Posted on 01/24/2025 12:34:58 PM PST by karpov
Newly inaugurated President Donald Trump signed a bevy of executive orders earlier this week, including one that seeks to end the federal government's pressure campaign on social media companies.
The "Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship" executive order reaffirms the free speech rights of social media users and prohibits government agents from engaging in unconstitutional censorship.
"Under the guise of combatting 'misinformation,' 'disinformation,' and 'malinformation,' the Federal Government infringed on the constitutionally protected speech rights of American citizens across the United States in a manner that advanced the Government's preferred narrative about significant matters of public debate," states the order. "Government censorship of speech is intolerable in a free society."
This order is, as the Abundance Institute's Neil Chilson recognized, "good and appropriate." Much of the censorship on social media sites that rightly irked libertarians, conservatives, and dissidents of all stripes was not enforced by the platforms of their own free will; on the contrary, they were browbeaten by various federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the White House.
It's right and proper for Trump to tell the bureaucrats who work at these agencies: that's enough of that. The First Amendment protects misinformation and hate speech, and the feds have no business policing these categories of speech on social media.
Needless to say, self-described disinformation experts hate this order—and mainstream media organizations are always happy to provide a megaphone to their complaints. CNN saw fit to enlist Nina Jankowicz, the discredited former DHS disinfo adviser, to offer a thunderous denunciation.
"Disinformation is not a partisan issue; it's a democracy issue," Jankowicz said in a statement. "America's adversaries benefit when our country is internally divided and politically polarized."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
“Disinformation Expert” = propagandist.
“Free speech isn’t Free speech unless it IS Free speech” applies. anyone who believes that there is a lie in the free speech of someone else is Free to point out the lie by using THEIR free speech and then everyone else is free to make their own determination of what is true or not. see how simple that is.
As the lefts agenda started stalling out, they went hard into censorship and information control. The agenda must never be re-examined as new information becomes available.
Pilate saith to him: What is truth?
John 18:38
Trump is destroying an entire industry with his outdated, old fashion notions of ethics, honor, truth and honesty.
They’re quoting *Scary Poppins* ?
“””””America’s adversaries benefit when our country is internally divided and politically polarized.”””””
Then maybe stop covering up the truth because you can’t defend your lies.
Disinformation is merely the “other person’s” side of the story. When chosen by government, tyranny is in affect.
Disinformation Experts Hate Trump’s Free Speech Executive Order.
Well that explains why so news media outlets are having a lot of layoffs BS not selling anymore.
Voters nod
“Disinformation experts” (former perts). ROTFLMAO. I didn’t know we had them here in America.
Actually, what these people like to call “disinformation” is used to be known as “a difference of opinion”.
Just look back at covid, they claimed all kinds of stuff was “disinformation” that has since proven to be true, and their “disinformation” to be false.
It’s the worst crazy example of how the ruling class lost its damn mind over the past 10 years or more.
I saw this on Twitter earlier.
I really thought it was the Babylon Bee.
But no, they are incapable of self-reflection, and it’s hilarious.
Don’t believe anyone who calls themself an “expert”.
“”America’s adversaries benefit when our country is internally divided and politically polarized.””
I would classify this Jankowicz creep as the perfect example of an adversary of America.
The division / polarization comes from Left. Jankowicz and her ilk would support massive re-education camps for anyone caught believing, thinking, or say anything other than what the Deep State is pushing.
In the ‘perfect’ world of Jankowicz, weather people would not be allowed to report the current cold weather.
We got not one but three messages from ChatGPT titled: SOURCES and it gave a warning to only get news/information from reliable sources such as Associated Press, Reuters, and other established/reliable sources. It was totally random and had nothing to do with what ChatGPT was being used for.
This was in the last 24 hours.
I have noticed that there is more and more garbage being peddled as news on social media in the last few months. I am a big college football fan, and I get a lot of “news” about my favorite team, and I look at it skeptically as I was taught by my parents to never trust the news. It’s like the obviously fake news things that used to be popular in the checkout lines at the grocery store.
Today, I saw a “news” story that said Georgia had shut down poultry sales, and I believed it without even checking the source. I saw it quickly and walked away from my phone. Hours later, I did some research and found it to have been false, but I did believe it for a short while.
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