Posted on 01/21/2025 6:36:34 PM PST by hardspunned
Pursuant to its authority under 5 U.S.C. § 1103(a)(1) and (a)(5), the U.S. Office of Personnel Management ("OPM) is providing the following initial guidance to agencies regarding the President's executive orders titled Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing and Initial Rescissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions, which repeals Executive Order 14035, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce. Steps to Close Agency DEIA Offices: In light of the above Executive Orders, each should take prompt actions regarding the offices and agency sub-units focusing exclusively on DEIA initiatives and programs (the "DEIA offices"). Specifically, agency heads should take the…
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Im still hangover from all of yesterday’s winnings….
Now this
“What’s a diverse deadbeat to do now?”
Unfortunately stay home and get paid for at least the time being.
Why are they going to be paid?
WOW! Just WOW! Thats MAGA raght thar baby!
Wow… I’M IMPRESSED! Someone at the White House knows how to get serious.
Agencies should NOT be allowed to reassign current DEI employees or disguise/camouflage them in some HR corner. They ALL NEED TI BE TERMINATED and not simply reassigned.
Do they have to turn in their blue DEIA windbreakers?
Good to see the right things are happening, and at a good pace!
PAID leave?!?!
Go get their masters or PhD in pre-colonial LGBTQ African studies?
“Why are they going to be paid”
I think it is standard procedure while it is being decided if they will be reassigned or separated. At least some of these people might have skills the government wants to retain. Some probably took those jobs as promotions, not because they were DEI zealots.
“Why are they going to be paid?”
Government unions.
Just assign them all to shovel snow off the runway at
Eielson AFB AK.
I like the way you think
Just bring in Elon Musk to fire them all.
Whenever my company restructures or eliminates departments, we always offer severance packages.
Starts their Severance payment which is contractural, willing to bet. Start paying them before they are severed, to advance them pay for no work until they are severed. Like corporate severance often does. Just a guess- these clowns probably expect full retirement or pension pay here forward. Dream on, idjits.
I can see sending them OUT THE DOOR with pay for a bit. I mean, they’re stupid, but they have bills and families and those that depend upon them just like the rest of us do.
It puts a better spin on it, giving them some sort of ‘severance’ now, for when President Trump cuts them off at the knees in a few more weeks. ;)
I can live with it. How many BILLIONS of Taxpayer Dollars has Mother Government flushed down a rat hole in just my lifetime? Plenty. And it also puts an end to whoever was ‘benefiting’ financially from this stupidity in the first place. The Gravy Train ends with US!
No more 10% for ‘The Big Guy’ or any of his minions! MAGA! :)
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