Posted on 01/19/2025 10:47:03 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
Germany’s ambassador to the United States reportedly warned that Donald Trump’s incoming administration will undermine “basic democratic principles” and seek a “redefinition of the constitutional order.”
While European leaders have been relatively muted in their response to the re-election of Donald Trump, particularly compared to the hysterical reaction to his victory in 2016, the panic has apparently merely been confined to backrooms rather than in public.
According to Reuters, a confidential document briefing Berlin on the incoming administration signed by Ambassador to the U.S. Andreas Michaelis warned that the incoming administration would seek “maximum disruption” and usher in “a redefinition of the constitutional order – maximum concentration of power with the president at the expense of Congress and the federal states.”
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Like the German government did?
Fortunately, it’s none of the German assbassador’s business what we do in America. Damn Trump hating commie pig has been in the fart sack with too many DemonRATS.
Meanwhile, we look forward to watching Germany freeze to death in the dark, thanks to the left.
Well that’s awfully diplomatic of him.
If anything concentration would shift the other way, or should. We’ve accorded kingly power to the Executive for the past several administrations.
Andrea Michaelis has got to go. We don’t need America-hating ambassadors. We’ve got enough of those maggots already.
Bet he did
that coming!
For this smelly German freak, “democratic principles” probably means top-down rule by unelected globalist elites like the WEF, WHO, and the UN, and their associated oligarchs like Bill Gates and George Soros. They know that Trump will not be either their passive puppet like Joe Biden or their complicit activist like Barack Obama.
Trump needs to deport this guy.
The shape Germany is in, they have NO moral ground on which to criticize President Trump!
Dear German Ambassador
Like that West German born and East German indoctrinated Merkel restored democracy to a unified Germany?
The German government needs to recall this meddling idiot immediately. Trump’s administration should refuse to meet him or recognize him.
Take a long hike, leftist, socialist nazi bastard. None of your damned business.
Get ready for the re-emergence of that word. The first step of Nanzi Pelosi's Wrap-up Smear strategy.
Loser countries need to stop trashing America. We Americans don’t care what they think. They can go kiss Bidens keister. We aren’t going to do it.
Before anyone can pervert people, ya gotta pervert words, basically.
“Democracy” means something completely different to anyone speaking in tongues this way. Most people believe it means the people choosing their leaders, or representatives. (Set aside, for the moment, the fact the founders set up our government specifically to avoid democracy).
The logic is that the masses of people can’t be trusted, and they have a point. What they mean by “Democracy” is the consensus of institutions. Definitely not icky people deciding how they want to live. Bureaucratic, unelected institutions that are unaccountable to nobody. That’s “Democracy”.
A guy named Mike Benz appeared on the Joe Rogan show recently and explained this in great detail down to the granular level. It’s worth a listen, it’s important. Remember when people used to laugh and make jokes at “Political Correctness” back in the 1980s? Well they were serious, and nobody has been laughing the past several years. They may be lunatics but they won’t shut up and they won’t change the subject.
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