Posted on 11/16/2024 11:04:57 AM PST by hardspunned
The Pentagon on Friday failed its seventh audit in a row, with the nation’s largest government agency still unable to fully account for its more than $824 billion budget, though officials stress they are making good progress toward a clean audit in 2028.
The Department of Defense technically earned a disclaimer of opinion, meaning it failed to provide sufficient information to auditors to form an accurate opinion.
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A great guy but no more informed than what you’ll find in VFW hall across the country.
Is Musk and the DOGE able to audit the Pentagon without some DoD or Congressional authorization?
A great guy but no more informed than what you’ll find in VFW hall across the country.
I’m not sure about that. He is educated above average, plus being involved in the news business, he has to be pretty well informed about what’s going on in the world in general, and our country especially.
For 3.5 years, I worked for a Pentagon agency and could show precisely where the $800k I spent yearly for the unit went. I think 90 percent of organizations could do that.
A simple way to solve the problem, just cut the budget by the amount not able to be accounted for each year.
Simple fix. Cut their budget every year by the amount they can’t account for the previous year.
They made progress. The found a missing comma on a spreadsheet.
I’ve gone through multiple dozens of audits and inspections in both the Army and in business. Passing is the minimum expectation. Failing an inspection due to even a minor finding was taken very badly. It sounds like your group had the same expectation.
If you take the time to read this you’ll see the strategic thought involved derives from a career in the military cut short because he was basically drummed out due to his reasoned assaults on this trillion monstrosity. The Russians will spend $71 Billion on defense this year! Let that sink in.
Maybe Hegseth is the smartest guy drinking beer down at the VFW hall but you still need better.
“Toward a New National Military Strategy
For real and meaningful reductions in the current $1 trillion national defense budget to occur, national command authorities must alter the nation’s strategic focus. New national security legislation must move the posture of U.S. forces away from military interventions focused on nation-building, democratization, or alleged threats. Instead, the defense posture should focus on the Western Hemisphere, learning to avoid patterns of behavior antithetical to U.S. interests.
The following five points offer the foundation for a new national military strategy that is both affordable and sustainable within the new multipolar, international system of the 21st century:
• Defend America First: Reserve the use of American military power for defense of the United States in the Western Hemisphere. Secure U.S. borders, coastal waters, and airspace. Military power may be used to defend American citizens and identified vital strategic interests at home and abroad. However, unless the United States’ vital strategic interests or territory are directly attacked, Washington will avoid the use of force.
• Maintain Strategic Military Power: Ensure U.S. freedom of action in areas of strategic importance by preserving and enhancing the American military’s core capabilities. Identify, defend, and maintain critical lines of communication and a reduced number of overseas bases needed for the execution of these tasks.
• Declare a “No First Use” Doctrine for Nuclear Weapons: Maintain the scientific-industrial capacity to wage high-end conventional warfare and build nuclear weapons, but recognize that the alleged advantage of striking first with nuclear weapons is illusory. Preventive or preemptive war is unwise and immoral and should be excluded from American military strategic planning.
• Establish an Operational National Defense Staff: Develop, update, and implement a refined Unified Command Plan to dramatically reduce unneeded overhead and improve the U.S. Armed Forces’ responsiveness to national command authority. This action requires legislation to place a “Chief of Defense” in the chain of command with real authority, not just advisory responsibility.
• Build New Armed Forces for the 21st Century: America needs a strong military designed to protect the United States in the 21st century, not an anachronistic and expensive industrial-age structure with enormous overhead and few fighters.”
Before posting you might want to check the bio of your target, You could not be more wrong if you were trying. Someone posted a comparison of the last 10 Defense Secs. He is better qualified then any of them wore considering they were all products of the Military Industrial complex. Hegseth was an infantry officer with front line combat experience in modern war. He is exactly who DOD needs in charge
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
If we want to fix something we don’t put one of the clowns who broke it back in charge,.
Got it, You wanted Ron Paul to run it. Sorry but Paul is going no where in any Government. So rather then continue with pointless whining to defend an irrational feeling, actually LEARN about your target
Pete Hegseth should fired every single officer (even flag officers) responsible for those failed audits.
Every year they dodge accountability is considered progress.
He’ll need deputies, Chester, Newly AND Festus. He chases the bad guys out of Dodge, and they crunch the numbers.
Failed to provide sufficient information to auditors to form an accurate opinion.
New car
New home
New squeeze
Fat wallet
I was my battalion’s S-4 Supply Officer. I was supremely prepared for that role: degree in Public Accounting, six months as Property Book Officer, and six months as Assistant S-4. I could tell you unequivocally where every dollar went and where every major asset was located.
I said that to my Group Commander after one of his staffers fed him incorrect information: my Spec 4 was intimidated by questions from a Second Lieutenant that were beyond his knowledge. It pissed me off quite frankly.
The next day, my CO called me into his office: “I just got off the plane with the Group Commander. He sends his apologies.”
I’m now 70, just handed a nearly impossible task: reconcile the bank accounts for a Condo association that have never been reconciled since inception in 2015.
Republicans campaign on being fiscally conservative.
Why on earth would the Republicans keep funding a government agency that fails 7 audits in a row?
That is the definition of insanity.
Where’s the lie?
The Secretary sets policy. The deputies and staff perform the tasks. The Secretary can enforce good work place practices.
From the article: “This year, the audit cost the Defense Department $178 million and involved some 1,700 auditors
Average salary then of the 1700 auditors was $104.706. Simple math. For that amount the audit should have defined the specific problems so immediate corrective action could be taken.
Thanks! BTW, I was a 26YO First Lieutenant at the time.
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