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Two Airport Employees Arrested for Allegedly Leaking Footage of Deadly DC Plane Crash to Far-Left CNN
Gateway Pundit ^ | 2-3-25 |

Posted on 02/03/2025 8:17:39 PM PST by bimboeruption

Two employees at the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority have been arrested over leaking video of an American Airlines passenger jet colliding with an Army helicopter to far-left CNN.

Fox 5 DC reported on Monday 21-year-old Mohamed Lamine Mbengue of Rockville, Maryland was arrested on Jan. 31 and charged with computer trespass under Virginia law. A MWAA spokesperson said he booked into the Arlington County Adult Detention Center and was later released.

Authorities then charged 45-year-old Jonathan Savoy of Upper Marlboro, Maryland, with computer trespass on Feb. 2. A magistrate judge later released him on a summons.

Fox 5 DC notes that authorities refused to say whether additional individuals could face charges as the investigation unfolds. It’s also unclear whether the employees sold the video to the news station or gave it away for free.

Imagine the headaches for CNN if they coughed up money for the exclusive video.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, a tragic incident unfolded at Reagan National Airport last Wednesday night where an American Airlines passenger jet collided with a Blackhawk helicopter during landing.

All 64 passengers in the jet were killed. The three pilots in the Blackhawk helicopter also died in the explosive crash.

An FAA report following the incident showed that staffing at DCA Air Traffic Control Tower was “not normal” at the time of the collision. one controller was overseeing both helicopter and airplane traffic when, typically, one controller focuses on helicopter activity.

Democrats and their corporate media allies later blamed Trump even though there have been aviation staffing shortages for years because of DEI policies first implemented under the Obama regime.

The FAA has denied 1,000 air traffic controller applicants because they were ‘too white’ and now 285 of the 313 air traffic control facilities are dealing with staffing shortages.

In addition, one of the Blackhawk helicopter co-pilots was revealed to be 28-year-old Rebecca Lobach, a White House aide for Joe Biden. Lobach’s name was initially withheld at the request of her family.

But as Jim Hoft reported, her entire social media was scrubbed before the Army released her name, leading Americans to wonder what the government was hiding.

This latest news regarding the arrest of these two airport employees likely will just raise more questions with Americans as well

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: americanairlines; helicopter; jonathansavoy; mohamedlaminembengue; planecrash; reaganairport
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All the footage should be made public. Why do the feds what to bury it? What are they hiding?

Meanwhile, one of the guys who leaked the footage, Mohamed Lamine Mbengue, looks like he grills a lot of dogs, cats and ducks.

A DEI hire?


1 posted on 02/03/2025 8:17:39 PM PST by bimboeruption
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To: bimboeruption

A DEI hire?“

Bank it.

2 posted on 02/03/2025 8:20:17 PM PST by gibsonguy
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To: bimboeruption

CNN paid a fortune from their dwindling supply of dollar bills.

3 posted on 02/03/2025 8:21:24 PM PST by frank ballenger (There's a battle outside and it's raging. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls. )
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To: bimboeruption


Lawyer: Your honor I think you should take into account this was his first offense.

Since his last ones.

And the first offense of this exact type of crime on the books.

Soros Judge: Agree. Young man I am releasing you without charges. Case dismissed.

4 posted on 02/03/2025 8:24:10 PM PST by frank ballenger (There's a battle outside and it's raging. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls. )
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To: bimboeruption
All the footage should be made public. Why do the feds what to bury it? What are they hiding?

Shows the rockets shot from the Black Hawk with flashes illuminating the female wearing her helmet-mounted Display and Tracker System and holding the weapon control module.


5 posted on 02/03/2025 8:29:24 PM PST by frank ballenger (There's a battle outside and it's raging. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls. )
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To: frank ballenger

>>>>CNN paid a fortune from their dwindling supply of dollar bills.<<<<

After all the lawsuits they’ve lost, it’s surprising that CNN still has cash to disburse.

6 posted on 02/03/2025 8:36:17 PM PST by bimboeruption ((“Less propaganda would be appreciated.” JimRob 12-2-2023) )
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To: frank ballenger
For a minute I thought he was one of the Mbengue Brothers.
7 posted on 02/03/2025 8:37:42 PM PST by Wally_Kalbacken
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To: bimboeruption

Another low IQ savage.

8 posted on 02/03/2025 8:42:22 PM PST by Noumenon (You can evade reality, but you cannot evade the consequences of evading reality. KTF)
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To: frank ballenger

After they were arrested, they were released.

Probably was a Soros judge.

9 posted on 02/03/2025 8:48:39 PM PST by bimboeruption ((“Less propaganda would be appreciated.” JimRob 12-2-2023) )
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To: frank ballenger

If they pay for a story as opposed to obtaining it ethically, can they still claim 1st Amendment protection?

10 posted on 02/03/2025 8:55:11 PM PST by JusPasenThru (We are Free to be Americans Again.)
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To: bimboeruption

Charge CNN with criminal interference with a federal investigation...

11 posted on 02/03/2025 8:58:03 PM PST by SuperLuminal (Where is rabble-rusing Sam Adams now that we need him? Is his name Trump, now?)
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To: bimboeruption
It was an event which happened visible to the public. All evidence should be open. I'm so tired of the Deep State hiding the truth.

They spend 3 days scrubbing the Internet of all posts and history of the helicopter pilot before releasing her name. They even named her lover as her "partner". If the pilot were normal they would have used "boyfriend" or "husband". Everything that could be known about the personality of the pilot was scrubbed clean. Was it suicide? Terrorism? The clues have been purged.

This reminds me SO MUCH of the Nashville Killer Lesbo whose information was also withheld from the public. Whenever normal information is witheld, you can bet the truth doesn't fit the "narrative".

Here are snippets from that lesbo's writings [See Audrey Hale's complete diary.]

  1. Hale thought she'd become a boy when she died.
  2. Wanted to make Columbine shooters proud.
  3. Wished death upon her father.
  4. Sexually attracted to females.
  5. Diary concludes with Hale using her birth name.
There are strong hints that the pilot was psycho because what is usually considered normal has been withheld. The obvious explanation is that the pilot was not "normal". Accident? Terrorism? Psychiatric event? Inquiring minds want to know!

As for this footage of the event, how did it come into the hands of a "Mohamed"? Who the hell is Mohamed Lemine Mbengue? Was he documenting the event for his handlers? There are too many questions, and obstruction on the part of the Deep State only raises more questions. No one named "Mohamed" should ever be allowed employment at any airport in the Western World.

Finally, there should be absolutely no right to privacy if you are the instrument of a mass casualty event. None. For example what do we known of the Las Vegas shooter? This we do know: anytime the Deep State withholds information, it means the truth doesn't fit their narrative.

12 posted on 02/03/2025 9:19:51 PM PST by Governor Dinwiddie ( O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is gracious, and His mercy endureth forever. — Psalm 106)
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To: bimboeruption; piasa

I wonder why the media outlets are only publishing one mugshot.

From 2010:

* * *

U.S. District Judge Roger W. Titus sentenced Jonathan Savoy, age 30, of Fort Washington, Maryland, today to 10 years in prison, followed by eight years of supervised release, for conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine. Judge Titus ordered that Savoy’s federal sentence is to be served consecutive to the five year sentence recently imposed in state court in Charles County. Judge Titus also found that Savoy is a career offender based on four previous drug convictions. . .

13 posted on 02/03/2025 9:24:41 PM PST by Fedora
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To: Fedora

That’s interesting. Thanks for posting.

Mohamed was released but they kept Savoy for further investigation.

Could it be because Savoy had a record as long as my arm?

14 posted on 02/03/2025 9:39:10 PM PST by bimboeruption ((“Less propaganda would be appreciated.” JimRob 12-2-2023) )
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To: bimboeruption

In this case I think we can look past the DEI and corruption and just look at it “by the book”. They downloaded restricted data and shared it publicly. That is all we need to consider for this news story. Any other comments are just peripheral and unnecessary. Let’s focus on the US Agency For International Development corruption and grift.

15 posted on 02/03/2025 10:06:56 PM PST by lefty-lie-spy (Stay Metal)
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To: lefty-lie-spy

And yes, all the evidence should be made public anyway. This is a side issue to that.

16 posted on 02/03/2025 10:08:51 PM PST by lefty-lie-spy (Stay Metal)
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To: Fedora

How did someone with that background get a job at Reagan National Airport?

And what position did he hold that he had access to nonpublic footage on a computer system?

17 posted on 02/03/2025 10:21:02 PM PST by FoxInSocks ("Hope is not a course of action." — M. O'Neal, USMC)
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18 posted on 02/04/2025 12:56:35 AM PST by Mr Radical (In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.)
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To: bimboeruption

“21-year-old Mohamed Lamine Mbeng”

Me thinks the only reason this nitwit did this was for the Benjamin’s. CNN could be in a world of hurt.

19 posted on 02/04/2025 2:24:14 AM PST by DAC21
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To: bimboeruption
You can see the "stupid" in his eyes.

Either that or dope.

20 posted on 02/04/2025 2:54:17 AM PST by Psalm 73 ("You'll never hear surf music again" - J. Hendrix)
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