Posted on 07/25/2024 11:32:49 PM PDT by thecodont
JERUSALEM, Israel – Many Americans believe the failure of the attempted assassination of former President Trump was a miracle. Many Israelis do as well, and that's why one man wanted to give thanks at a place among the most holy in all of Jerusalem: the Western Wall.
James Rosenberg asked Jews at the Wall to join him in reciting Psalm 100 on behalf of the 45th president.
"This is a psalm that is dedicated to being thankful to God for something that happens that you want to be thankful for," Rosenberg told those gathered.
He says the group's action at the Wall and what happened to President Trump transcended politics.
"The issue about what we said there was a miracle," Rosenberg recounted. "There was a miracle that happened, a big miracle. And Mr. Trump knows it and his followers know it. And people all around him know that there was a miracle there. If that bullet had gone a quarter of a centimeter to the other side, he'd be gone and he knows that."
The people in Jerusalem recited the Psalm on behalf of the former president.
"So, the way we (Jewish people) look at things, when a person has a miracle, they have to be thankful. And I, in my saying that chapter of the Psalms, was acting on behalf of Mr. Trump, because he has an obligation to say thankful (things), to be thankful, and to say it at the most important place in the world, which is right over there," Rosenberg stated, pointing at the Western Wall.
Rosenberg believes miracles such as the one that happened in Butler, PA, affect the nations and Israel.
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I do as well. I hope he keeps sparing and protecting him.
Amen. Me too!
Psalm 100
A psalm for giving grateful praise.
1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
The bizarre things happening in our world today
Some of them are Kafkaesque - a movie I’m actually going to have to watch some day (Kafka - 1991)
I never got around to seeing it
This is why I’m not worried about the election. God has chosen Trump to be the leader. He is a friend of Israel.
The book of Exodus reveals the protective power that saved President Trump and for thousands of years has protected the Jewish People.
President Trump is thankful and is openly and clearly giving God the credit for it.
I will bless those who bless you (Israel),
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.
The wonderful fact is that God has already warned us about what is going to happen...that is comforting!! It is all on schedule.
Thanks be to God I made a couple of very small investments to promoting the Bible and Bible Prophecy the last 15-18 hours or so.
A gentlemen from church, asked me Wednesday night, if I would speak at his (different) church some time. Well, if the Lord wills it and can make the travel arrangements (it’s not that far) then I told him I’d be honored to do so. We shall see what the Lord wills.
That being said, I am trying to get my highly-qualified pastor friend on (unnamed) national / international TV show.
Please be in prayer about THAT too. If the Lord wills it.
Guys like him are a rare breed; so I’m praying. The ball is in the court of the TV show. I think he has a lot to offer to the unsaved world. He HAS preached and traveled all of the world. From Singapore to South Korea, to several nations in Africa and is currently doing an online webcast to multiple nations. names. (wink)
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