Trump was always a playboy and a Democrat, so of not much interest to me.
However, I do remember all these years later a story reported about Trump when he was having certain financial... ah... difficulties.
The story has Trump walking with his then-wife in Atlantic City and, seeing a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk, says to his wife, "see that homeless man, dear? He's worth a billion dollars more than I am today."
I like that about him.
Trump was a Democrat for 8 years, from 2001 to 2009, which you will note was during George W. Bush's terms. He was an Independent for a year between 2011-2012, and a member of the Reform Party for two years or less from 1999-2001. The rest of his life he's been a registered Republican for a total of at least 26 years.
If you're going to make a claim, at least make sure you have your facts right. I was a Democrat once too, many years ago, but I was a registered Republican for more than 40 years, until January 6th, when I changed to "no party" because the majority of Republicans in Congress voted to sanction unlimited voter fraud on that date.