Posted on 03/07/2024 8:32:12 AM PST by MeneMeneTekelUpharsin
Folks, please watch this and share it everywhere. The flood of illegal immigration is going to cause severe financial strain on our schools AND everywhere else in society.
Click here for documentation of massive tax dollars spent on illegal aliens.
The number of children in the US is in decline, so they have to import children so as to keep all the teacher employed and the teacher’s union funded.
The Republicans in Congress should try to send to the states a constitutional amendment that would cap middle class property taxation, such as:
Property tax on any residential property of less than 2799 square feet of finished space shall be no higher the 2019 dollar amount on the property, or for a newer or since resold property what a similar property in the same area would have been taxed at for 2019 if it lacked owner specific tax breaks, increased by 3% per calendar year since 2019 and by any percentage increase to its finished living space.
Fighting for such a property tax cap now in Congress would add the electors of several deep blue states to Trump’s total and make Congress turn deep red come November.
Even devoted Democratic voters do not want to get taxed out of their homes.
How would schools get funded if property taxes are capped to 2019 scale levels? By higher sales taxation and by services taxation that is used in Florida in lieu of having a state income tax.
This is been going on for many years, they’ve choked off our social services, our schools, jails, etc. And it’s all intentional and the taxpayers are forced to pay for all of it.
It’s once again time to raise taxes on legitimate citizens to pay for this government-sponsored invasion.
“Where I live in the last decade voters have approved almost $200 million in additional taxes just for schools. Property taxes are outrageous but the liberals keep voting for it, so even if we sold our home it’s about $800 per month just for the property tax. Pretty sure there aren’t a lot of Millennials who can take that on.”
“the sales tax is bad here in Washington and the property taxes are horrendous”
“Around here property taxes and school taxes take easily 3 months of rent out of the year and that is market rate rent.”
“I don’t need any rules to tell me that we are poor....yes, we own a nice home on acrerage, and yes we owe huge property taxes on it...”
a) anchor babies
b) the kids will be born in hospitals where you pay the medical costs
c) the kids will attend schools at $10k-$30k per year in costs
d) the kids will get free lunches you pay for
e) the kids in many states will get free health insurance that you will pay for
f) the parents will get Earned Income Tax Credits
g) being in low wage jobs, the parents will never pay anything close to their net social burden in taxes
All of this is in effect an enormous subsidy from middle class taxpayers to the business class and lowers middle class wages as well.
Nope, un-possible. Nancy Pelosi told us illegals were a net positive to the economy.
Try to lever the info on how many of your tax dollars are going to the school systems to support ESL and related programs. You would have more success getting top secret cripto access from the NSA.
“the kids will get free lunches you pay for”
Nope. They’re moving on to free breakfast and free dinner as well. To “enhance performance” in “underrepresented populations”.
Basically the schools will become incubators for Rat terrorists. After they “graduate”, the only real jobs they will qualify for will be government enforcer gigs.
More prayers up.
And if you think that bill is bad, wait til you get a load of the one for Medicaid...
Perhaps people smell a 'yuge fart coming their way...particularly during a time of massive inflation. ... Homeschooling is growing exponentially. A major benefit is the gift of “time” to pursue other interests without wasting time on homework.
Tennessee spent nearly $500 million educating the children of illegal aliens.
Turn off the magnet. No job without proof of citizenship. $5,000 fine per illegal alien for employers who hire illegal aliens. Immediate deportation of illegal aliens. You lose your car, your clothes, and your children are deported with you. Proof of citizenship before you can receive ANY government benefits.
Since it was the Courts that forced Taxpayers to pay for Illegal Aliens, we should just TAX Lawyers and other Judicial Employee’s to PAY for Everything for Illegal ALiens.
Schools, jails, social services, hospitals, jobs...You name..
And the American people are forced to pay for all of it...And they just take it...
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