Posted on 01/23/2025 9:54:08 AM PST by cuz1961
Trump 'misrepresented' Hunter Biden laptop letter, John Brennan complains after losing security clearance...
...his security clearance was revoked on Tuesday....
... By executive order, Trump revoked the security clearances of the 51 former intel officials ...
Other officials named in the EO include former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Jr., former CIA director Michael Hayden, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and former National Security Advisor John Bolton. ....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
. good start on john, hope to see him tried for treason eventually.
Is he the first pig to squeal?
Brennan needs to be swinging from a lamppost.
"He misrepresented the facts in that executive order because it said that we had suggested that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation," Brennan said Tuesday on MSNBC.
"No, we said it was all the hallmarks of Russian information operations, including the dumping of accurate information, which is what we said in that letter."
LOL! Thanks for making Trump's case a-hole.
The issue was they knew it was Hunter’s laptop.
Was he pardoned? If not then turn the full force of the DOJ loose on him.
maybe Brennan will now pull a rabbit out of his hat. what part of “you lied” doesn’t he get? unless, of course, “lied” doesn’t mean lied in the semi-intelligence agencies that live to lie and lie to live.
Amazing - “never give up the con”, eh?
Clapper is also on that list. Good.
Now do the Clintons.
Don’t you love that they included a hedge that “accurate information” could also be Russian disinformation?
When a person or entitity appends ‘mis’ to the front of a word, cast extreme doubt on the veracity of the following verbiage. Same for ‘phobia/phobic and racist’. Evidently, students at our now laughed-at (l)universities have those two words drilled into them to the point where they feel required to use them whenever they run out of logical arguments (which occurs often).
LOL yeah Johnny boy, when you said that the laptop was all Russian lies, we all just misunderstood what you meant..get bent!
Brennan plotted against Trump even before he became President. Brennan has not been honest about any of that. Then he signs a letter designed to defeat Trump. Trump says that’s over.
Brennan plotted against Trump even before he became President. Brennan has not been honest about any of that. Then he signs a letter designed to defeat Trump. Trump says that’s over.
The process is the punishment.
No clearance means no consultant contracts.
semi-intelligence agencies that live to lie and lie to live.
whole lot of rice bowls just got broke.
i hope john ends up under an overpass in a tent eating rat..
loser said what now?
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