Have you been to Canada or are you repeating what you have seen on right wing blogs and media? There is an incentive to exaggerate claims that make countries that have leftist governments into something worse than they are.
As a Canadian, I can assure you that Candor 7 is almost dead-on in the assessment of an appalling number of my fellow citizens.
I live approximately 600 miles Southwest of Fogo Island.
Truely a Canadian. I never bought the schtick sold by sucessive liberals since Lester Pearson.No one in my family did.
My Gandfather fought in WWI as a Horse drawn ambulence driver and made it home alive. He sure as hell did not fight and risk his life for the crap that the feds now foist on Canadians.The feds just raised Capital Gains tax to 67%....and not even hardly a whimper in the press?
I support the Freedom Convoy and their politcal stand against the Trudeau government that falsely declared them terrorists an seized the bank accounts of Canadians who donated to them in the millions of dollars.
Like I said, There will be no grass roots politics in Canada until Canadians wake up.They even tolerated the invocation of the EMergency( War Measures) Act to bully a few hundred truckers around and Canadians supported these federal COWARDS!
NOw the feds are removing the right to buy handguns and have banned semi auto rifles that law abiding Canadians have used lawfully for over 70 years? And most Canadians think thats just fine? Idjits.
YOu bet Canduians are serfs.Their only hope is to rise up against these effing fedral idjits and send them packing....using the vote which they now waste for the most part.
May Louis Riel be reborn.