Posted on 01/05/2025 2:56:35 PM PST by DeweyCA
One of the strangest if not most hypocritical elements of the battle against industrial wind projects is the silence of the normally loud environmental lobby. Massive wind turbines are not only destroying enormous vistas of beauty but studies show they are wiping out bats, insects, and large migratory birds while drying out soil and impacting water tables. But where are the environmentalists with their placards? Where are the road blockades? Where are the millennials gluing themselves to our legislative floors?
Nowhere. They are dead silent. But surely the impacts on livestock and human health, well-documented around the globe, would arouse their sensitivities? Nada. Nothing. Silence.
Perhaps Larry Behrens, communications director for Power the Future, a nonprofit energy advocacy group, has the answer why. He notes that the environmental “left” will fight against any impact on historic sites when it involves oil and gas, but they typically look the other way when it comes to renewable energy projects.
It’s funny how when it’s a new oil well or gas pipeline the eco-left is quick to cry crocodile tears over claims from select local residents or perceived historic significance. However, when these concerns are legitimate — but there’s billions in green dollars to burn — the green agenda can’t ignore the red lights fast enough. This all proves it’s not about the environment, it’s about Joe Biden’s and the elitist eco-left making sure their friends get paid.
December 26, 2024,
Or insert “Justin Trudeau.” Same deal. The bottom line is that there is ideology driving the environmental movement — not an actual deep concern for planet Earth — since actions speak far, far louder than their empty rhetoric. Otherwise, “environmentalists” would be all over the destructive nature of industrial wind projects, arguably one of the most ecologically damaging sources of energy ever conceived.1
I am speaking of ideologists like Canadian Environment Minister, Steven Guilbeault. At one time, he was arrested for his environmental stunts…2 but time has proven Guilbeault is not an environmentalist but a carbon tax advocate, which is nothing other than a promoter of an elaborate scheme to redistribute global wealth.
But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…
Ottmar Edenhofer, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),, November 19th, 2011 Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, eventually left the organization due to radicals like Guilbeault joining it. Moore has become an outspoken critic of the climate change narrative.
Climate change has become a powerful political force for many reasons. First, it is universal; we are told everything on Earth is threatened. Second, it invokes the two most powerful human motivators: fear and guilt… Third, there is a powerful convergence of interests among key elites that support the climate “narrative.” Environmentalists spread fear and raise donations; politicians appear to be saving the Earth from doom; the media has a field day with sensation and conflict; science institutions raise billions in grants, create whole new departments, and stoke a feeding frenzy of scary scenarios; business wants to look green, and get huge public subsidies for projects that would otherwise be economic losers, such as wind farms and solar arrays. Fourth, the Left sees climate change as a perfect means to redistribute wealth from industrial countries to the developing world and the UN bureaucracy.
Dr. Patrick Moore, PhD, co-founder of Greenpeace; “Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic”, March 20th, 2015, Heartland Institute Hypocrisies abound…
The endangered Whooping Crane So-called “green think-tank”, the Pembina Institute, has been a vocal critic of the oil and gas industry in Alberta. If a bird is found dead in an oil sands tailing pond, you’ll hear about it. This is the very same ‘think-tank’ that lamented the possible demise of the Whooping Crane due to the oils sands.3 As it turns out, the Principal of Elemental Energy, Jamie Houssian, is also on the Board of Directors of the Pembina Institute. Yet, it’s Elemental Energy that has proposed a wind project directly on the summer grounds of the Whooping Crane. We have raised this point numerous times with Elemental Energy who have simply deflected or denied the objective facts.
So, why the hypocrisy? Ironically, the Pembina Institute did a study in 2019 that found that a 150 MW wind farm would receive about $17.5 million per year for the power it generates and $9.8 million per year in carbon credits.4 These credits, in turn, can be sold to other corporations to “offset” their carbon footprint without actually reducing their carbon output. You get the point: green projects feed a taxation and subsidies scheme5 — they don’t defend the planet, and never could. And it’s Canadian environment ministers who have a knack for driving that point home:
No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.
Former Canadian Minister of the Environment, Christine Stewart; quoted by Terence Corcoran, “Global Warming: The Real Agenda,” Financial Post, December 26th, 1998; cited in the Calgary Herald, December, 14, 1998 Communism — in a green hat
I’m just going to call it what it really is: Communism in a green hat — but few are paying attention to what is going on right under their noses. It is noteworthy that former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev and Canadian-born UN environmentalist guru Maurice Strong — both Communists in their Marxist views6 — were the driving forces behind the United Nations Earth Charter (which promotes “solar and wind”) and ultimately the UN’s Agenda 2030, whose Sustainable Development goal #7 is about globalizing “affordable and clean energy.” Gorbachev also founded Green Cross International, which likewise promotes industrial wind projects. It also so happens that the Chinese Communist Party not only backs “net zero” initiatives, but in terms of markets, mainland China accounts for two-thirds of global wind turbine installations.7
For those who feel they just dropped into a rabbit hole, ask yourself this question: Why are governments around the globe adopting wind and solar causing the destabilization of their grids, energy crises, higher taxes, and ultimately higher prices? With the exception of a few politicians, it is a seemingly mindless collapse into a globalist agenda. Or is it a deliberate attack on local economies, since stable energy is a fundamental foundation of sound economies?
A Deep Dive Into Reality That last point seems outrageous — except that’s exactly what global leaders have been telling us for the past four years: that we need to accept a “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better” — which was Joe Biden’s motto in his presidential run. However, “building back” implies that something is first destroyed. But that’s exactly what global leaders have consistently been preaching for over three decades, starting with the global think-tank known as The Club of Rome:
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.
The Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, Alexander King & Bertrand Schneider, p. 75, 1993 A great revolution is waiting for us. The crisis doesn’t only make us free to imagine other models, another future, another world. It obliges us to do so.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, September 14th, 2009;; cf. The Guardian This is the crisis of my lifetime. Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary… we must find a way to cooperate on fighting climate change and the novel coronavirus.
George Soros, May 13th, 2020; This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a “reset”.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Global News, Sept. 29th, 2020;, 2:05 mark Without swift and immediate action, at an unprecedented pace and scale, we will miss the window of opportunity to ‘reset’ for… a more sustainable and inclusive future. In other words, the global pandemic is a wake-up call we cannot ignore… With the urgency that now exists around avoiding irreversible damage to our planet, we must put ourselves on what can only be described as a war footing.
Prince (King) Charles,, September 20th, 2020 Thus, it should be no surprise that the chief global warming disciple, Al Gore, is also in on it…
So, I think this is a time for a ‘Great Reset’… this is a time for a reset to fix a bunch of challenges, first among them the climate crisis.
Al Gore, American politician and environmentalist who served as the 45th vice president of the United States; June 25th, 2020; …as is the U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change, John Kerry:
And so this is a big moment. And the World Economic Forum… is going to have to really play a front and center role in defining “Reset” in a way that nobody misinterprets it: as just taking us back to where we were…
John Kerry, former United States Secretary of State; The Great Reset Podcast, “Redesigning Social Contracts in Crisis”, June 2020 Now we have made full circle back to the United Nations and their partner the World Economic Forum (WEF). Indeed, they are the architects of the so-called Great Reset and pushing hard for the economy-destablizing energy of wind and solar. As WEF founder Klaus Schwab declared in 2020:
Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never. Nothing will ever return to the ‘broken’ sense of normalcy that prevailed prior to the crisis because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory.
Founder of the World Economic Forum, Professor Klaus Schwab; co-author of Covid-19: The Great Reset;, July 13th, 2020 But really, it’s you and I, says Schwab, who are the ones driving this, demanding “radical solutions” and “alternatives.”
How will this generation respond? By proposing radical solutions (and often radical action) in an attempt to prevent the next disaster from striking – whether it’s climate change or social inequalities. It will most likely demand a radical alternative to the present course because its members are frustrated and dogged by a nagging belief that the current system is fractured beyond repair.
Schwab, Klaus; Malleret, Thierry. COVID-19: The Great Reset (p. 102). Forum Publishing, Kindle Edition.
Actually, most of us simply want our power to stay on, lower prices, less taxes, a good job — and for globalists to butt out of our lives with their man-made crises. Do you recall voting for this revolutionary “Great Reset”? Neither do I. But then again, Communism never was about a democratic vote.8
(As a side note, it is no surprise that the former Executive Director of the Pembina Institute, Ed Whittingham, was also a past member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Oil and Gas.9)
As such, the “environmentalists” aren’t coming to save our communities from industrial wind plants — they are busy dismantling capitalism and the West as we know it. The true environmentalists aren’t tree-huggers either. They’re not brainwashed youth throwing soup on fine art or marching to the scripted axioms of Greta Thunberg. They aren’t lobbyists or corporate interests. They are what you’d expect: acreage owners, many farmers, nature lovers… those who treasure the value of pristine viewscapes, who know the importance of clean water wells, and who understand the delicate balance of ecology — because they live and play in it.
May God soon deliver us from green ideologists who care more for carbon taxes and their utopian dreams than creation.
There is one environmentalist, Michael Shellenberger, who has awoken to the damage of “renewables” such as wind and solar. Watch him explain his revelations here[↩] Guilbeault – An Existential Threat to Canada[↩] cf. and[↩] Bear in mind that carbon credits have risen substantially since 2019 and that 9.8 million would be much higher today.[↩] cf. Subsidies – The Big Appeal for Wind Farms[↩] Strong was behind Agenda 21, signed onto by 178 member nations, and that called for the abolition of “national sovereignty” and the dissolution of property rights: “Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes.” (”Alabama Bans U.N. Agenda 21 Sovereignty Surrender”, June 7th, 2012; [↩] March 27, 2024; cf.[↩] To be clear, we are speaking of a neo-communist movement today, one that blends capitalism and Marxist principles under the guise of “saving the planet” and “healthcare”, of “equality” and “justice”… while destroying pretty much all of it at the same time.[↩] cf.[↩] Print Friendly, PDF & Email
Mark Mallett Website | + posts Mark Mallett is a former award-winning reporter with CTV Edmonton and an independent researcher and author. His family homesteaded between Vermilion and Cold Lake, Alberta, and now resides in the Lakeland region. Mark is Editor in Chief of Wind Concerns.
The old saying about the environmental movement:
“Green on the outside, red on the inside.”
Commies—every last one of them.
The billionaires stopped paying them once they got what they wanted.
Lowell Ponte said the same.
Not to mention the increased carbon footprint of millions of illegals.
Feminists have dried up and blown away, too.
I guess they both have the world they harangued us for.
This is easy. ALL the enviro NGOs are owned by business interests, competition and our enemies. And we’re not allowed, by law, to see or track their donors.
True story.
Our side’s ignorance and lack of action on this astounds me. It’s how China, Canada et al ruined our logging industry in the PNW. It all went to them.
It’s how Seattle and Portland became shitholes.
It’s also how they ruined the farmers in the klamath valley and elsewhere.
Nothing but watermelons
Exactly! They release much less CO2 in their original home.
The quickest, largest, cheapest way for the US to reduce CO2 output would be to deport 30 million illegal aliens.
Do it for Gaia.
Where are they? They are conferring with the other Communists.
Hey.... this reminds me. I just had a link sent to me yesterday about a really punchy short documentary (27 minutes) that does a good job of focusing on all the environmental damage caused by industrial wind turbines (IWTs). It was filmed over a two year period when the Cassadaga Wind project in Chautauqua County, New York was being installed. It’s a nice piece to send along to all the folks who think that wind is even remotely good from an environmental perspective.
It’s called “GREEN MADNESS: The Waste and Destruction of One Industrial Wind Turbine Project”
And watermelons are actually useful, unlike commies.
How about infrasound?
Some of my friends have wind turbines on land they lease and farm. They can feel it hundreds of yards away. Say it is extremely unpleasant and didn’t know what it was until recently
Now they know the inrasound from offshore wind farms is killing marine mammals.
The greenies are shrinking into the woodwork. The day of reckoning is coming.
Multi-culturalists have disappeared too.
This quote from Justin Trudeau caught my eye. Nearly any swindler will try to convince the marks that they have to act immediately. No time to think things over and find out facts.
Leftists destroy or ruin everything they get their evil paws on.
If they are for it, it’s bad. Guaranteed.
The useful idiots are sponsored by “green” corporations. They are just loud mouthed pawn who are too stupid and blind to realize how they are exploited and manipulated.
They all got their paychecks from Biden so now there’s nothing worth squawking about.
Yep, I kinda do hate you people. I cannot stand you, in particular, you know that, yet you keep pinging me. Stop, and we’ll get along. We’ve had this discussion.
Not that you’re owed a reason, but amazing people I’ve known and loved would still be alive today, butI’m forced to share the world, and FR, with the same scumbags who sent them to their deaths while they - those like you -sat on their fat asses home typing TRASH on internet forums.
It’s called evil - Jesuit dropout. You never learned the price, because you/yours never have to suffer it. It costs you nothing.
Despite our immense losses in ALL your shitholes. ZERO wins, lots of dead, trillions gone... yet here you are, wanting more. WTF is wrong with you?
That is, if you’re even real. You could be some fatso wench dirtying up a sofa in the Ural for anyone knows.
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