Posted on 01/22/2025 4:41:08 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum
President Donald Trump fired top immigration officials at the Department of Justice quickly after taking office.
Chief immigration judge Sheila McNulty; the office's general counsel Lauren Alder Reid; the office's general counsel, Jill Anderson; and acting Director of the Executive Office of Immigration Review Mary Cheng were fire, according to NBC News.
The officials were civil servants and reportedly not given advanced warning.
“My career Senior Executive Service colleagues and I are shocked and severely disappointed in the decision to remove us from our positions without notice or cause," Reid told the news outlet. "We have dedicated our careers to upholding the rule of law, regardless of the administration. Our continued pursuit of justice will not be diminished."
The officials reportedly worked at the department for decades.
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The cause: you stink at your job.
All female-Americans?
Senior Executive Service colleagues
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I think SES are serving at the pleasure of the president.
They are not civil service (with it’s protections).
“ “We have dedicated our careers to upholding the rule of law…”
Well that’s an obvious LIE, the last regime refused to uphold the law.
And SES basically serves at the pleasure of the President and he doesn’t please, lol.
“”Our continued pursuit of justice will not be diminished.””
Guess you’ll have to find another place to pursue that!!!!
I have read for years that the SES are a main column of the DS and one of the reasons that the vermin cannot be extracted. They have sweet rules to stay for life etc. Bravo!
Trump is right...getting tired of WINNING!
But I’ll get used to it.
Also one of the nepotism/favoritism cases where you can not just get a job but be in charge of a department/service with no competence whatsoever. I guess family tree, looks, favors, and other unnamed skills help, too FWIH.
SES. Now you know the cause.
“without cause”
Just a SWAG here — You are stinking commie anti-Trump incompetent bureaucrats intent on RESIST and undermining Trump at every turn, secretly supporting Dems, sympathetic to invaders. and making life miserable for honest citizens.
Just a guess, mind you.
Worked at the Dept for decades. Yeh, that’s the problem.
My only (minor) complaint is that they weren’t stripped and whipped all the way to their vehicles...
Judge Sheila, general counsel Lauren, general counsel Jill, and acting director Mary.
“The cause: you stink at your job.”
They did a GREAT JOB - they got 10 Million migrants into the country. Probably drove the White population to under 50%. What more could have been expected of them?
It’s set up to accept the pipeline of influx from the deep state hiring pool.
PDJT MUST replace every single billet that he can. And Congress needs to gut and weaken the status quo.
Up to 10% of SES positions can be filled as political appointments rather than by career employees.[3] About half of the SES is designated “Career Reserved”, which can only be filled by career employees. The other half is designated “General”, which can be filled by either career employees or political appointments as desired by the administration. Due to the 10% limitation, most General positions are still filled by career appointees.[4]
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