Posted on 01/12/2025 3:27:19 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum
But the facts are the facts...
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The only way to "build back better" is to destroy what went before, further proof that the wildfires were part of a plan.
Everybody involved in that plan should live out the rest of their lives in solitary confinement in an 8'x12' Supermax prison cell.
LA Times, nothing but sympathy for millions of their illegal low wage servants.
It never ends...
Along with their assets confiscated.
My thoughts exactly.
Rebuild ALL of the house like a chimney....
Rebuilding a city requires a reasonable consensus of values and goals. It is highly unlikely that such a consensus exists or will come to exist. Many people there want the manmade debris removed and the land revert to nature. Those who want to rebuild even on the heavily taxed land they own will find it extremely difficult and expensive to do so.
“Gardeners, cleaning ladies, cooks, even nannies”
How many were illegal aliens?
“Gardeners, cleaning ladies, cooks, even nannies are now without work, but still have rent due. How do we include them in recovery?”
1. Liquidate all of LA Times’ assets.
2. Redistribute the proceeds.
Not what they had in mind?
Just because you house is now a pile of ashes does not mean you can skip on your property taxes. Your property is still there, therefore and you need to pay your fair share.
Anita, I didn’t graduate from college, but I know what decimate means.
Yup—you need to pay those property taxes to keep the fire department up and running—in case the rubble that used to be your house and contents starts to burn some more.
Schools, libraries, Police and Fire Depts. can find another source of financing other than property taxes.
Sorry I don’t see taxpayers across America paying to subsidize the rebuilding of overpriced over appreciated in value mansions unless they paid for by their own insurance coverage. Yes they need public help to recover communities but that doesn’t mean all USA taxpayers should make them whole.
California property has been vastly overvalued for years and yet they touted how every homeowner in CA was a multi millionaire when it sat on major risk of fire and earthquake. While the CA government failed to be proactive. The owners needed to protect their investment. The insurance companies apparently had enough of too much risk.
Some of this reminds me of Bernie Madoff investers that made in paper outrageous returns but then wanted the public to make them whole when the scam turned to dust.
FEMA showed us the way forward in NC.
Now that sounds like a conspiracy theory, so chances are that it’s true.
Not one cent too any illegal worker, even if under a fake SSN paid into any federal system.
Not one cent to any American who worked under the table.
It’s life. It’s hard, and it’s miserable at times.
I am hoping, so hoping the COVID payments to keep people not working has awaken the American tax payer.
One can still hope.
This is intentionally hilarious.
Liberals LOVE bashing the rich. They are the cause of all the evils. Especially evyil white rich people. But now... The rich don’t have their houses and yards for the Nannie’s, gardeners, maids, etc so all those exploited serfs are out of work (illegal aliens).
So what is it? Are the rich exploiting the poor or are they providing jobs?
I know I am suppose to be feeling sorry for the whole situation but what good will feeling bad do? I don’t feel anything. The political hay the democrats are trying to make from this is hilarious. They are truly evil corrupt and genuinely stupid marxist cult members.
If your property is burned, I wouldn’t think you’d have to pay taxes on anything but the land. With the mess these fires has caused, I should think it would be very hard to collect taxes, utility bills, rent or anything else that no longer exists. What are they going to do? Jail all these folks that don’t have a pot to pee in or even a window to throw it out of?
If your house is burnt down, the only property left would be a pile of ashes & the land they lay on. How would your fair share be figured in such a case?
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