Posted on 01/04/2025 4:22:10 PM PST by xxqqzz
Pinned by The Civil Rights Lawyer @thecivilrightslawyer 6 months ago This footage was documented by The Real News Network in a great video, where they interviewed the family involved. It's a perfect illustration of these "gangs" of drug task force type cops, who like to wear backward ball caps, cover their bodies with tattoos, and otherwise attempt to NOT look like cops. Often that causes problems when they go to do cop things, like pull people over for traffic stops. This footage shows just one instance of that. Then, when they don't find what they were looking for, they often resort to lying and fabricating charges.
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Where is this supposed to have taken place?
tough guys...
Maybe they were randomly selected as a practice exercise. That would not surprise me.
Correct me if I am wrong (a frequent occurrence to be sure), but it seems to me that the things government is SUPPOSED to be protecting us from, they are not, and the things that are no general threat, they are all over. But they never take a break from collecting taxes due...
The cops are just another gang.
Give me your donuts and I’ll spare your lives. Just walk away.
Officer Humungus
they rarely go after those who would shoot back...
I’m sure all the “good cops” are rushing to defend the innocent victims.
For your insurance, always carry a box of fresh donuts to appeal to their nicer nature.
I wouldn’t have stopped either until I got some place safe. The fact that he was driving the speed limit during this should be an indication that he has no intent to flee.
What should have happened is that the unmarked vehicle follows and a marked vehicle enforces the law.
Lock your doors, call 911. You have the right to remain silent.
If they force their way into your vehicle, all bets are off. I know what I would do.
call 911… and get a dispatcher involved… wait for the sheriff to show up.
There’s another YouTube video of a girl walking alone on a sidewalk. An unmarked police car pulls up next to her, and some plainclothes police officers jump out.
The girl fought back, thinking she was about to be kidnapped.
So of course she was arrested and charged with all sorts of crimes. Battery on a police officer, etc. Turns out she looked like someone else the cops were searching for.
What is this girl going to tell her children some day about the police?
I feel like there’s something missing here.
Did they have nose rings or is that only the FBI?
> I wouldn’t have stopped either until I got some place safe. <
That would have gotten you charged with fleeing and eluding, or some such thing.
Perhaps the charge would later be thrown out in court. But remember. The process is the punishment.
“I know what I would do.”
We don’t. What would you do?
This particular one is in Sacramento...according to the video...
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