Posted on 01/23/2025 6:40:00 PM PST by bitt
With all this talk about the Chinese government infiltrating the United States through TikTok, many have asked: Aren't the Chinese already doing so through the purchase of U.S. farmland?
About a year and a half ago, Georgia Rep. Mike Collins delivered a speech to the U.S. House of Representatives, citing a 2021 report that China owned 384,000 acres of American agricultural land at that time — a 30% jump between 2019 and 2020 — and some of that land surrounded an Air Force base in North Dakota, making it a clear threat to national security. Grand Forks, N.D., apparently ended up denying building permits to the Chinese-based food manufacturer that purchased that land and denied access to industrial infrastructure after the mayor called the federal response "slow and contradictory" and an Air Force official called it a "significant threat."
While on the campaign trail in 2024, Donald Trump called these types of Chinese investments a "threat to American farmers" and promised that if he were elected, he'd block Chinese nationals from purchasing any additional land. When he met with a group of farmers in Pennsylvania in September, they expressed other concerns beyond national security, such as driving up prices and eliminating a future generation of American farmers and ranchers.
"My concern today is with foreign [sic] buying up farmland, young Americans can’t afford to buy a farm or even get started," said beef farmer Todd Reamer, who has owned his farm for three decades. "I know there are young farmers out there who really aspire to own a farm or ranch but can’t because of the high costs. We hear the word 'sustainable,' but to stay sustainable we need to give Americans a chance to own farms and ranches so they can continue to produce the safest food supply in
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...I would make them either bring it under production or sell
Not surprising. Wealth is mobile. In the face of increasingly deranged neo Socialist Governments at home the wealthy in these countries have been quietly transferred some of their holdings into safe US assets like land
We hear the word ‘sustainable,’ but to stay sustainable we need to give Americans a chance to own farms and ranches so they can continue to produce the safest food supply in
I was on a board with a $500,000 grant to help transfer current farming business to young farmers. I don’t think there was one success.
my pet peeve
They need to Share The Land.
The Mexican Constitution regulates foreign land ownership, which IMHO is smart:
How about using their restrictions as a starting point for a Constitutional Amendment?
As much as Filipinos love Americans, they won’t allow us or other foreigners to buy real estate there.
If Collins cared, he would have fought to send kemp to the trash heap and gone forever.
Through 2022, it shows Chinese investors owning nearly 2,000 acres of Georgia farmland in Clayton, Henry, Jackson, and Newton counties.
Is it a coincidence that it all started while kemp had been in office?
After China sold kemp Chinese-Dominion voting machines?
kemp forcing Georgia to deal with leftist “industries” that are going to promise 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of jobs that will never happen. Just busy importing liberals to, as Schumer said, turn Georgia Blue.
So, what do you think? Is it a good idea for state and federal governments to step in and prevent the sale of U.S. farmland to foreign countries in the name of national security and an “America first” ideology? Or is this an example of government overreach that could harm the economy? Let us know in the comments.
1) even if owned by foreigners that land is still here not there. Japan bought a lot of land and property in the 70s, they had a recession and we bought it back at a discount.
2) churches and govt owns a lot of land
3) The real issue here is control. just because you own the land doesn’t mean you control it. I used to tell my farmers owning the land is just ONE way of controlling it.
4) Used to tell my farmers that about the only management decision they made any more was what color paint was on their machinery. Maybe a bit of exaggeration but closer to the truth than not. Tremendous amount of govt involvement in agriculture. Crop insurance took the risk out of farming and pushed up the cost of everything. chemical warranty made the decision on how much chemicals you put on. etc.
5) had a meeting with charles grassley once, he said, “we’ve been trying to save the family farm for 50 years now, are we any closer?”
1. Sieze the assets of those who profited.
2. As a good faith measure to those who do not deserve it, admittedly, return the money seized to China. If there is a difference, make it up. Let them save face on this one, since that concept is sooooo important to them. Quite frankly, the original sellers lose out. F--K them. They are "Lesser Americans", anyway. I would rather take a bath in hot horse vomit than sell any land to a chinese communist.
6) All the American dollars we export eventually have to come back here to buy something. We got Chinas crappy products , they got our crappy dollar. we buy canadas stuff what do they buy.
what would you buy if you were them. Treasuries?
Do you understand how much Trump is trying to change things.
Trump must investigate the Biden finances. And after that. Every politician in DC. The Chinese are definitely buying politicians and they need to be investigated, exposed, prosecuted, and punished.
Guess they don’t want to be renters in their own country, which is smart. They own their country, not anyone else.
Also ban Bill Gates and his minions from buying land.
Without family farms and ranches wee are in deep doodoo.
Do you know how to make a small fortune in farming?
Start with a large fortune.
It should be illegal for any foreign national, country or enterprise to own US soil of any kind. Many countries have that law. And what to speak of FARMLAND!
Other countries don’t allow foreigners to own property here. Trump needs to do the same.
The location of some of the land may be concerning (i.e., near military bases), but 384,000 acres is trivia. 384K acres equals exactly 600 square miles (suggesting they converted the number from a rounded estimate in square miles originally). That’s a block of land 20X30 miles, which is nothing against the size of the country or our agricultural land as a whole.
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