the crazy continues. Disgusting.
We desperately need sane people back in the White House.
War on women — a very important theater of war in the larger war against human existence.
The National Organization for Guys in Drag (NOGD) approves.
And yet Democrats are making the election about abortion, claiming that the Republicans hate women.
I will be greatly amused as I sit back and watch women aced-out of athletic scholarships that otherwise would have covered their college costs (unless they’re going to an NAIA school (at least until the Biden minions bring down their hammer on the NAIA)).
Every politician that coddles these monsters needs to be held accountable whether they are a D or an R.
“Trannies are wack.” - Gays.
Women are right back to being on the bottom of society. Why? Because the Left counts on abortion rights to keep them in line and doesn’t worry they will stray.
God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” And God created man in His own image, in the image of God he Created him; male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:26-27
And He (Jesus) answered and said, “Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE,”... Matthew 19:4
the thing that the VAST majority of Americans do not realize is the leftist, radical, socialist democrats have spent literally decades attempting to destroy sports...of any kind! they absolutely despise competitive anything, not because all competitions reveal “winners and LOSERS”, but because competition doesn’t serve the socialist idea of “everyone is equal...except the leaders. this whole charade of faux men being equal to women has always been intended to destroy all competitive sports in the long run by destroying anyone’s ability to enter fairly into a competitive situation. eventually everyone turns off the sports and gets down to the socialist agenda, which is the way they mean it to be. disagreement is futile.
And they get violent..like in Lot’s Days
“”For as in the Days of Lot, so shall be The Coming of the Son of Man”
Does this mean that schools no longer are required to provide two separate sports teams to accommodate only two sexes? What a money saver for those schools that are now doing that very thing!
I called this when that dude was swimming as a chick at Penn. Womyn voted for this crap because abortion, abortion, abortion...
Eff em Title IX was always unfair anyway. They used football to screw non revenue men’s sports.
Women have utterly led the charge for homosexuality and tranny business. They could stop it in an afternoon if they feel like it. I guess they aren’t suffering enough. None of my concern…
Funny how the left is obsessed with “safe spaces” except when it comes to women. Then they do a 180 and show only cruel indifference.
And parents and women can fix this in a few days. Pull all your children from school and home or private school. All women drop out of sports and stop voting for Democrats.
But my abortion!!!!!!!
Title IX is now punishing women. How the times do change.