Posted on 01/20/2025 7:15:25 PM PST by linMcHlp
SUBJECT: Putting People over Fish: Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California
I hereby direct the Secretary of Commerce and Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the heads of other departments and agencies of the United States as necessary, to immediately restart the work from my first Administration by the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, and other agencies to route more water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to other parts of the state for use by the people there who desperately need a reliable water supply.
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The list of President Trump's Executive Orders:
Common sense! Winning!
They might want to review the environmental impact report. My suspicious side might wager that the effects on fish are over-stated, and the mitigation measures unneeded (just my guesses).
I know we live in a 2 party system. so the Democrats we’ll always have with us.
But Gavin Newsom can never, ever come near the presidency. hear that? EVER. please send him back to his vineyard in Napa.
Your suspicion is absolutely correct. The "science" behind such bureaucratic fiat orders is almost never put up for scrutiny. its treated now as scientific dogma, when in fact its almost pure conjecture, based on faulty political motivations. The null hypothesis is never considered or tested. Economic impact is never measured.
If one was to challenge, it must be done in court, where and politicians have infinite money and time, and are often in league with political NGOS - while interested/affected parties are dispersed, disorganized and unfunded.
If we are going to unshackle our economy with which to afford to restore a functional environment, the entire system of listing endangered species and managing their recovery must be revisited.
That contrary data isn't allowed into the courtroom for lack of "standing."
In the case of the listing of Hypomesus transpacificus, the "science" behind the claim that it is endemic to North America is beyond questionable, a conclusion that is supported by a pattern of similar behavior by the perpetrators of said listing and others.
Thoughts? Mad?
Will Gov. Nuisance spend CA into bankruptcy to fight this?
Thank you, that was a very informative post. Would it be a realistic solutiom to have the DOJ take on this fight?
It would be time well spent to attack liberal policies rather than people with the big guns.
Sure - it isn’t HIS money.
Use CA money being wasted on the high-speed rail project to nowhere and rebuild the Klamath dams...
Probably insufficient.
Rain and snow vary greatly from year to year.
Desalinization plants for CA are inevitable, they only grow more expensive every day that they are delayed.
Perhaps we (Via the Fed.) should pay for it, like we did Hoover dam.
Then reduce the CA share of Colorado River water.
I seem to recall that by treaty we “Owe” a lot more of it to Mexico than they have been getting.
I just caught this from a “verified” comment on Breitbart. I’ve mentioned here before that The Nature Conservancy is in control of a huge amount of land on Maui. Was this an intentional burnout...
“Only need to look at Lahaina, Maui to see the pattern. The owners of homes and businesses have been locked out for 17 months from stepping foot inside the walled off community. No building permits given, people still listed as missing, the “news” has memory holed the entire area and its’ inhabitants. Now all of a sudden pResident biden has signed a National Park “study” to get a federal land takeover for the area. Newsome is already talking about his Marshall Plan to remake the areas in and around LA in the language of the Agenda 2030 Utopia.”
Our U.S. Senators again, imagine that! The U.S. Senate unanimously...
A shot across the bow needs to be fired. The house needs to subpoena ex-senator Rob Portman and ask 20 questions about him having been to Ukraine 10 times since 2014 and who he was rolling with. Biden pardoned himself going back to 2014. You think this is a coincidence?
Delta Smelt was probably introduced by the gold miners in 1800. Some make claims that it is actually an invasive specie and should be treated like that.
Anyway, it is functionally extinct by now. But, they keep it in some aquariums.
The problem is not that there is not enough water for the smelt as one my think. It does not need too much water, it is desert fish, able to survive drought.
The whole mess was intentionally created to stop farming in CA.
The river water to be used for farming needs to be pumped out of the river into aqueducts by huge pumps, and it was alleged that the pumps are sucking smelt in. So they stopped the pumps!
But the pumps are not the main enemy of smelt. The introduced predatory fish, like bass, are!
I would argue that getting rid of the water would benefit the smelt! It would survive the drought (like other desert fish, it lays eggs which survive when river dries out), but these predatory fish would not!
“But Gavin Newsom can never, ever come near the presidency. “
His aspiration for the Presidency went up in smoke.
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