Man! Your hubby was one lucky guy to have been zapped by that lightning strike and be able to tell the tale. Did he have to go to the hospital? I imagine he feared that the same thing would happen to you.
Guess I’ll finish up this show and head out. The melatonin is kicking in. zzzz....
He was zapped three times. Twice here at the farm and once at a big party at the foot of one of the mountains close by. Two people were killed at that party. Hubby was tossed several feet and knocked out. He was extremely lucky that time. His sleep pattern was messed up the rest of his life, and he magnetized metal, such as his keys that he kept in his pocket. He couldn’t wear a watch because he killed the batteries.
Yes, he did fear I get zapped. He said one day I wouldn’t come back inside and he find me a smoldering heap of ash somewhere in the yard. LOL
I’ve been “tingled” twice through my feet when lightning hit a tree close enough by to electrify the ground. It was a weird feeling.
Sleep well. Catch ya tomorrow.