March 31 was chosen as the "International Transgender Day of Visibility" back in 2014. Easter, based on a lunar calendar, varies from year to year.
This year, Easter falls on March 31. Easter won't fall on March 31 again until the year 2086, 62 years from now.
This is one of those opportunistic coincidences that happens during highly controversial and highly competitive elections where the slightest appearance of insensitivity can be "pounced" on by the other side.
I'm not saying don't do it anyway, I'm just saying know what you're doing.
How visible was “International Transgender Day of Visibility“ last year?
I understand that “International Transgender Day of Visibility” has been around for a while and I understand that this year, this 10-year-old observance happens to fall on the holiest day of the Christian calendar.
But why does Hochul feel the need to light up state buildings in what the pretend men and pretend women claim is their colors? Why does Biden proclaim it? Why not let the day pass unremarked?
But this year theyâÂÂve gone out of their way to issue a proclamation. Why this year?
So instead of honoring the holiest day of our Judeo-Christian culture, our national government celebrates a mental disorder high-lighted by one obscure twit?