Remove ss numbers from deceased citizens so illegals can’t use the numbers for benefits.
There are millions of these numbers still active, and illegal.
Illegals can buy ‘still active’ ss numbers on the streets of major American cities for about 3 grand, and the democrats ALWAYS look the other way.
Getting rid of this fraud would go a long way to restoring solvency.
I’ve worked in several major cities where this type of fraud is easy and common knowledge.
Everybody who needs the numbers knows how to do it or where to go to get active numbers.
It’s not a big secret.
Illegals working under bogus SS numbers will never see a dime of what they’re paying in. The Feds know this and are fine with being able to keep 30 something billion a year-off the books.
Duplicate numbers..... if anyone here doesn’t think the SSA doesn’t know AND KEEP TRACK OF duplicate/multiple use of SSNs in different internal accounts I have a bridge to sell you.
One of the first and most productive uses of computers throughout their development has been database management and query for different field criteria. The reason they don’t crack down is because they WANT the FICA/OASDI payments those fake numbers bring in. They also track all the different inputs and keep the true owner’s contributions separate because they don’t want the owner to get credit for the other payments and end up getting a bigger retirement check.
SS isn’t going to change anytime soon. If it does, it will be for those ages who aren’t powerful voter blocs (e.g., very young adult workers vs seniors who consistently vote). That’s not to say there won’t be plenty of ‘scare mongering’ out there and exhausting campaign debate (lies).