DINC’s can enjoy more active life.
Dinc = double income no children.
You nailed it for us. I knew since I was really young that I never wanted children, and it took me until I was 35 to meet a lady that felt the same. We are very fortunate, and have an amazing life together.
My kids call their cousin a DINKWAD: dual income no kids with a dog
They can enjoy life up to a point....but who will come see them when they’re old?
Yup. From what I’ve seen, it comes down to wanting stuff and experiences (e.g., elaborate vacations). Children get in the way of that. Though a lot of the childless don’t realize that being a parent is perhaps the most important, meaningful and defining experience in a human being’s life.
Ewwww. There are several of these “women” I work with. They are selfish to the max, a new level, I have never seen. They are filled with hate of everything, and have the temperament of a toddler.
They are wrecked with big pharma hormones. Most unpleasant. They own their husband. He never gets to drive.
Only a soy boy would want these relationships.
They have been told the key to happiness is a career or competitive sports.
Sister.. strength fades, motherhood doesn’t. Our youngest was over yesterday. It’s a different mothering when they are grown, but your heart is overjoyed, still
It makes you a better wife too.