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Mexico : Baptist Christians living in tents after government fails to uphold religious freedom agreement
Premier Christian News ^ | 11/23/2024 | Donna Birrell

Posted on 11/24/2024 12:56:19 PM PST by aimhigh

A group of around 150 Baptist Christians who were forcibly displaced from their villages in a region of Mexico have moved to the neighbouring state of Veracruz after authorities failed to honour an agreement allowing for the return of the group and guaranteeing freedom of religion or belief for all.

The group from the Great Commission Fundamental Baptist Church were forced to move from their villages of Coamila and Rancho Nuevo in April after local authorities said religious minority groups wouldn't be tolerated. Those who chose to stay were told they would have their movements strictly monitored to enforce a prohibition on any contact with their counterparts, many of whom are relatives, who resettled in Veracruz.

While members of the displaced group were initially optimistic that they would be able to return to their homes and practice their religion without hindrance following the signing of an agreement in September, brokered by state and municipal officials with the cooperation of the village authorities and the displaced community, village leaders quickly reneged on key provisions of the agreement. Contrary to the stipulations of the agreement, those who returned to the villages were informed that they would be obliged to make financial contributions to the local Roman Catholic church, and while they would not be forced to participate in Roman Catholic events, they would be expected to pay associated fees. The village authorities also communicated that they would not be permitted to speak about their religious beliefs and placed a ban on any conversions.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Mexico; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: baptist; catholic; persecution
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The inquisition is still alive.
1 posted on 11/24/2024 12:56:19 PM PST by aimhigh
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To: aimhigh

From what I heard, it’s the pagans targeting the Christians this time around.

2 posted on 11/24/2024 12:58:29 PM PST by No name given ( Anonymous is who you’ll know me as)
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To: aimhigh

I’ve never heard about this at all. My impression was that Mexico was historically Catholic but politically socialist, which isn’t always contradictory. But that doesn’t make for a consistent approach to other religions.

Is this a weirdo cult or a normal type Protestant group?

3 posted on 11/24/2024 1:04:47 PM PST by mairdie (GreenwichVillage ArmyPoet:
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To: No name given
VERY few Christians will survive the coming 7-years of 'Peace and Security' - the Tribulation period

And it hasn't started yet

THIS is what Tribulation Saints will have to contend with.

Many will betray them because they refused the Mark of the Beast.

Yes, this WILL NOT happen tomorrow but we have to tell people TODAY.

Because the days WILL come when owning a Bible and preaching sound doctrine will be ILLEGAL. Shoot, we're almost there.

Even in the good old U.S.A.

(lurkers please click on my screen name to see my FR homepage for more information)
4 posted on 11/24/2024 1:06:45 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: No name given

(for the thread BTW)

5 posted on 11/24/2024 1:07:27 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: aimhigh
(Those who chose to stay were told they would have their movements strictly monitored to enforce a prohibition on any contact with their counterparts,)

It's not time - YET


(lurkers please click on my screen name to see my FR homepage for more
6 posted on 11/24/2024 1:10:51 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: aimhigh

Can’t post any more than this...would be permanently banned. Someone just tell me near what city this and who the principal leaders are.

7 posted on 11/24/2024 1:24:42 PM PST by MeneMeneTekelUpharsin (Freedom is the freedom to discipline yourself so others don't have to do it for you.)
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To: SaveFerris
Thank you for the message. I've been trying to warn them of what is coming. You can see it clearly in the uptick of rhetoric against Christians.

They are indoctrinating millions to believe that Christians are nazis, kkk, racist, fascists and so on.

If not stopped, just as I warned them about the left using the term "democracy" we will all be targeted. They will claim that our beliefs are against the "norms" of a "democracy" and need to be rehabilitated, censored, and then the crimes against us will get out of hand.

The left use words as a type of sorcery to indoctrinate those of which they want to subjugate. Such as "gender reaffirming" "reproductive health" and so on.

They're evil and use evil to overcome us. They will pick us off one by one if we don't come together for all of us.
8 posted on 11/24/2024 1:30:10 PM PST by ssfromla
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To: aimhigh
Mexico has a history of oppressing/murdering Christians.

Execution of Padre Fr. Francisco Vera Mexico during the anti-Catholic Masonic persecution of the Church in the 1920s and 30s​

9 posted on 11/24/2024 1:40:14 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum (The worst thing about censorship is █████ ██ ████ ████ ████ █ ███████ ████. FJB.)
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To: ssfromla

You’re welcome. I hope and pray 🙏🙏🙏🛐🛐 that my meager efforts have some effect. Dunno

Thanks to JimRob for letting me get some stuff out to some parts of our world 🌎🌍🌏

Of course the admins put up with all of my typos and errors 😁😁😇😇😇

I fell on hard times so I know what life can do to a person ESPECIALLY when the world 🌎🌍 turns against you.

It’s exhausting, tiring and can almost kill your Faith. In some ways, experiencing that gave me even more of a preview of a tiny bit that Tribulation Saints will endure (MUCH MORE HARSHLY FOR THEM of course)

Most of my Christian friends don’t understand it - they have normal lives and jobs

Everything is wonderful - until it isn’t

I was in good shape until family problems overwhelmed me after a couple of decades

God bless you 🛐🛐✝️🙏🙏🛐🛐🛐

10 posted on 11/24/2024 1:43:19 PM PST by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the Days of Lot; They did Eat, They Drank, They Bought, They Sold ......)
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To: mairdie

Historically Catholic until the revolution against Spain. Thereafter freemasonic and anti Catholic, sometimes merely tense and unfriendly, but at other times violently persecuting.

11 posted on 11/24/2024 2:12:33 PM PST by Romulus ( )
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To: aimhigh; ealgeone; daniel1212; aMorePerfectUnion; Elsie; ConservativeMind; MayflowerMadam; ...

Not much has changed over the centuries, has it?

12 posted on 11/24/2024 2:15:10 PM PST by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus”)
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To: aimhigh

Jesus said that Christians would be persecuted as He was. We aren’t surprised that this is happening.

13 posted on 11/24/2024 2:21:05 PM PST by MayflowerMadam (🎶 They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. 🎶)
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To: aimhigh; .45 Long Colt; Apple Pan Dowdy; BDParrish; Big Red Badger; BlueDragon; boatbums; ...
religious minority groups wouldn't be tolerated.

Yet, using the sword of men against the minority is something that early Prots also had to unlearn from Rome.

14 posted on 11/24/2024 2:45:08 PM PST by daniel1212 (Turn 2 the Lord Jesus who saves damned+destitute sinners on His acct, believe, b baptized+follow HIM)
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To: aimhigh

And yet there are moslems in Mexico. They made the news when going to Mecca.

15 posted on 11/24/2024 2:53:03 PM PST by Ruy Dias de Bivar
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To: mairdie

“My impression was that Mexico was historically Catholic”.
You think those mexicans realize that both the language they speak and the church they worship at and donate money to are from a conquering nation? It’s called Spain, you know in Europe...
Most likely not.

16 posted on 11/24/2024 3:09:07 PM PST by 9422WMR
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To: 9422WMR

That must be part of their history classes in school, just as we learn we spun off from England. Well, at least they USED to teach that here.

17 posted on 11/24/2024 3:17:19 PM PST by mairdie (GreenwichVillage ArmyPoet:
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To: mairdie
Looks like a conservative Baptist group, which is within what I'd call "normal type Protestant" (especially since liberal protestants do very little mission work so it tends to be the conservative groups by default in the mission field).

I am involved with non-denominational mission work in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, not so far from southern Mexico. The Catholic church retains a kind of institutional authority, but Protestants have made major inroads in the region over the years. Honduras now has more professing Protestants than Catholics for example, and as a rule the Protestants are much more active and involved in their faith as they are more likely to be direct converts, not just born into it.

So there is an openness to Protestant mission work and large numbers are Protestant, but in "backwater" rural areas you still find regions that are untouched and where "everyone" is Catholic - albeit mostly only in a cultural sense. It is in these areas where things can be ugly. The "Catholics" there tend to be syncretistic, mixing in elements of old Mayan religion, and ignorant of any deep Catholic teaching - all of which is to say, actual Christian faith is tenuous or nonexistent among such people. And so you get plenty of stories of persecution as these "CINOs" lash out at anyone with "new teachings." I wouldn't be surprised if a doctrinaire Catholic from abroad faced much the same opposition if they tried to quell the rampant heresy in these regions.

18 posted on 11/24/2024 3:41:49 PM PST by EnderWiggin1970
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To: metmom
Not much has changed over the centuries, has it?

There is nothing new under the sun.

19 posted on 11/24/2024 4:07:28 PM PST by Mark17 (Retired USAF air traffic controller. Father of USAF pilot. Both bitten by the aviation bug)
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To: EnderWiggin1970

Thanks for the information. Sounds like you found a vocation and not just a career. Good for you! Hoping for your safety and your deep satisfaction.

20 posted on 11/24/2024 5:21:31 PM PST by mairdie (GreenwichVillage ArmyPoet:
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