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Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread 19 January 2025
Various driveby media television networks ^ | 19 January 2025 | Various Self-Serving Politicians and Big Media Screaming Faces

Posted on 01/19/2025 4:58:07 AM PST by Alas Babylon!

The Talk Shows

January 19th, 2025

Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:

FACE THE NATION (CBS): Margaret Brennan anchors: National Security Adviser nominee Mike Waltz (R-FL); Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.); Sen. Linda Graham (R-S.C.); President and CEO of ‘Save the Children’ Janti Soeripto; Brett McGurk, Lead U.S. Negotiator on the Israel-Hamas Hostage Deal.

FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Anchor Shannon Bream: Sen. Dave McCormick (R-Pa.); Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.); Israeli Ambassador Michael Herzog. Panel: Francesca Chambers, Karl Rove, Hans Nichols and Wine Williams.

MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Hosted by Kristen Welker: Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA); House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY); Martin Luther King III. (MSDNC) Panel: Peter Alexander, Mike Dubke, Amna Nawaz and Jen Psaki—EVERY one of these easily forgotten angry Leftists slinging anti-American balderdash are featured on MSNBC!

THIS WEEK (ABC): Hosted by Little Georgie Steponallofus (or is it Martha Raddish?): Jon Finer; Biden administration deputy national security advisor; former advisor to President Donald Trump and host of the WarRoom program Steve Bannon; Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.); Jonathan Dekel-Chen and Gillian Kaye, parents of Israeli American held hostage by Hamas . Panel: Mary Bruce, Rachel Scott and Jonathan Martin—same Ugly, shameless, Left-wing Propagandists and Fat RINOs!

STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): Anchored by Jake Toe-Tapper (or is it Dana Bash?): National Security Adviser nominee Mike Waltz (R-FL); Former Obama admin Chief of Staff and Biden admin ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel; Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio); Ronen and Orna Neutra and Yael and Adi Alexander, parents of hostages in Hamas captivity. Panel: David Urban, Bakari Sellers, David Axelrod and Erin Perrine--Tapper’s totally and toxically biased group of parrots! (Except for Erin, who is a brilliant conservative)

SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES (FNC): The Show to watch! Hosted by Maria Bartiromo: Can’t find a guest list!

TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: guests; lineup; sunday; talkshows
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As always, soliciting FReeper comments, observations, and opinions.
1 posted on 01/19/2025 4:58:07 AM PST by Alas Babylon!
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To: acapesket; A.Hun; aligncare; altura; bagster; Bernard; bray; BreezyDog; Calpublican; cajungirl; ...
This is the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread Ping List! If you want to be on it, reply to this post or FReepmail me (in case I miss it). If you want to be taken off, simply send me a FReepmail.

1 day to go!

2 posted on 01/19/2025 5:01:24 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Repeal the Patriot Act; Abolish the DHS; reform FBI top to bottom!)
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To: All
C-SPAN Radio, available on the net also, click here, broadcasts all five Sunday talk shows starting at 12:00 noon Eastern, as follows:

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM NBC's "Meet the Press"

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ABC's "This Week"

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM "Fox News Sunday"

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CNN's "State of the Union"

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM CBS's "Face The Nation"

Listen at the link above WHILE you FReep! Also, Sharyl Attkinson’s Full Measure: Watch live at 9:30 EST.

Finally, each show has a YouTube presence, and you can easily watch them on YouTube anytime after their live run!


Next, here are the email addresses and Twitter/X pages--for commenting to the weekend talk shows:

Email: Meet the Press Meet the Press mailbox (web page for comments) Twitter/X: @MeetThePress @kwelkernbc

Email: Face the Nation Twitter/X: @FaceTheNation

Email: Fox News Sunday Twitter/X: @foxnewssunday

Email: ABC This Week Twitter/X: @ThisWeekABC @GStephanopoulos

Email: CNN State of the Union CNN State of the Union (web page for comments) Twitter/X: @CNNSotu @JakeTapper

Email: Sunday Morning Futures Twitter/X: @MariaBartiromo

3 posted on 01/19/2025 5:01:55 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Repeal the Patriot Act; Abolish the DHS; reform FBI top to bottom!)
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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16 (King James Version)

How is it God always chooses the last person man would choose. David was the last one his father Jesse chose since families always went from the oldest to the youngest and David was the baby out tending the family’s sheep. Joseph was the youngest and was sold into slavery by his brothers who then became the second most powerful man in Egypt at the time. Paul hunted and killed Christians and then became one of the pillars of the Christian Church and of course Jesus came as a baby to become the King of kings, its God’s way which is not man’s path.

The last person you would expect God would choose to start the modern revival of America back to Jesus has to be Donald Trump. Everyone is looking for the next Billy Graham, but what if God has another plan? Trump of course is the biggest sinner in New York, one of the sin capitols of the world, who else would God choose to do his work?

His being reelected is one of the biggest miracles in political histoir. For him to raise from defeat and then repelling all of the judicial attacks has never come close to happening in America. It has always been an unstated courtesy to not go after your political enemies and especially when it is as big as the President. How many laws did presidents of the past break and been given passes like Hillary and their shady dealings and all of her crimes were wiped clean.

Trump avoided being killed by less than a half inch by a very good shooter when the hand of God turned his head the right direction at just the exact moment the bullet was passing his head. Nobody can explain what happened including him since he says the graph he was showing always comes at the end of the show but he impromptu changed it to that exact moment for some unexplainable reason.

After he miraculously wins all the swing states, he continues to amaze with bringing in some of the most talented and politically diverse people in the world to help him change this country back to its roots, the Bible. His biggest rival who has been attacking him the most vicious of course is HollyWierd and California along with the next favorite Dem Gasbag Newsome and now it is on fire like Sodom and Gomorrah. It looks like the people of Sodom are being punished by God.

Now Hamas has decided to end its war with Israel like the Amalekites fighting Joshua and David. Trump gave them two weeks to settle it or there would be the worst imaginable Hell and the day before he is inaugurated these terrorists from Islam are laying down their arms. This is the most Biblical war which has been going on for five thousand years and one day before Trump puts his hand on the Bible and the Philistines lay down their weapons. It sure does look a lot like God’s hand at work through his servant.

Nobody knows how God works, but it is hard not to see God working through Trump and Trump allowing him to guide him using his talents. Watching the disaster physically and politically in Los Angeles as well as in Moscow on the Potomac God is revealing the lies of Satan to America and the world. It looks like God is giving his country one more chance hand in hand with his Chosen Israel to prove he exists and show his mercy on the lost once more.

Pray for Trump

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

4 posted on 01/19/2025 5:02:29 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Repeal the Patriot Act; Abolish the DHS; reform FBI top to bottom!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

5 posted on 01/19/2025 5:04:01 AM PST by Diogenesis (Si vis pacem, para bellum)
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To: Alas Babylon!

6 posted on 01/19/2025 5:07:37 AM PST by Diogenesis (Si vis pacem, para bellum)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Steffie and the progs vs. Steve Bannon. Let’s get ready to rrrrrrrruuuuuuummmmmmmbbbbbbbllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee........

7 posted on 01/19/2025 5:15:35 AM PST by slapshot ( GOPE republipussies are more dangerous than deranged progressives.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Agree completely. One of the most amazing moments in the life of Jesus is when he goes into the temple courts and flips the tables of the money changers. It would be described as being most unChrist like but it fits in exactly with this essay. Expect the unexpected. Think back 4 years ago. Not exactly the best time to be a conservative but here we are now. God at the helm of human history can flip things around in amazing ways. The greatest flip of all of course was from crucifixion to resurrection.

8 posted on 01/19/2025 5:29:36 AM PST by xp38
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To: Alas Babylon!

On “State of The Union”, isn’t Jim Jordan conservative??????

9 posted on 01/19/2025 5:32:20 AM PST by JBW1949 (I'm really PC.....Patriotically Correct)
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To: Diogenesis

Gonna need a fleet of these to haul off the Biden mess.

10 posted on 01/19/2025 5:34:07 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Repeal the Patriot Act; Abolish the DHS; reform FBI top to bottom!)
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To: Alas Babylon!

I found out why Fox News didn’t list Maria’s guest lineup.

According to Fox News, Sunday Morning Futures will not be on today, as they’re having inauguration specials all day.

11 posted on 01/19/2025 5:38:08 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Repeal the Patriot Act; Abolish the DHS; reform FBI top to bottom!)
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To: bray

Hello from the Gulf of America

12 posted on 01/19/2025 5:45:32 AM PST by rodguy911 (HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!! ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY: UNTIL ITS NOT))
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To: Alas Babylon!

Got a FReepmail from Rodguy911:


I’m going fishing today. Off to catch some Spanish Mackerel in the:


Let’s see some posts to replace his many!

13 posted on 01/19/2025 5:51:36 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Repeal the Patriot Act; Abolish the DHS; reform FBI top to bottom!)
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To: rodguy911

Ha ha! Good one. I posted your FReepmail!

Have fun and catch a boatload!

14 posted on 01/19/2025 5:52:39 AM PST by Alas Babylon! (Repeal the Patriot Act; Abolish the DHS; reform FBI top to bottom!)
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To: rodguy911

Catch a MAGA boatload.

15 posted on 01/19/2025 6:06:37 AM PST by bray (It's not racist to be racist against races the DNC hates.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

re: Gulf of America, as DjT has proclaimed it.

a case could and should be made that the Gulf should be properly called

——————————GULF of AMERICAS————————


and would be more correct and cohesive with our neighbors in Central and South America. Make should be done.

16 posted on 01/19/2025 6:07:54 AM PST by chiller (Davey Crockett said: "Be sure you're right. Then go ahead'. I'll go ahead.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Karl NeverTrump Rove will explain what Trump needs to do for the next 4 years.

Bannon looks like the only good guest.

17 posted on 01/19/2025 6:10:10 AM PST by bray (It's not racist to be racist against races the DNC hates.)
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To: xp38

The Pharisees hated Jesus for calling out their hypocrisy.

18 posted on 01/19/2025 6:18:36 AM PST by bray (It's not racist to be racist against races the DNC hates.)
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To: Diogenesis

“Yellen...debt ceiling”

Trump publicly asked for an unconditional debt ceiling rise about a month ago.

I recommend having corporate tax rates rise in proportion to the rise in the national debt in the preceding fiscal year.

Chuck Schumer will get an earful from Wall Streeters. The Democratic senators will then get fiscal restraint marching orders.

19 posted on 01/19/2025 6:22:44 AM PST by Brian Griffin
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To: Alas Babylon!; All

Video of the fireworks last night at Trump’s golf course in Sterling. The fireworks are gorgeous. “America’s Tenor” sang Hallelujah, Ave Maria, How Great Thou Art, America the Beautiful & Nessun Dorma.

As I watched Trump & Melania standing there, often hand in hand, I wondered what they were thinking, Trump in particular. All the slings, arrows, trials, tribulations, persecution & ‘fires’ he has walked through to get to this moment in time. To be honest, I cried & thanked God for his mercy, blessing us with what is obviously His man to lead us out of the Satanic wilderness we have been wandering the last 4 years & in regimes before Trump’s first term. Trust God, fear not.

20 posted on 01/19/2025 6:41:15 AM PST by Qiviut (The mountains are calling & I must go ..... John Muir )
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