Same as the boxes on the one knew what was in the boxes.
And the assumption must be..."Nothing nefarious in those boxes".
If you really believe Trump is Hitler, why not use extralegal means to stop Hitler? If you think Trump will set up camps for all Liberal Americans and gas them by the millions, wouldn’t you do anything to stop him? This is why I fear assassination by bomb that will kill hundreds (Trump supporters are whacked out cultists—like the SS) MAGA is the New Nazis—so all is fare to rid the world of them, their wives and children too. If you buy the propaganda that Trump will end Democracy (and not just the Liberal Left) you would almost be remiss in not trying to kill him or stop him any way you can. Hillary, Soros, The MEDIA, have worked double time to spread the “news” that Trump is Hitler and Melania is Eva Brune.