Posted on 01/22/2025 1:57:27 PM PST by ChicagoConservative27
Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) said Senate Republicans are ready to hold the Senate open “nights, weekends, and recesses” to confirm Trump’s nominees.
Thune on the Senate floor on Tuesday decried Senate Democrats holding up the nomination of John Ratcliffe to become the next CIA director.
For instance, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) spent much of his floor time this week obsessing over the January 6 protests after Trump pardoned many of the January 6 protestors.
In early January, one poll found that that only five percent of American registered voters believe that the January 6 protests were the biggest memory of Trump’s first term in office.
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Trump’s supporters/MAGA is BIG and will be heard thru phone messages, emails (politicians do read them), commenting in their social media posts on Facebook, Twitter (X). The MAGA numbers can be overwhelming. No matter what the issue, let your Reps know where you stand.
This Murphy is a real ass. He spent floor time asking Stafanik about insinuations against Musks. He needs an early exit from the Senate. Even Megyn Kelly has thought of running for the seat.
I am not because in this sentence it looks like he took recess appointments off the table and he can’t seem to keep RATs from stalling cabinet appointments.
Open All Night.
Do whatever needs to be done to get those nominees confirmed, but don’t make threats unless you plan to follow through, because you will be seen as weak for not enforcing your own threats.
If true, why is Pam Bondi’s confirmation delayed until next week?
Isn’t the better strategy to recess the Senate? Trump gets his recess appointments and they can drag out the process without impact to the agenda.
Murphy reminds me of Jimmy Piersall (Fear Strikes out), who played for the Red Sox, from my home town of Waterbury Ct. Piersall was played by Anthony Perkins (Psycho) in the movie. When I was 11, I saw Joan Joyce strike out Ted Williams at Waterbury’s Municipal Stadium at a Jimmy’s charity event for mentally disturbed people. I stood right behind the backstop. How I got there I don’t know.
Good if true.
I think recess appointments are still an option and, as I understand it, Trump doesn’t need Thune to go along with it anyway. He just needs one chamber to declare recess then he, as President, can declare a recess for the other chamber.
I think they’re trying to work out another strategy first, but if they’re unable to do so within the next few days, I would imagine we’ll see Congress go the recess route. All else being equal, it would be better for Trump’s appointments to be confirmed rather then be recess appointments. Recess appointments have to eventually be confirmed or they eventually expire.
Doesn’t recess appointments only last for 2 years?
When Biden took over his team had quite a few in place by now. Most of them were weirdos and scum yet they sailed through.
Thune should have never given Adam Schiff a committee seat.
Geesh, I would prefer them not to be recess appointments, but we know how it goes from before.
Yes, they last till the end of the next session of Congress, which is approximately two years when appointed early in the session.
Some Democrat has put a 7 day hold on Pam Bondi’s final vote.
Do you know what committee Schiff’s been assigned to? Nothing that deals with anything important, I hope.
He wouldn’t need to if he just got everyone on board
Tell them, “ vote no on any and NO committees, NO campaign money,”
Grow a pair Thune, you squishy RINO puke.
Tell these rats keep playing games and filibuster by by
Should be anyway it is what the rats ran on no?
I’ll give Thine the benefit of the doubt as well. Nice to see he’s demonstrating having some testiclees
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