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FBI Used Confidential Human Sources, Undercover Agents to Monitor Alleged Nashville Energy Bomber for Months Prior to Arrest
The Tennessee Star ^ | November 4, 2024 | Tom Pappert

Posted on 11/04/2024 11:37:06 PM PST by MikelTackNailer


The Biden-Harris Department of Justice announced on Monday the arrest of 24-year-old Skyler Philippi, who prosecutors claim plotted to use a weapon of mass destruction to bomb a Nashville energy facility, as part of what Attorney General Merrick Garland called a “violent white supremacist ideology.”

In his Monday statement, the attorney general revealed, “the FBI had already compromised his plot,” and charging documents reveal the federal agency first gained knowledge of Philippi in June.

A federal filing in the case Phillipi reveals a Confidential Human Source (CHS-1), who had a previous relationship with the FBI, began reporting conversations with Philippi around in June, when he allegedly expressed “desire to commit a mass shooting at a YMCA facility,” somewhere around his home in Columbia, Tennessee.

According to the federal government, Philippi was then passed from CHS-1 to another Confidential Human Source (CHS-2), who lived closer to the 24-year old, and was “able to meet in person in Philippi.”

By July 17, the indictment revealed Philippi was communicating with CHS-2 via phone calls that were recorded by the FBI asset, and specifically discussed plans to attack nine or more electric substations to “shock the system.”

During a phone call on that date that was not recorded, the DOJ claims Philippi and CHS-2 also discussed “stealing a train de-railer for the purpose of derailing a train.”

The next month, the filing reveals CHS-2 introduced Philippi to an undercover FBI agent for an in-person meeting, where Philippi allegedly told the undercover agent about a “manifesto” outlining his antisemitic and white supremacist views, specifically expressing a desire to attack “high tax cities or industrial areas to let the k**** lose money.” (I'm guessing he said "kikes". - MTN)

Two more undercover FBI agents were introduced to Philippi by September, when he allegedly discussed plans to build a drone for the purpose of attacking an energy facility, and apparently claimed to have associates who may help with the scheme.

The FBI claims Philippi confirmed his intention to attack Nashville during one September meeting, when he allegedly told the undercover agents, “I definitely want to hit Nashville, like one hundred percent. I want to get Nashville.”

He allegedly continued to communicate with the undercover agents about the plot for weeks, and began issuing orders to the undercover agents about how they should dress for the attack by September 28.

Throughout October, the FBI claims Philippi continued to inform the agents about his plan’s progress, including the procurement of black powder on October 10, and the selection of November 2 or November 3 by October 19.

Confirmation by the federal government of its significant involvement in producing the case against Philippi comes after the federal agency was criticized for its similar level of involvement in the plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan in 2020.

That plot similarly boasted a group of collaborators that largely contained federal agents. These government operatives assisted with the plot, and claimed to have skills including explosives expertise, or offered to drive vehicles and provide security.

Use of confidential human sources and embedded agents to secure arrests is a tactic the FBI has used since at least 2013, when the FBI arrested a Kansas man who brought an inoperative bomb to an airport. Though the man thought the bomb was real, and that he was engaged in a jihadist plot with an individual he met on social media, it was actually the FBI communicating with him.

Without his knowledge, the agency instructed the man to build a device that would not detonate.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events; US: Tennessee
KEYWORDS: bombplot; doj; fbi; fib; merrickgarland; nashville; skylerphilippi; whitesupremicist; whitmer
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He seems to be more bragadocious idiot than actual threat, egged on by "friends" mostly made up of law enforcement agents and informants - very much like the Whitmer case which dissolved in it's own puddle of preposterousness. But the Regime is obviously going to go out kicking and screaming about white supremacists lurking everywhere just awaiting their moment to bushwhack 'democracy'.
1 posted on 11/04/2024 11:37:06 PM PST by MikelTackNailer
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To: MikelTackNailer

Oh, another case requireing months to “Build”!
With nearly everyone being a Fed.
Started with an anon “Asset” and an idiot, but is not entrapment?

2 posted on 11/04/2024 11:52:46 PM PST by Ex gun maker. (Free thinking is now a radical concept, I will not be assimilated by PC or EV group-think!)
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To: MikelTackNailer
Surprise! Surprise!

Another manufactured agent provocateur pretense by FIB operatives on behalf of the UniParty Psychopathocracy.

Another day, another the Lame Stream Media DemoCrazy propaganda campaign, where They prop up useful idiots as their make believe "white supremacist" boogiemen.

God help Us tomorrow, without Divine Intervention We don't stand a chance!

3 posted on 11/04/2024 11:57:03 PM PST by Veracious Poet (• Damnant quod non intellegunt •)
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To: MikelTackNailer
"as part of a violent white supremacist ideology.”

Yep! Real logic.../s

What part of violent white supremacist ideology would call for attacking an energy facility???

4 posted on 11/04/2024 11:58:16 PM PST by SuperLuminal ( Where is Samuel Adams when we so desperately need him)
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To: MikelTackNailer
Re: "The FBI had already compromised his plot."

Legal Translation...

The FBI invented the entire plot and subverted the "violent White Supremacist" into participating!

5 posted on 11/05/2024 12:36:06 AM PST by zeestephen (Trump "Lost" By 43,000 Votes - Spread Across Three States - GA, WI, AZ)
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To: MikelTackNailer

The FBI is so dirty I don’t believe anything they say.

6 posted on 11/05/2024 1:33:35 AM PST by roving (Deplorable MAGA Garbage )
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To: MikelTackNailer

I no longer believe a single word from the FBI.

Not one single word.


7 posted on 11/05/2024 1:38:30 AM PST by Lurker ( Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is.)
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To: MikelTackNailer

The Federal Bureau of Instigation strikes again.

8 posted on 11/05/2024 1:53:51 AM PST by Gary from Dayton (Army Vet 1986-1991 unburdened by what I was burdened by before.)
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To: MikelTackNailer

A 24 year old using the word k***s??? No one under the age of 60 has even heard that word. The whole thing sounds made up. I now think that the F in FBI stands for Fiction. The Bureau of Fiction Investigation.

9 posted on 11/05/2024 2:05:11 AM PST by vivenne
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To: Ex gun maker.; Veracious Poet; SuperLuminal; zeestephen; roving; Lurker; Gary from Dayton; ...
Found a more detailed report with pics from Fox News:

FBI thwarts man’s alleged plan to attack Nashville power grid with explosive-laden drone
Skyler Philippi is charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and attempted destruction of an energy facility

By Greg Wehner Fox News, Published November 4, 2024 6:17pm EST

A Columbia, Tennessee man allegedly attempted to fly a drone packed with explosives into an energy facility before the FBI stopped him from destroying the critical infrastructure, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

In a press release, the DOJ said 24-year-old Skyler Philippi was arrested and charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and attempted destruction of an energy facility.

"As charged, Skyler Philippi believed he was moments away from launching an attack on a Nashville energy facility to further his violent white supremacist ideology – but the FBI had already compromised his plot," Attorney General Merrick B. Garland said. "This case serves as yet another warning to those seeking to sow violence and chaos in the name of hatred by attacking our country’s critical infrastructure: the Justice Department will find you, we will disrupt your plot, and we will hold you accountable."

The DOJ said Philippi told a confidential human source (CHS) in June, that he wanted to commit a mass shooting at a YMCA in the Columbia, Tennessee area.

Skyler Philippi took a picture with FBI undercover employees while holding pipe bombs. (Department of Justice)

Nearly a month later, he allegedly told another CHS that an attack on large interstate substations would "shock the system," and cause other substations to malfunction.

According to the DOJ, Philippi researched previous attacks on electric substations, ultimately concluding that just using firearms was not enough. Instead, he planned to use a drone with explosives attached to it, and then fly the drone into a substation.

In September, Philippi allegedly went to a substation with undercover FBI employees that he had previously researched and conducted reconnaissance on.

Skylar Philippi met with FBI undercover employees in an open area near Franklin, Tennessee, to test fly a drone. (Department of Justice)

While on the way, Philippi allegedly ordered C-4 and other explosives from the undercover employees, then later purchased black powder to put into pipe bombs. The DOJ said Philippi intended to use the pipe bombs during the attack on the substation.

He also allegedly texted the confidential source, "if you want to do the most damage as an accelerationist, attack high economic, high tax, political zones in every major metropolis." Referring to the substation, Philippi stated, "Holy sh**. This will go up like a fu**in fourth of July firework."

Philippi allegedly discussed the need for disguises, leather gloves, wearing shoes that are too big and the need to burn their clothes after attacking the substation. He also allegedly told the crew to not bring smartphones on the night of the attack.

On Nov. 2, 2024, Philippi participated in a Nordic ritual and recited a Nordic prayer, the DOJ said.

"This is where the New Age begins," Philippi reportedly told the undercover employees, adding it was time to do something big that would be remembered "in the annals of history."

Philippi and the undercover employees drove to the site, and when they arrived, they moved to their assigned lookout positions before law enforcement agents arrested him.

The DOJ said Philippi was at the rear of the vehicle when he was arrested, where the drone was powered up. Next to the drone, the DOJ added, was an armed explosive.

"Driven by a racially motivated violent extremist ideology, the Defendant planned to attack the power grid with a drone and explosives, leaving thousands of Americans and critical infrastructure like hospitals without power," FBI Director Christopher Wray said. "The FBI’s swift work led to the detection and disruption of the defendant’s plot before he could cause any damage. We are committed to holding accountable anyone who threatens the security of our critical infrastructure or seeks to harm American communities through domestic violent extremism."

Philippi was charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and attempted destruction of an energy facility. He faces up to life in prison if convicted.


Well it seems they found an actual Aryan nutball to nail. It took loads of encouragement and help on their part but they finally got their posterboy. - MTN

10 posted on 11/05/2024 2:24:36 AM PST by MikelTackNailer (Trump 2024 - Taking Out The Trash)
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To: MikelTackNailer

Agree with your assessment but where does the “hatred” for electrical power come in? That sounds more like a climate change green energy person would do. Does taking out electrical grids only hurt Jews? Sounds like FIB nerd boys playing video games and turned it into real life.

11 posted on 11/05/2024 2:32:16 AM PST by vivenne
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To: MikelTackNailer

Why not arrest him when he threatened the YMCA? None of this other stuff would have happened.

12 posted on 11/05/2024 2:42:16 AM PST by Lisbon1940 (I don’t see why they would)
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To: vivenne

I agree most likely a green weanie.

13 posted on 11/05/2024 3:05:17 AM PST by riverrunner
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To: MikelTackNailer

Bit they can’t seem to thwart any transhuman shooters or would be Trump assassins even though they post crazy stuff all over OR are they the ones in the chat encouraging and feeding information. It’s hard to know :(

14 posted on 11/05/2024 4:01:55 AM PST by small farm girl
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To: MikelTackNailer

Didn’t a huge White supremacist leader just back Commiehella? Oh yes one did.

Trump supporters and those on the right support Jews.

I think it’s the democrats who are whitesupremacist.

15 posted on 11/05/2024 4:05:02 AM PST by stockpirate (A group of baboons is referred to as a "Congress" of baboons.)
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To: MikelTackNailer

I just got back from Nashville TN a week ago. It is like a HARRIS island in the midst of a TRUMP sea.

16 posted on 11/05/2024 5:46:41 AM PST by Ruy Dias de Bivar
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To: Ex gun maker.
That plot similarly boasted a group of collaborators that largely contained federal agents.

So, by himself, this boob was no more capable of 'terrorism' than Peanut the Squirrel. With the help of the Feds, the
poor clown was able to strive toward his fantasy and thereby run into the iron-clad trap set by the FBI.

This is the covert, white supremacist threat facing the nation - a Government set-up of a basement dweller with no
more means of realizing his delusion than Rachael Maddow realizing her dream of being a US Senator?

17 posted on 11/05/2024 5:50:08 AM PST by Thommas (The snout of the camel is already under the tent.)
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To: Thommas
Yup; he hugs the environment, wants to turn off the juice and hates him some Jooos. I believe he may well have been coerced by "buddies" he communicated with while playing co-op video games over the internet.

Is there a "stupidity plea" on par with the "insanity defense"? If he weren't so melanin deficient and here legally one of those ACLU lawyers might have taken his case.

18 posted on 11/05/2024 8:57:24 AM PST by MikelTackNailer (Trump 2024 - Taking Out The Trash)
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To: MikelTackNailer

Yet the eco-nuts who were attacking power lines in WA and OR were rarely found and barely prosecuted when they were.
Oh, right, no Fed, encouragment to “Build” the case there.
If anyone is a real danger taking months to “Build a case” is criminal action too.

19 posted on 11/05/2024 10:33:55 AM PST by Ex gun maker. (Free thinking is now a radical concept, I will not be assimilated by PC or EV group-think!)
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To: MikelTackNailer

“This is where the New Age begins,” Philippi reportedly told the undercover employees, adding it was time to do something big that would be remembered “in the annals of history.”

Modern assassins (for example, John Wilkes Boothe who wrote of “toppling the Colossus of Rhodes”; John Hinckley to impress Jodie Foster; John Chapman) are more into attaching themselves to the fame of the person they kill, than anything the death accomplishes or ideology. Have to wonder if Philippi was actually into White Supremacy or if that was just a vehicle for doing something destructive to be infamous.

20 posted on 11/05/2024 10:41:57 AM PST by Chewbarkah
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