I’ve wondered how those fare in a strong hail storm.
Had a strong hailstorm here in 2011. It damaged just about every roof and just about all of those roofs had to be replaced. Replacing the solar panels would have added that much more cost to the roof replacements.
They all produce around 36 volts, 250+ watts under full sun.
Up to 4 are usually wired in series for around 150 volts.
I found no fuses or circuit breakers on any of them.
If a critter gnaws on the wiring, you have a chance of an arc and a fire.
I added fuses to every one and mounted them on vehicle, trailers and scaffolds. I won't mount them on any building.
I do have 4 water collectors for our hot water and heating. Those are mounted on our barn.
I've had a couple of leaks over the years, but I'm certainly not going to bother the insurance company about that.
It's not a problem if you build a sturdy metal roof to cover them.