Posted on 05/06/2024 6:09:16 PM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
On Monday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said that Israel dropping leaflets warning civilians is “yet another example” “of the IDF continuing to follow the rules of war.” But the reported paused ammunition shipment to Israel “does signal that there are grave concerns on the part of many of us. It is a reminder that many have raised concerns about the conduct of what might be the last phase of this war in Gaza” in Rafah.
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The Rafah operation has begun, so screw Biden.
Exactly— WHAT rules of war are they speaking of— the ones the Allies followed in WWII and thereafter. Sanitized rules of egg shell walking touchie feelie fags in the US State Dept, and, for that matter in the US DOD too. Milley Vannilli..Vanilla rosey pants and a furtive faggot gaunt looking face.
What rules of war, again? Our rules for Israel, a sovereign country to follow to get our goodies. Ever think that maybe they don’t need our goodies. Ammo? they can get it elsewhere and they do have massive stockpiles unbeknownst to US moron intel types.
And American Jews will still vote for Biden since Trump destroyed a woman’s right to claim another human as personal property at the Federal level, which is what they considered to be America’s most important contribution to civilization.
Coons— someone needs to ask him HOW much did it cost to let Joe Biden pinch his little daughters nipples on live television? Better yet, someone catch Coon’s wife with the very question and get a recording of her non-answer. She knows and she knew— it was a requirement to be in Joey Pervo Petes’ circle of jerkers and paedos. She won’t stay married to Coons much longer if she even really is now.
Trump was impeached for just talking about pausing an authorized aid shipment.
Admiral Pinnochio is at the podium every day now. He said Hamas had agreed to the terms that Qatar and Egypt came up with. Silly me. I did not know that Hamas was at war with Qatar and Egypt.
Your “grave concerns”, Coons, have more to do with Michigan than Rafa.
Rules - when dealing with raping murdering terrorists.......
Gotta protect Hamas. Can’t let Israel eradicate the brave freedom fighters.
Seems like Coons has validated that the ammunition shipments have paused, and why.
I assume Israel has enough ammo to do this mission without US supplies. I would plan with and without US support and check feasibility. I will assume bibi and his staff will not worry about US politics as much. Besides the withholding of ammo could be a verbal ploy for political consumption and still send the toys.
What the devil is in Rafah that required so much delay? Is it proof that the USA, UN, other members of the international community were working hand in glove with the fakestinians to destroy the State of Israel. If so, is this the beginning of the end for all states not large in size or population, so that globalization can proceed.
And if that were the case is another issue the choice of the one religion for the surviving inhabitants of the one world globalized state?
Weren’t these arms being paused allocated by Congress and signed into law by Biden? Isn’t it against the law to hold them up?
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