Posted on 01/17/2025 5:48:43 AM PST by ChicagoConservative27
The grim lesson of the devastating wildfires in California over the past week, which turned my community into ruins, is clear: private services work, and public services do not.
I live in Pacific Palisades. My house is the last one standing on the corner. There is rubble in every direction. The streets along the route my wife and I used to walk in the evening are a post-apocalyptic scene. Every beautiful house we admired is destroyed; every child our kids played with is gone.
A mile away, the center of town — which we call the “village” — is a similar scene of destruction. The stately Business Block, a hundred-year-old landmark, is now a haunted, blackened façade. The mom-and-pop shops and the boutiques are a smoldering pile of bricks and twisted metal.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
“No sympathy from me. These people get what they voted for.”
For me there is some schadenfreude. They think they are so smart, so superior, in reality, they are stupid drones.
Amen, I have had people like that look down on me for my views in the past.
The big question going forward: How many California voters will buy the Climate Change excuse?
These fires were not caused by Democrat incompetence. They were caused by Climate Change!
Oh, and the utility companies. Blame them, too.
Too bad. You chose to pretend that living in a desert was normal for humans
You’re right. And the whole time they have been digging this hole for themselves, they mocked the rest of the country and poisoned American national character!
To make things worse, watching Hollywood smut and violence, people all over the world think they know ME!
“Blue State Blues: California Is a Third World Failed State”
With how many Blue States to follow?
Not one took responsibility, though the county fire chief at least apologized to residents who lost their homes.It seems oddly "biblical" in a way that, like an angel of fiscal death going through a town, some prominent conservative voices were somehow spared, as if metaphorical "x" marked the doorposts of their homes.They all should have resigned. They won't, because they don't actually work for the public.
Not anymore. Not in Third World California.
As added to a comment on another thread, the following shows with what so many of California's "public servants" are cosseted:
California Public Pension, high to lowThe latest scheme also read this morning has "some" Californians blaming "big oil" for "climate change" which "caused" the ineptitude of California's "public servants."
Because California, a beautiful state, is also "Third World California" made through the Democrat Party from city to county to state.
They’re a failed people. They have collapsed morally and can no longer determine what’s right. Such as LA burned themselves to the ground and wants to blame the oil industry and have them pay for it.
Their governor is acting strange in interviews like he’s on drugs.
The original (Ben Franklin) fire companies in philly where all private insurance companies. They put an emblem on your house when you got the insurance. My house is protected by FA which became Reliance. If the fire/insurance company got the call for a house fire, they checked the emblem. if it was theirs they put it out. If it wasn’t, hopefully they put it out and got reimbursed. Also, Brick construction was an early requirement. saved from big fires unlike Chicago and San Fran.
Ask them who they have voted for in the past twenty five years.
The guy who made that choice was Democrat Pat Brown. The power he wielded over the California Water Project was staggering: the largest bond issue in the history of this country was approved without any plan for how the remittances to pay for it were to be collected. It was totally up to the governor. His backers wanted to build housing for 400,000 immigrants per year. He chose Southern California because he didn't want them in the north.
Now if you think that statement is some hyperbolic attribution, consider that archival oral history in his own words:
Not if democrats have anything to do with it, you won't. Your homes will be replaced by high-density housing, and filled with lowlifes and illegal aliens.
The Demrats have blurred the line between taxes and tribute. They see fire fighting as another mark to dole out patronage jobs to party hacks and cronies. In California you pay taxes / tribute without ANY expectation of getting good public services in return.
California can’t reform itself, because its a democrat stronghold, and has evolved into a one-party state, with the help of massive debt spending.
uh, folks, it’s extremely doubtful that the article’s author, joel pollak, voted for a single Democrat ...
“Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days, available for pre-order on Amazon. He is also the author of The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency, now available on Audible. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship.”
Looking at it from a historical view...
Just like Germany and Japan after WW2.
Or SF after 1906 Earthquake.
It is just a thing which can be rebuilt.
In all the cases...what can we learn from our mistakes?
The best way to describe Newscum’s failed third world state.
These fires mean that the far-left, DemonRATS are going to have to really bust their butts printing up “emergency” ballots for the long counts after the midterms. You can bet a lot of ballots burned in this mess thanks to the Santa Ana winds.
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