zeal that Buffalo News Washington correspondent Doug Turner described as "not seen since the Communist scares of the 1940s and 1950s, and J. Edgar Hoover's curiosity about black leaders of the 1960s."

"Just about everyone I know who has ever participated in a rescue has been questioned," Joan Andrews Bell told The Wanderer in a telephone interview from her New Jersey home.

Noted pro-life attorney John Broderick told The Wanderer that he knows at least a half-dozen New York City area pro-lifers who know Kopp—as he does—and who have received subpoenas to testify before a grand jury in Buffalo investigating the murder.

Both Broderick and Bell cannot believe that Kopp was involved in any way, shape, or form.

Bell said she has known Kopp since 1988, when he began writing letters to her while she was serving time in a Florida prison. They subsequently rescued together in Vermont, where they both served a three-month prison sentence.

"Kopp is a very gentle person," she said. "He has an arrest record for nonviolence. He is the most low-key, quiet, spiritual person I know. He is very Catholic, very contemplative, and the main focus of his life is praying for souls. He would never shoot an abortionist. He would never endanger a soul in jeopardy....

"I don't think Kopp ever held a gun," she continued. "I don't even think he has ever held a mousetrap. He's just a very gentle person."

Attorney Broderick concurs. "James Kopp was a guest in my home three, four, five, maybe six times," he said. "He is an absolutely tremendous guy, the exact opposite of a shooter—and in this case, we're talking about a professional shooter who calculated and carried out a well-thought-out plan.

"Kopp is a very dedicated pro-lifer, a saintly person, and totally nonviolent."

Then why, The Wanderer asked Broderick, doesn't Kopp come forward?

"I think—but I don't know— he's afraid they'll fabricate a case against him."

According to a member of the Amherst Police Department's task force investigating Slepian's murder, Kopp is only sought for questioning as a federal material witness because his car, bearing Vermont license plates, was seen within a half-mile of Slepian's home near the time of the shooting.

A person suspected of being a material witness, said Broderick, "can stay in jail a long time."

Also caught in the wide net cast by the federal, state, and local investigators for questioning are any individuals who ever rescued with Fr. Norman Weslin's Lambs of Christ, because Kopp rescued with the Lambs on at least three occasions, though he wasn't a Lamb "per se," according to Bell.

Officials involved in the investigation can neither confirm nor deny that there are any suspects in the murder, but the Buffalo media, led by the avidly pro-abortion Buffalo News, cranks out—almost daily—stories that portray pro-lifers as conspirators conducting a campaign of terror, murder, arson, and bombings.

Typical of the News' anti-prolife agitprop is a Sunday, Nov. 8th front-page story,

"Radical Fringe's Violent Bond Born in Confinement." The story by staff writer Phil Fairbanks opened:

"Shadowy and secretive, they operate as an underground, close-knit and tight-lipped, using names like Iron Maiden, Baby Huey, and Ann the Lamb.

"They preach guns, explosives, and butyric acid, and their targets are clinics and doctors, all of it in the name of protecting God's children....

"[James] Kopp is viewed as one of the leading activists in a small network of anti-abortion radicals born ten years ago in the jail cells of Atlanta.

"It was there, during a 40-day prison sentence, that extremists formed alliances and the roots of violence took hold."

Fairbanks' report conveniently ignored the fact that the Lambs had twice been cleared of engaging in a "violent anti-abortion conspiracy" by the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) after investigations in 1985 and 1992.

Accompanying Fairbanks' report was a quarter-page graphic depicting "anti-abortion violence" in the United States, with gun sights marking shootings, flames marking arson attacks, dynamite marking bombings, and flasks marking acid attacks.

But the News did not report on the findings of a BATF inquiry which determined that many of the clinic arsons and bombings were staged either by staff or by angry patients or their boyfriends. For example, when the perpetrator of four bomb attacks on abortion mills in Portland, Ore., was nabbed, his motive was determined to be anger that his girlfriend had an abortion without his prior knowledge or consent.

After an investigation into clinic arsons in 1992, Special Agent Jack Killoran of the BATF stated: "No conspiracy theory survives the arrests we've made. The connections would have been found. We're looking for these kinds of connections."

Lambs' founder Fr. Weslin was so outraged by the News' slanted coverage that he called a press conference on the steps of the federal courthouse in Buffalo to state that no one he knows has any notion of who killed Slepian.

“Civil disobedience,” he continued, “is not violence. Both labor and civil rights activists have always used peaceful means to stop social evils. Therefore, it [the press] has no cause to castigate and hold public lynchings of decent people who have no connection to a homicide.”

He said Slepian's murder "took place conveniently at a time when William Jefferson Clinton's presidency was in trouble, an election was at risk, and seems to be the work of a trained professional."

The Other Side

What Buffalo-area readers won't find in their pro-abortion, pro-pornography, pro-homosexual, pro-population control newspaper owned by multibillionaire Warren Buffet is the truth that abortionists are often cut down by their competitors, by hit men demanding a cut of their cash earnings, and even by their victims.

At the time of his death, Chicago abortion clinic owner Kenny "The Creep" Yellen was in debt $1 million, was being investigated for the arson of a second abortion clinic he owned, was being investigated for the "mysterious deaths" of several women who had abortions at his mills, was gambling away his enormous earnings, and was living in fear that a rival abortion profiteer was planning to eliminate him.

One of Yellen's clinics, the Women's Medical Facility, was shut down by the Chicago Board of Health after it was determined that the mill was operating without a license and its staff was performing abortions on women who were not pregnant.

Yellen, stated The Chicago Sun-Times in a report on his death (Nov. 4th, 1979), was also sued for impersonating a doctor, medical malpractice, performing illegal abortions, reckless conduct and theft by deception, and battery for squeezing a woman's breasts during an "examination."

There wasn't much public wailing in the abortion establishment when Yellen was murdered, but when George Wayne Patterson was killed outside an adult porn theater he'd been frequenting regularly for years, abortion advocates immediately charged that he was the victim of a pro-life hit.

But as the facts emerged after the August 20th, 1993 slaying, press interest evaporated. Patterson, who owned four abortion mills, in Pensacola and Ft. Walton Beach in Florida, and in Bay City and Mobile in Alabama, was shown to be not only addicted to pornography and gambling, but was deeply in debt. He was also the defendant in several lawsuits: two by the families of women who died after he attempted abortions on them, the other for a botched abortion.

Legal Racket

Veteran journalist and publisher Kevin Sherlock has authored two books that highlight the inherent corruption of the abortion industry, Victims of Choice and The Scarlet Survey (Brennyman Books, P.O. Box 2629, Akron, OH 44309; $20.00 each).

In The Scarlet Survey, Sherlock provides summaries of thousands of lawsuits culled from courthouses across the country against abortion clinic owners, abortionists, and clinic staff for deaths caused by abortion, medical malpractice, fraud, health code violations, sexual abuse and other crimes.

Sherlock is the first to admit that the lawsuits he lists are only a sample—the tip of the proverbial iceberg—because it's just not possible for one person with limited resources to go into every county, state, and federal courthouse in the country to gather the documentation.

Nevertheless, his sample is depressingly impressive.

Among the more notable cases:

• Dr. Edward Allred, the notorious L.A. abortionist, attempted to bury a woman who died after an abortion without first turning the body over to the county coroner (Los Angeles County Coroner Case N. 84-16016 and Los Angeles County Superior Court Case N. C575154).

• Abortionist Nabil Ghali lost his license to practice medicine in Kentucky after numerous lawsuits were filed against him for medical malpractice (including killing a woman) and sexual abuse of patients, including children, and moved on to do abortions in Florida, and then Ohio, where he racked up similar records.

Among the numerous lawsuits against Ghali for botched abortions was one by a woman who had her bladder removed without her permission.

• Florida abortionist Theodor Lehrer was charged with aborting his wife's child without her consent after he handcuffed her to their bed. He was angry that she refused his sexual advances.

• A number of abortionists, including Richard Ragsdale in Illinois and Milan Chepko in Mississippi, were charged with child pornography—in Ragsdale's case, of his own three-year-old foster child.

• Howard Silverman, the largest abortion provider in Massachusetts and the owner of a chain of clinics (Repro Associates; 10,000 abortions in four clinics per year), was the subject of a 1995 federal probe for rigging ultrasound tests in order to overcharge women for their abortions.

• Some abortionists, such as California's Suresh Gondrata, simply flee the country after they cause the death of a woman. Gondrata, who killed a young Mexican woman, Magdalena Rodriguez, on Dec. 8th, 1994, fled to his homeland, India, before authorities could charge him with murder.

Gondrata was convicted in 1990 in Orange County Superior Court on 17 felonies and misdemeanors ranging from grand theft and Medi-Cal fraud, to providing dangerous drugs without proper authority and aiding the unlicensed practice of medicine.

Unfortunately, the common thread running through the bulk of this.documentation is the ability of abortion providers to evade conviction, and often prosecution for their crimes, because of their unlimited financial resources for legal protection and the complicity of judicial bodies in the abortion protection racket.

Another of the fascinating facets of Sherlock's work is his meticulous compilation of lawsuits filed against the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, on a wide range of issues. These include: violations of health codes, equipment and utility deficiencies, medical record deficiencies, patient care deficiencies, sanitation deficiencies, staff and procedure deficiencies, professional deficiencies (such as altering lab reports), labor complaints, fraudulent billing, use of government "family planning" funds for political purposes, sex offenses, and so on.

Sherlock also persuasively argues that the U.S. government's Centers for Disease Control is engaged in covering up the number of abortion-related deaths in the United States each year. By checking CDC statistics against state and local records, he shows that 30%40% more women die from abortion than are reported by the government, and is willing to go to court to prove it if challenged.

He also proves how difficult it is to gain access to government documents. When he asked CDC officials in 1990 to give him a list of abortion-related deaths, they charged him $13,000 for 11,000 pages "of censored documents" which eliminated the names of the abortionists and their victims.

In 1996, when he renewed his request, the charge was $24,000 for 16,600 pages of fatal statistics, or $26.00 per hour for 845 hours so clerks could black out the names on the documents.

In Victims of Choice, Sherlock documents the tragic deaths of hundreds of women who have been, as he says, "sacrificed on the altar of sisterhood."

Sherlock shows how possible it is that many women who died from botched abortions might be alive today if state regulatory and licensing officials would do what they are charged to do: protect the public from medical butchers.

For example, a young Honduran woman, Guadalupe Negron, died at the hands of Dr. David Benjamin, who performed an abortion on her at his Metro Women's Center in Queens on July 9th, 1993.

Benjamin's license had been revoked a month earlier for "gross incompetence and negligence" in rupturing the uteruses of five other women, but medical officials allowed him to continue his practice. But as early as 1980, after he was dismissed from a Utica hospital for substandard work, New York health officials already knew that he was a public health menace.

And there is the case of Angela Nieto Sanchez, 27, who died on the 20th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Jan. 22nd, 1993, in an unlicensed San Diego clinic, Clinica Feminina de la Communidad, while her children awaited her return from the clinic in a borrowed car. While Nieto Sanchez lay dying on a clinic table, a staff member gave the children some money to run out for some lunch. Later that night, when Nieto Sanchez's family came back to get her, wondering why she didn't come home, they found her dead body in the parking lot.

Unsafe, Illegal, And Common

According to some medical professionals contacted by The Wanderer, it is statistically impossible for "professional" abortionists who often practice Third World medicine under Third World conditions to escape involvement in the inevitable consequences of the trade.

Abortion is not only a highly dangerous and unnatural procedure (can you imagine going to a freestanding, unlicensed, unequipped, unregulated, unstaffed, unclean office for an appendectomy?), but, like all organized crime- controlled, profit-and-sex- oriented businesses, it is mired in graft and corruption, protected and tolerated, aided and abetted by officials from the highest to the lowest levels of every social institution, including the courts, legislatures, medical associations, and the churches.

LifeSite Daily News is a production of Interim Publishing Contents may be freely reproduced provided source is noted.

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18 posted on 09/08/2001 7:06:28 PM PDT by victim soul
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