Posted on 01/16/2025 2:06:45 PM PST by ChicagoConservative27
At least 75 fire trucks languished in a city repair facility in downtown Los Angeles as wildfires decimated Altadena, Pacific Palisades and Malibu, pictures taken by The Post show.
The essential firefighting vehicles were still sitting in the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Bureau Of Supply and Maintenance lot in an industrial area Wednesday, waiting to be repaired.
Controversy over the rows of idle trucks has intensified after revelations about the LAFD budget being cut by $17 million by Mayor Karen Bass.
“We have over 100 fire apparatus out of service,” Los Angeles Fire Chief Kristin Crowley admitted to CNN when the wildfires, which have led to over 100,000 people having to evacuate their homes, were still at their peak.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
These out of state trucks were given new tires, other minor repairs so they wouldn't break down in the field.
They never said anything about THEIR fleet being disabled.
“75 Los Angeles fire trucks wait for repairs as wildfires rage — while city spends $1.3B on the homeless”
75 Los Angeles fire trucks wait for repairs as wildfires rage — while city spends $1.3B on the ILLEGALS
There, fixed it.
IMAGERY 2025 (see Google Maps link below)
LAFD Bureau of Supply and Maintenance
140 N Ave 19, Los Angeles, CA
I counted 24 fire trucks outside the south end of the maintenance building. Are they awaiting repair or are they parts-vehicles that will be cannibalized? I imagine for trade-in value they would be more valuable intact.
No way of knowing how many vehicles are inside and under repair.
On the opposite end of the facility is the storage area of about 35 ambulances and or rescue vehicles.
Is this an average number of vehicles off line, for a city this size?
57 vehicles or apparatus outside... for argument’s sake, calculate another 57 apparatus inside = 114. Ironically, that is how many stations the LAFD has in their sphere of operations.
Hard to say what number of vehicles are working inventory, and what number are down with an issue?
Obviously, there needs to be a back up inventory to replace units that go down on the front lines from time to time, or are required to be brought in for overnight maintenance, or longer.
<><><> freepersup
Now reporting...
Los Angeles County / Los Angeles Fire Department -
1 in 6 trucks are broke down. (each, 1 million dollar assets)
Claiming... Not enough mechanics to fix the trucks.
Claiming... Not enough funding to hire the mechanics to fix the trucks.
How much money is spent on DEI?
On pride-fest parades?
On social welfare programs for homeless?
On social welfare programs for illegal aliens?
On medical care for homeless?
On medical care for illegal aliens?
On fentanyl overdoses?
On the train to nowhere?
On... add your own subject(s)?
“...while city spends $1.3B on the homeless”
Because the Homeless have such good record keeping, accounting and financial reporting we we can be assured every dollar went to the homeless and not straight into corrupt politicians’ shell companies and Dem pockets.
And the 1.3B isn’t really spent on the homeless but pays government leftist grafters.
What's the big deal? There's no water supply for that equipment, anyway.
It really depends on why they were not being repaired. If it is an issue of long lead time parts, that is totally justified. If it was just beacaue nobody was getting around to repairing them, that is not.
Most reports are that the Mayor cut maintenance personnel positions out of the budget.
2. California has spent billions to fight homelessness. The problem has gotten worse
California has spent a stunning $17.5 billion trying to combat homelessness over just four years. But, in the same time frame, from 2018 to 2022, the state’s homeless population actually grew. Half of all Americans living outside on the streets, federal data shows, live in California. More than 170,000 unhoused people now live in California.
3. CORE Report On California DEI Spending
California public entities spent nearly half a billion dollars on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) projects from FY2020 to FY2022 based on records from state and local governments, universities, and school districts. California governments spent nearly $500 million on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) projects from 2020-2022, and estimates total DEI spending could reach $1 billion annually.
4. Despite some progress, California's high-speed rail is $100 billion short and many years from reality
Officials estimate it could cost about $35 billion to finish the first line from Bakersfield to Merced and roughly $100 billion more to complete the route from Los Angeles to San Francisco — about $100 billion more than what was originally proposed years ago. And the source of most funds is unclear.
...the Biden administration recently awarded California more than $3 billion for the project, which will go toward the completion of the Central Valley line (Phase 1). The authority is still about $7 billion short for what's needed to finish the Central Valley line, in addition to the tens of billions of dollars needed to fund the rest of the route. "There is no source of that money right now" -- high-speed rail peer-review group chair Louis Thompson.
State estimates are that operations and maintenance expenses will be $1 billion to $2 billion per year.
Agree that would be unacceptable. I imagine that just standard preventative and regular maintenance alone, keep those mechanics busy. Actual repairs probably get pushed to the back of the line. LA engines are a special type built just for them, they really should have some contractor based repair options for those specific engines but I bet they didn’t want to spend the extra money.
L.A. officials are as useless as tits on a boar.
Fatass Bass should have accepted New York’s offer of a bunch of firefighters to help with California’s mess. Instead, the African Mayor decided she only wanted Mexicans and no New Yorkers fighting to fix her mess. I’m a little disappointed that Abbott sent Texas Firefighters to California. Friggin Newscum won’t allow California employees to go to Texas.
Democrats are not known for ‘good deeds’. They do what benefits them.. anyone who thinks the open border is kind, needs to look at reality.
Those in charge of the border.. the country.. the finances being handed out to illegals. You are out of your sphere of knowing right from wrong. Common sense has left you. Politics is your game.. at America’s expense.
Get the invaders outta here!! On the first plane.
“75 Los Angeles fire trucks wait for repairs as wildfires rage — while city spends $1.3B on the homeless”
75 Los Angeles fire trucks wait for repairs as wildfires rage — while city spends $1.3B on the homeless illegal aliens?
The reason is they don’t have enough mechanics and the ones they do have are old and go a little slow. This is just the continuation of 30 years of participation trophies and pushing everyone in to college to get a degree in lesbian dance theory so they can work at Starbucks.
I’d rather spend money on homeless Americans than illegal invaders
Maybe if they didn’t put so much effort into lesbians......
Freddy Escobar - Fire Captain Ii - Total pay and benefits -- $ 455,493.38
Source: Transparent California
The "public servants" are a big fat cats club. The city, county and state are a fiscal fire of enormous proportions.
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