Posted on 04/30/2024 11:31:52 AM PDT by Twotone
As a political observer and sometimes activist, I am accustomed to others' efforts to label their opponents. This is standard practice for politicians and the media, who know that disparaging the proponents of ideas they do not like is a way to avoid debate.
A recent disparagement is a claim that I support and am a leader in something called “Christian Nationalism,” a made-up label that conflicts with biblical teaching.
Our primary identity as believers is as a member in the Body of Christ. This is an expression of plurality, with each person being a unique part of the Body, united by one Head, who is Christ. “Christian” is sufficient, because Christ is the Head and the Center, and believers spiritually unite together in Him.
Embracing a spiritual identity as a Christian-Something is to make the “Something” preeminent over Christ. That conflicts with the core tenets of Christianity. Embracing a Christian-Something term conflicts with the biblical teaching that Christ is the center and focal point of our Faith.
Apparently, the Left is equating the term “Christian Nationalism” with authoritarianism. This makes the term not only unbiblical but un-American.
America was founded on the same type of pluralism reflected by the concept of the Body of Christ. America’s national motto reflects the very essence of Christian pluralism: E Pluribus Unum (from many, one). It is an indication of our historic commitment to the principle of self-governance, which is both a tenet of our Judeo-Christian heritage and foundational for our republic.
America is exceptional in part because we rejected European authoritarianism, some of which was cloaked in Christian trappings. Their flawed approach was to build a “Holy Roman Empire” that replaced God as King with earthly kings who claimed God’s authority. It resulted in a governmental system of elites who exploited everyone else, and allowed for the whims of mortals to lord over others based on bloodlines and raw power. All in opposition to the teachings of Christ.
By comparison, the American model allows every person his or her God-given free will to believe in Him (or not), pursue their own dreams, and make and bear the consequences of their own choices. Its emphasis on the biblical Rule of Law allows frameworks—federalism, local control, and personal freedom—within which communities can organize while free will can also be expressed.
The biblical concept of Rule of Law is grounded in God’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves. Jesus elevated the concept, adding that we should even love and pray for our enemies. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Christian preacher, placed loving our enemies at the center of the civil rights movement, which he framed as a call for America to live up to its founding principles.
I encourage believers to resist any Christian-Something labels. I proclaim simply that I am a Christian. I am also many other things, such as a husband, father, business owner, and citizen. I seek to steward those responsibilities as taught by Christ, and play a role in breathing life into E Pluribus Unum.
The lefties don’t care. If “Christian Nationalist” fails to garner support or effect they’ll just move on to their next hate-filled term to use against us.
The proper response to leftist scum isn’t a well-crafted argument, it’s a baseball bat to their face. That’s the only thing that ever gets their attention.
Ironically, after every leftist revolution the very first people exterminated by the new leftist regimes are always the revolutionaries, activists, and intellectuals who toppled the previous regime. This is cold comfort for those of us who see our liberties trampled upon. All the same...
Sic semper tyrannus.
Nobody calls themself a “Christian Nationalist”. I think it stems from the fact that Leftists don’t call Nazis “socialists” (because they are socialists). They call them “nationalists”, referring to the national part of national socialism. That way they can disparage Christians by calling them something that they are not.
It’s just a term of derision that lefties use because they are unable to deal with substantive reality and are therefore reduced to parroting ad hominem labels. I have one for them too: National Socialists.
Interesting but logic hasn’t stopped anyone with climate change, fear based pandemic, Ukraine, BLM, BDS, DEI and telling us Biden is in full control of his faculties so my prognostication is this will be the chant all through Trump’s four years should these kind banshee’s allow him the keys to the WH.
” America is exceptional in part because we rejected European authoritarianism, some of which was cloaked in Christian trappings. Their flawed approach was to build a “Holy Roman Empire” that replaced God as King with earthly kings who claimed God’s authority. It resulted in a governmental system of elites who exploited everyone else, and allowed for the whims of mortals to lord over others... “
What is “exceptional” here is the nonsense, lies and slander of this historic portrayal.
Combines the best smears of Medieval Europe from anti-Christian athiests, Marxists and anarchists, with some self-regarding RAH-RAH USA ! BS.
Anybody with any self-awareness in 2024 America (or any Western country) would not be writing about past historic Regimes as “a governmental system of elites who exploited everyone else”.
Don’t waste air arguing with leftist Nazi totalitarians.
Why does that bother you? it sounds like he’s describing the average monarchy to me, the norm for government at the time of the revolution.
There are few and far between of those in America these days.
Almost every news story posted on FR is an example of "a governmental system of elites who exploited everyone else".
So in 2024 we get the same Oligarchic structure as Medieval Europe (disguised as "Contitutional Republic" instead of Monarchy).
But in 2024, we have the additional humiliation of an organized invasion implemented by our own elites, our elites planning to shut down energy, electricity and agriculture, and people's children in schools being groomed, gendered, tranzzed, pozzed and castrated, and the criminalization of pronoun usage IN EVERY BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRY !
People in Medieval Europe who wanted to do such things were put to death. Not put in charge of the institutions of the country.
Choose your Oligarchy.
And where does every islamic turd worlder and animist African want to move? To a white Christian nation. And don’t look now democrats. Your terrorist wing wants an islamic caliphate.
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